Fashion blogs are one of the most popular types of blogs on the internet. That must certainly be true because just about everybody cherishes some sort of music or rabidly follows some musician, group or band. Posted on February 21, 2021 by Haley Walden in Marketing. The single topic on most people’s minds on a daily basis is politics. The ultimate email opt-in plugin for WordPress. 15 Types Of Blog Post Titles That Get Clicked: A Beginner’s Guide September 19, 2017 By Guest Post 27 Comments Note From Sean: Most bloggers will spend hours writing a blog post, … Nice Article! Topics included in lifestyle blogs revolve around: • Local events. These types of blog posts are easy and fun to create. The Huffington Post , Perez … After growing tired of the 9-5, commuting and never seeing my family I decided that I wanted to make some changes and launched my first blog. These blogs can be niche specific or broader in nature. Those who consider starting a fashion blog will likely find their greatest success through focusing on a specific niche within the broader world and building up a name for themselves in this highly competitive area. So, if you have alternative viewpoints to express, are thick skinned and love swimming upstream, rogue blogging might be your thing. Image source: iStockphoto. This sort of blog can be as general or specific as you want it to be when it comes to what subject matter you prefer to provide to you audience. It certainly isn’t a quick money making exercise. Those who have a background in training athletes, leading exercise classes, are knowledgeable about diet and nutrition, or a combination of any of these areas and more often accomplish a great deal with this type of blog. They look at techniques for dealing with certain challenges in each age range, finding activities suited to them, varying nutritional needs, early education or remedial educational efforts, or specifically geared toward meeting the needs of special needs children. The perfect theme for bloggers and online-publications. These bloggers are often given opportunities to watch premium movies before they are released to the public and enjoy a lot of extra perks when they make it up toward the top of the ranks. Some hobbies are a lot more common and popular than others, which makes it a lot easier to find an audience. I’m a massive Carlisle FC fan  ( for my sins ) and love all aspects of the Beautiful Game ( Soccer ). If you get good enough guest bloggers, you’ll have a variety of content and voices which can draw a larger audience. Use a selection of tools to create valuable content for your audience. However, there are less popular hobbies that don’t often get the coverage that the big ones receive. Everything covered here but I just like to add for all those noobs who are planning to start a Blog or Vlog just pick your Niche. Tutorials and How-to guides are probably the simplest type of blog post you can work on. Political blogs, travel blogs, blogs floated by Scientist community, Educationists and other such specialist blogs. A lifestyle blog … Local or regional type blogs can cover a broader range of subjects, but those who hope to be exposed on a national or international stage will want to pick a particular subject matter as their niche and stick to it to build their audience. • Party and holiday cooking. Blogs … Refer to inspirational content & look up to someone who made it online. If so, then a pet lover’s blog might be the way to go. Choosing a type is an important starting point when launching a blog… These are highly read blogs and there is a ton of competition, so you will want to be someone who really knows your stuff and you will want to start out in a niche where you are a recognized expert to make this one fly. If you are passionate about a particular sport and have a lot to share, consider this type of blog. The following two tabs change content below. These are just a few of the many suggestions and tips that this type of blog might focus on. This is a list of notable blogs.A blog (contraction of weblog) is a web site with frequent, periodic posts creating an ongoing narrative. • New releases. I’ve done some secret shoppers and written a few reviews but wouldn’t know where to start with setting a blog up. You can literally be set up with your own domain, hosting, email and blog in just 30 mins. Finding a niche where you can establish yourself as an expert rather than trying to paint with too broad of a stroke is the best way to break into this sector of the blogosphere and begin to see some early success. A niche blog focuses on a specific topic. The exhaustive one. Unlimited Websites. So, if you know a little something about raising children, don’t hesitate to step up and deal out your much needed advice to worried and frustrated parents who need your help. Save my name and email in this browser for the next time I comment. What is Affiliate Marketing? Blogging topics included in parenting focused blogs tend to follow age-ranged categories. 1. Randy A. If it has, then hesitate no longer, get started writing your blog today. • How to locate quality products and services at discounted prices. Many look back at cars they once had with feelings of nostalgia as well. • Most exotic places. This passion keeps them going even with low traffic. Feel free to reach out to me via my email (hello at makeawebsitehub dot com) and I will be happy to help you out further – put you in the right direction. It will have a smaller audience, so it needs to turn that smaller audience into faithful followers. • Building up capital. You’ve put a lot of thought into your brand, your website and your newsletter. Breaking into this world among those will take some special connections and credentials, but there are plenty of underrepresented genres of music and musicians that can be a great subject for blogging. However, there are plenty of niches within those broader and more popular categories that you can work your way into. When possible, supplement your guide with images, videos, graphics and various other types … A business blog is used by a business to provide exposure, gain clients, support clients, and/or generate income. It has been said that music is food for the soul. If you have a lot of business experience as well as a passion for helping others to meet their goals and grab hold of their dream of greater independence, then this just might be the place where you will shine. My favorite blogs are Niche and Guest Blog. They are great especially for new blogs because if you don’t have a lot of content yet you can repurpose other bloggers content on your blog… When creating a blog, it’s important to choose the right type of blog. This type of blog differs some from the frugal living or saving money type of blog, which we discussed earlier, by focusing more on the consumer side of saving money rather than on managing expenses. It’s difficult to get right. Natural disasters, political upheaval and economic crises abound. A Roundup Post or List Post. Also related to getting the best deals on products are consumer guides and product review blogs. The blogger will need to be exceptionally knowledgeable in the topic. Yes. As of my personal research, 50% of all blogs are based on any niches. The sky is the limit in this genre and you are sure to be able to find a niche where you can begin to grow you audience. The case study blog (also, experimental or test blog) tries things out to see what works. • Luxury cars. During the early years of the internet, blogs are simply online diaries. Titles can seem more like clickbait. Estimates place the number of indigenous sports and sporting games at over 8,000, so there is no lack of sports fans or sports to write about. • Auto restoration. Style and fashion are a huge subject matter. My top pick for a Travel Blog is Dan Flying Solo. Starting a blog has never been easier. Those with ads and affiliate sales will need to attract a large audience in niches that include lots of ad network and affiliate products. Instagram is a popular image-based microblogging platform that’s used primarily for sharing photos and videos. Thematic: You can make it about a subject. If your passion is for animals and pets, don’t hesitate to start a pet lover’s blog. Besides the Personal and Corporate Blogs, one other types of blogs that you would want to check out would be the blogs that are built around a particular topic or genre which attracts contributions from the best amongst the community. So, if you have a knack for capturing the dramatic in life and tend to find yourself enjoying a wide variety of exciting experiences, this might be the perfect outlet for you. My name is Jamie Spencer and I have spent the past 5 years building money making blogs. Try Out The Drag & Drop Page Builder for FREE! The blog owner will sometimes write some of the content as well, but they’re not the primary authors. Pick your audience & go for it. They often provide free downloadable content such as e-books, checklists, guides, etc. If not done well it can eventually be polarizing to those it attracts. Food Blogs. They will also help promote the content so the articles can have a larger reach than those written by the blog owner. You will need to be very focused and at the top of your game with this type of blog as well, because there is a lot of competition when it comes to DIY blogging. The content for this type of blog focuses on products. You can picture yourself as a museum curator whose medium for displaying their discoveries in a blog. There are loads of user friendly blogging platforms to choose from. The range of subjects within this particular area is broad as well. Establishing yourself as an authority in those lesser publicized genres and musicians can become building blocks to higher exposure and greater overall authority in the industry. These blogs tend to look at such aspects as: • Saving and retirement planning. Pet blogs have a large readership in the blogosphere, especially in the broadest categories and with the most popular pets, so the competition is fierce. Preview 110+ Premade Websites & 880+ Premade Layouts. They often include galleries, shops where you can purchase or commission work, articles that show the work, provide tutorials, podcasts, etc. Being prepared to face the various challenges of providing your home with an alternative power source, being able to grow and store your own food, or being able to filter contaminated water are just the beginning of the types of subjects covered in prepper and survivalist blogs. Personal Blog The personal blog doesn’t focus on a specific topic or audience. In order to be successful, affiliate blogs need to find products with excellent affiliate programs and that are in demand. This includes landing pages, calls to action, email lists, specialized contact forms, offers, etc. A Simple Guide To Affiliate Marketing, Best Affiliate Marketing Platforms – Networks You Need To Be Using In 2021, Facebook Alternatives 2021 – Social Networks That Won’t Sell Your Data, How To Make Money On Twitch – 2021 Ultimate Guide, Jack Born on Generating Sales and Increasing Conversions With Evergreen Campaigns. Those who are big movie buffs and are passionate about sharing their opinions and experiences with various movies might do well with a blog for movie buffs. The problem most people run into is that they don’t know where to find them or how to get their hands on them if they do. Parenting blogs tend to have a huge following and they tend to be faithful followers. • Recipes and menu planning. It’s often used for coaching, consulting, guidance, personal development, spirituality, etc. These days I mostly feel that we need to keep our attention on quality content & publishing it regular basis. • Loans. They’re the most successful when they find a niche that isn’t too saturated. Yes, there are 11 types of blogs you can run. This types of blogs … Facebook is a well-known and popular social media platform that allows its users to interact and engage with their favorite brands, in addition to friends and family. Business bloggers are those who … Let us know in the comments. Ranking for keywords around the products is crucial. One of the most commonly read sections of local and national newspapers and commonly visited channels in your cable package have to deal with lifestyles. online journal or informational website displaying information in the reverse chronological order • Cheats and hacks. This is a great blog for someone who enjoys a wide variety of interests and has a knack for bringing out the dramatic and unexpected. They’ve approached this target audience with exactly what they want to hear which “We’re not about getting jacked / ripped or staying slim – its to feel good about yourself and live a happier, healthier and more fulfilling life!” Nerd Fitness operates like a video game – you create your character and track your workout quests online. Essentially, these bloggers select a specific product category, discuss how it is best used and what benefits might be gained from it, build up the value of various features, and then compare various models and how each measures up in overall value. But dining and eating out is not always the focus. The good news you can create any type of blogs with Divi framework. A lot of times these are hobby blogs and end up turning into small personal business blogs (and sometimes large-scale businesses). Stick to what you know and let that drive your business blog. The content for these blogs written by guest writers who are typically experts in the field. If you are an expert in a particular sport or simply love all sports in general, then a sports focused blog might be the outlet for sharing your knowledge and passion. Lifestyle blogs are probably the most versatile of blog types. They’ve targeted a certain type of person and created content that they’d want to read. A hot blog for those who are focused on fitness is the health and fitness blogs. Bloggers need to share what works, what doesn’t work, and why. My blog falls under the Category: Personal brand, I suppose. Regardless of the motivation, if you love exploring various lifestyles and cultures, you are probably a good fit for this type of blog. Those who have a heart for helping people stretch their household income a bit further might want to create a blog that focuses on being frugal or saving Money. • Game reviews. Your customers offer excellent feedback – you know you’re providing something that changes or improves their lives. Those who enjoy gourmet cooking, eating healthy, fine dining or simply trying out new recipes will find an excellent outlet for their passions by writing a food blog. They can also be created for the purpose of business. Movie blogs often include news and reviews of new releases or upcoming features. You could also get into detailing, special maintenance, classic cars, or where to get hard to find parts. The goal is to develop content which readers find valuable, with the simplest form of blog posts like reviews and “top XX lists” being the most common. However, there are plenty of niches within the world of business that you can zero in on and establish yourself as an expert. They try different tools, techniques, strategies, etc., and report the results to the audience in order to provide insights into their fields. The World's #1 WordPress Theme & Visual Page Builder. Video blogs or Vlogs, call them what you will, but with the rise in popularity of blogging on YouTube, video blogs are the new in-thing. Since then I have launched lots of successful niche blogs and after selling my survivalist blog I decided to teach other people how to do the same. Those that sell their own products will either need a large audience or expensive products to sell. • Tricked out trucks. Regardless of whether they are retired and exploring the world, taking their family to the very best vacation spots or looking for the best place to honeymoon, travelers are always looking for the very best. What is your favorite type of blog? I really like NerdFitness’ approach to the health and fitness niche. Human interest stories appeal to a lot of people. It works best for services and affiliate blogs. The writer just wants to make a difference and share knowledge or experience. Otherwise, if you don’t pick your audience you will not succeed in 2018 for sure. We hope that our guide of the most popular blog types has helped you zero in on the type of blog that best fits you. You will want to be sure that you inform your readers that your blog is meant as a supplement to professional medical advice and not a replacement for it in order to cover yourself legally. Affiliate Marketing worked back in 2016 & 2017. Here’s what they say about themselves:  “Regardless of where you’re at on your fitness journey today, we’re a community of underdogs, misfits and mutants that can’t wait to help.”. And slowly and steadily now it has reached that stage for progress where people had made a way of income for them. This gives readers posts that are easily shared, or can be quickly read and understood. We want to hear from you. Some are extremely specific (such as fly-fishing in TN) while others “niche-up” one notch (such as fly-fishing in the USA) to appeal to a slightly wider audience. These are only a few of the suggested topics to be addressed in this area. This is a great way for you to show off your stuff and catch the eye of important editors. Of course, one could call it as Niche blog also. Though a lot of what is involved in this type of blog is health and fitness focused, the primary objective of a natural remedies blog is to examine the various health benefits of certain foods, herbs, spices and compounds as alternative forms of medicine. The type of blog shows the blog’s purpose and how it goes about reaching its goals. Personal and affiliate blogs are the most common blog types on the net. These blogs tend to be driven toward where to find the best deals on various items. However, those starting out will need to focus on providing the content until they build an audience before going off on an audience driven venture. The Cost of a Website: How Much Does a Website Cost in 2021? For a car blog that’s a little different than the normal “petrolhead” approach to car blogs, have a look at Not only do I find them fun to read, … Movies give people the opportunity to live vicariously through the lives of their favorite characters. The key is not to be rude, but make bold statements against popular views. • Budgeting and expense planning. It takes a different angle when it comes to football blogs, which is why its so popular. The term business blog is broad. Email lists are a must as they provide a group to promote to. • Diet and health focused recipes. Those who know how to navigate the world on bonuses and discounts have a special talent and a set of skills that can be of great value to households, businesses, non-profit organizations and numerous other institutions. How To Find Out What WordPress Theme A Site is Using. • Vacation and holiday packages with the highest quality and service. Politics tends to stir up passion about as much as or more so than any other subject matter. In this case, the blogger would need to analyze the audience, monetization opportunities, and competition before starting the blog and make adjustments to the idea for the best marketing strategies. Featured Image via Inspiring / This blog focuses on the blogger as the brand. Posted on December 9, 2018 by Randy A. Many food blogs concentrate on various types of recipes and cooking as well, including: • Baking. Journalism students who want to build their resume might seriously consider a blog focused on news or current events. The best way to think of this type of blog is to channel Conan O’Brien, Craig Ferguson, Oprah or some other talk show host. • Construction. It’s a great example of a fitness blog that comes at things from a different angle. Those with the goal of being hired only needs a smaller audience, but they’ll need to build strong relationships with their audience. They’re used to build credibility for the blogger as a thought-leader, speaker, and teacher within a specific niche. Bloggers write about what interests them: their hobbies, beliefs, daily life, politics, sports, etc., and they attract the types of people that share the same interests. If you have an understanding of a wide variety of compounds and the impact they can have on individual health conditions and you have a heart for sharing your understanding and discoveries with others, you might consider this type of blog. However, if you are considering two blogs, or want to link to a friend or associate who has a frugal living blog, this extremely complimentary to that type. This post is much helpful to those who are the beginners in blogging like me. These blogs tend to focus on either preventative measures, remedies or a combination of the two. We offer a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee, so joining is Risk-Free! To help you choose the best type of blog for your needs, in this article, we’ll look at 12 types of blogs and when they’re most successful. In addition, there are plenty of opportunities to start blogs about exotic or alternative pets that will allow you to establish yourself as an expert, and then you can build upon that success. Blogs were traditionally known as ‘Homepage’ and then as people started to use it, there were different purposes for using it. • Auto racing. The focus of this blog is the business itself- their own products or services with the purpose of increasing traffic for their business in order to gain customers. Blogging is something that can be very rewarding if you are truly committed to it and absolutely love what you’re writing about. Your voice and your particular expertise is what really makes it fly, so be bold and share your those special talents with the blogosphere. Such type of blog posts with a long list of questions on a particular topic acts as a guide to that topic, which appears to be quite engaging and appears as a good sharing material. There are tons of niche areas to be brought into light with a political blog and plenty of opportunities to be either a conformist to a particular viewpoint or a rogue to all of them. Its definition would also include other types of blogs including but not limited to corporate blogs, professional blogs, personal brand … Business blogging is highly competitive and requires a fairly high level of expertise and some pretty impressive credentials if you are going to be among those rated at the top. It’s a big industry with a... 2. Aptly named, lifestyle blogs are about a person's life. • Human interest stories. It’s successful by having a large following that clicks through the call to action. Those who have an eye for fashion, fashion trends or even alternative fashion can find a home within this style of blog. They are maintained by both groups and individuals, the latter being the most common. Writers of these types of blogs tend to have a wealth of subjects to cover, even if they specialize in just a few of the many subjects. Created by Brittni Mehlhoff when she was a high school art teacher, she started her blog, Paper and Stitch, to document her passion which is DIY and crafts. They are easy because they involve you talking about things you … This type of blog tends to focus on the features and benefits of various products and comparing which products actually provide those features and benefits at the best possible price. You may also want to combine both of them together. The personal blog doesn’t focus on a specific topic or audience. Drop me a line and I’ll suggest some niches you could potentially get into that fits your areas of interest and expertise. The counter-culture thought has to be more than the headline- carrying throughout the content itself. Sorry to bother you I think I’m actually writing this more for myself. In fact, gaming is growing at such a rapid rate that keeping up with everything that is new and hot can be an overwhelming challenge. Since people are always trying to get with the trend and be fashionably good, these blogs get good recognition. For a personal blog, you could … Let’s face it, if raising children were a picnic, then there would be a whole lot less stress in our modern world. So, you want to start a blog but don’t know what to blog about.
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