Funded, in part, through a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration. Establish clear work expectations. Subscribe below and we’ll send you a weekly email summary of all new Business tutorials. That said most employee handbooks include similar topics and types of information. Get access to over one million creative assets on Envato Elements. employees need to look something up, they have to embark on an elaborate
at some examples and templates later in the tutorial as well, so you can see
A critical component of your employee handbook is the general information about being employed with your company. It's important to list all of the current federal, state, and local laws that are pertinent to your workforce. For example, many states have passed “leave laws" that govern how employers must handle certain types of leave, whether that's sick leave or jury duty. We’ll also look at some useful templates and examples to help get you
an employee handbook is, why your small business may need one, and what should
Benefits of an employee manual. paid leave policies here, such as parental leave, sick leave, vacation pay, and
Sometimes, companies do have their policies
Sign up to our Tuts+ Business newsletter using the form in the sidebar, and you’ll hear
everyone around seems so busy with their own work. or formal, contemporary or traditional, graphic-laden or text-heavy. employees are given copies of it, then you have a stronger defense. We’ll also look at some real-life examples. You’ve learned about some common types of information that
That's why you need to lay out those aims at the beginning of your employee handbook. Some things are recorded on the intranet, but in
Collaborate. work, and their safety is the most important thing. unfairly. The basic purpose of an employee handbook
support they can expect from you, and also what standards or work and behavior
Such policies may include: As should not be a surprise to you, the employee benefits section is one of the most frequently referenced sections of your employee handbook. Many small companies don't think concretely about their policies until they have to explain them in writing. that can cause confusion, and you may end up spending a lot of time fielding
Plus, they include the … The employee could try to sue you for unfair dismissal, claiming that it was
Don't worry — this is completely natural. Copyright © 2021 SCORE Association,, Resources to Help You Create an Effective Employee Handbook, No Handbook? to include in an small business employee handbook. of the book, for the employee to sign and detach, so that you can keep the copy
written warnings for disciplinary issues, you may get in trouble if you later
Clarify your business policies. An employee handbook is a compilation of all your company's policies and protocols, as well as employees' legal rights and obligations. We hope that this handbook will provide a resourceful foundation, inspire new ideas and expanded connections, and encourage the inception, growth and prosperity of small businesses in and around your community. Everything you need for your next creative project. digital form, perhaps accessible on a company intranet or shared file server. termination. at pay
He maintains a popular blog about writing and books. He's a former Wall Street Journal staff reporter, now travelling around Europe and working as a freelance writer and editor. basic purpose of the employee handbook is to set clear expectations on both
examples of real-life employee handbooks, as well as some templates you can use
about future installments in this series as well as more new business articles weekly. your own document online by providing information about your company and the
details like vacation time, benefits, disciplinary procedures and so on, it can
contents later in the tutorial. Traditionally, it was a printed book, and
It lets your employees know what kinds of benefits and
compensation such as bonuses and stock options if applicable. legal advice if you’re based elsewhere. But, in fact, once you start employing more than a handful of
Listing holiday schedules, company policies, procedures, and methods for disciplinary action, keeps the employee … one or two members of staff, you may not need an employee handbook yet—informal communication
Showcases the benefits you offer. The Complete Small Business Human Resources (HR) Guide, How to Build a Culture of Diversity and Inclusion in Your Workplace, Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign. You can also include details of
you’ve set out those policies in your handbook and documented the fact that all
When is the annual open enrollment period? Similarly, you'll want to briefly lay out the other benefits you offer, such as: Because your employees will often reference this section — who doesn't like to find out about on-the-job perks? to help you create your own. For more on
You probably know what it’s like to start a
That’s particularly useful if your employees often travel or work remotely—then
corporations need to worry about. different places, while others were only communicated by email. areas, and so on. The document is 40 pages long
document to cover what’s important for your business. As the owner of a small business, we know that writing an employee handbook may … For example, companies looking to attract younger workers often don't want to give the impression of being too strict or overbearing — as it may turn off the millennial workers seeking workplaces that promote flexibility and openness. Never miss out on learning about the next big thing. Use the templates as starting points, not finished
In this … document builders out there. That said you might — out of necessity — have to be strict about certain policies. fire an employee without having given all those warnings. First, take a look at the Rock
Consider the introduction as your first impression. also be a great place to introduce your employees to the company in other ways. We’ll look
constitutes discrimination and harassment, so that people are clear on what’s
companies include in their employee handbooks. If you found this tutorial helpful, you
In this tutorial, you’ve learned all about
As you start thinking about and planning out your employee handbook, you might realize that you haven't formalized many of your policies or that you still need to consider more thoughtfully what some of your policies should be. documented, but in a fragmented way. series: What standards do you expect from your
Design, code, video editing, business, and much more. Here are four steps you can take to begin the process of creating your employee handbook. In an Employee Handbook, the company informs employees about the standards that are expected of them. What’s
If you’re not convinced about the need for
These can help you with writing your own small business or employee handbook. Now let’s look at some real handbooks from
Or, for something more personalized, try this web-based tool
by Nasdaq lists some cool examples to take as inspiration. So in
thought about it. In “Resources to Help You Create an Effective Employee Handbook,” we identified key resources to help you create an employee handbook. You’ve seen what they are and the benefits
Then, manage employees properly with a general understanding of state and federal labor laws. document everything a staff member needs to know to do their job. Corporation's handbook has the best subtitle ever: It then goes on, in a wonderfully
It's important that your employees understand the risks of not following the policies, laws, and procedures that you lay out in the employee handbook. Small Business Employee Handbook Template. Small businesses and startups however might try to do without, wondering if such a document is even necessary. And you’ve seen some great
For example, if you state in the handbook that you give a series of verbal and
they may advise you to include extra wording, stating, for example, that the
These can include equal employment opportunity, anti-harassment, and anti-discrimination laws. You want employees to see that they’re receiving fair treatment and that all employees are subject to the same disciplinary process. Some companies prefer not to provide a punitive-sounding list of rules
for? attendance policies, for example, when you realize that for some job functions,
Additional company policies. It's important that your employees don't treat your employee handbook like a contractual agreement between you and them — which would mean they could sue you if the policies and procedures within the handbook aren't upheld. You then may be able to be more accommodating or generous in other parts of your workplace practices, such as by providing your employees with more vacation time. started making your own small business employee handbook. provided by Rocket Lawyer. committing yourself to anything you don’t want to follow in every single case. Lead discussions. Inform employees of their rights and benefits. There are plenty of things in the workplace
so on. start to see the benefits of having that clear documentation in place. What are you all working towards? With more than 200 years of expertise, The Hartford is a leader in property and casualty insurance, group benefits and mutual funds. The short answer is a resounding yes – an employee … While it’s easy to get bogged down in the
general introduction and overview of the company. For example, let’s say that you have to
An employee handbook is the operating playbook and communication tool you and your team need to codify the rules of the road for working at your small business. the rules in particular countries, so you may need to change them and/or get
For example, video-game developer Valve
Consider having a section that explains that they will be held accountable for their actions and behavior. values and goals. HR departments, lawyers and upper management will see to it that a proper company policy is in place. So have every employee sign an
President Biden announced important changes to the PPP, including a two-week window for businesses with fewer than 20 employees. In case there’s any dispute later, this stops
look at some of those benefits in the next section. Use this template to communicate what’s most important for your new employees … What are the rules on conflicts of interest or working in other places? “Team Secrets” page at the end. The cost of new employee turnover for small businesses and startups with bootstrapped budgets is high. An employee handbook centralizes employment and job-related information for employees. OK, now let’s look at the common sections to include in an small business employee handbook. handbook may sound like the kind of bureaucratic red tape that only large
There are certain necessary policies that you’ll want to cover, like anti … templates. Your employees spend a lot of their time at
can find employee handbook templates. Why does your company exist? If
of having them. Does your organization offer vacations, 401(k), health insurance, … This can be a
While the employee handbook is not a contract with your employees, it does set their expectations, so you must follow federal, state, and local laws when preparing certain parts of your employee handbook. Most employee handbooks include information on: Company culture, values, and a mission statement Human resource and legal information as well as rights and obligations related to employment Realistic expectations; both what the company expects to see from its employees and what employees … Then you can set out the policy of what happens in the event of
They may even have boilerplate language that companies can use to describe those laws to their employees. can let employees know who they can contact if they have questions or problems. Not every company includes this section, but companies that work in highly competitive industries with trade secrets and concern about employees jumping ship for a competitor may want to have employees sign a non-disclosure agreement or at least include a conflict of interest policy in the employee handbook. a manual or handbook in your business, read this section to discover some of
In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to write an employee handbook. your position on things like diversity and social responsibility? new job. Discover exactly what
go into. great way to get your employees motivated and energized and to make sure
As the small business owner, think about your personal values and what you want to emphasize. document. the benefits. This is where you can specify everything from a dress code to the
effective way of communicating with your employees. Establish a basic payroll structure to help you hire employees. Important
All opinions, and/or recommendations expressed herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the SBA. Design like a professional without Photoshop. Instead of providing a template, it lets you build
The wording will depend on where you’re based and your particular
fire one of your employees for poor attendance or for harassing a colleague. in his or her personnel file. It contains some important language and is a useful tool, serving as a basic framework for … The Employment Law Handbook by The Lunt Group also provides links to a wide variety of both federal and state legal resources, including a state-by-state breakdown of employment and labor laws. handbook reviewed by a lawyer so that you can be sure you’re complying with all
handbook is a guide, not a contract, and that future employment is not
If you’re a small business, you might not think you need an … audience, so we can’t cover all the local variations here. sides. Envato Tuts+ has a worldwide
As you’ll see in a moment, a truly personal handbook can be a very
that. For example, if you run a business such as retail store where showing up to work on time is of utmost importance, you'll, of course, need to specify your attendance rules and perhaps your dress code. This can be irritating to your staff, and
Employee handbooks often start with a
This handbook … Financial website The Motley Fool, on the
No Problem! All you need to do is provide a statement that encompasses what matters most to you as a company. It’s important to document the fact that
tolerate discrimination or harassment based on age, race, religion, sex or
discretion. other hand, goes for an interactive, web-based “Fool’s Rules”, a sort of
may work just fine at that scale. Beyond the requirements of law, you probably have your own expectations for how employees will conduct themselves on the job and so you'll need policies geared to specific on-the-job conduct. A good employee handbook defines your unique workplace rules and practices, and should be written in a voice that reflects your vision and the culture you've built — or want to build. Employee handbooks are an important tool for business owners. of their questions answered easily. You may already have access to other company's handbooks through friends or relatives. simple small business handbook that explains a bit about the company and then
Just keep in mind that some of the templates you’ll find online are tailored to
It’s up to you, though, how much detail you
In order to be successful, your employees have to be in alignment with your company's values, missions, and goals. OK, now let’s look at the common sections
note: In some jurisdictions, there are labor laws that stipulate particular
diversity, see our series on diversity in the workplace. format for how to write an employee handbook, but there are some common sections that many companies and small businesses include. The handbook can be playful
commitment to equal opportunity in the workplace and to state that you won’t
This guide surfaces the sections of your employee handbook … You
tells your staff members what to expect when they work for you. Also consider how you can create a value system and culture that will motivate your employees to do their best and stay with your company long-term. It feels as if you’re getting a friendly
The main point of an employee handbook is to
It gives everyone a document to refer to when company policy questions arise. Whether your small business has two employees or 20, you will have certainly created workplace policies, procedures or expectations, either formally or informally. treasure hunt. As I mentioned earlier, there’s no required
real companies. Again, it does cover some of the same ground as a traditional
This is your opportunity to show your
Below is a look at eight common sections in employee handbooks. © 2021 Envato Pty Ltd. whether they’ll be eligible for overtime (if some employees do get paid overtime
Does your small business need an employee
For example, successful online shoe retailer Zappos names 10 Zappos Family Core Valuesthat it expects employees to aspire to, incl… everyone’s on the same page about the firm’s values. You need to sign up for a free trial of Rocket
Having an employee handbook makes it easy for you to communicate rules and responsibilities to employees, so there's no question about what's expected from them — or from you, as the small business owner. individual document for each company that you’ll probably want to draft
A good place to start when thinking about your employee policies — whether specific to your attendance rules, your dress code, or your performance review process — is to think about your company's culture and values. A well-written handbook offers a breakdown of the standards, expectations, and processes you expect your employees … it’s clearly not an efficient way of working. nitty gritty of policies and procedures, an employee handbook is also your
constitutes grounds for disciplinary action and what kind of action will be
In this section, we’ll look at those sections and what you may want to
The culture you want to create should guide your policies and procedures — so it makes sense to at least draft a basic mission statement before designing your company's employee policies and procedures. policies you want to include. with your employees—in fact, the tone and format you use can themselves
are some policies and procedures in here, but it really doesn’t feel as if
While you shouldn't copy other companies' policies and employee handbooks word-for-word, it's well worth your time to look through some of them for inspiration or ideas. You can explain your company’s values and the kind of workplace you have in it. Your handbook likely won't describe all the specifics of, say, your health insurance plan, as those can be quite detailed (and that information can be provided separately). That clarity can also give you legal protection. Also let them know what they can do if they feel they’ve been treated
Signal to employees that the same rules apply … it may not matter if someone arrives late, as long as they get the work done
While they may not read
many companies still use that format. you expect from them in return. the relevant laws and not making yourself vulnerable to future litigation. You can also find sample employee handbooks through a basic Google search. This section tells people
should also check out some of the others from this series, in which we’re
ones. For a customized handbook, the SHRM Employee Handbook Builder takes the work out of creating and maintaining an employee reference manual, and it offers both digital and printer-friendly … So
things you have to include in employee handbooks. Give employees a clear idea of what
Example: If an employee sues you, claiming they were harassed by a coworker, you can point to the employee handbook as evidence that you have clearly spelled out anti-harassment policies in place. the whole book cover to cover, they can use it as a quick reference to get lots
You can also include details of other types of
Also remember that the more personalization
When you’re just starting out and only have
goes through many of the sections we’ve just discussed. what to do in the event of an emergency or accident at work, how to access
A comprehensive, yet easy-to-understand Employee Manual is valuable to you and your employees. It provides clarity on both sides. can expect to be paid, how tax and other deductions will be taken out, and
first aid, fire safety procedures, and so on. values. You’re now in great shape to start writing an employee handbook for your own business. Host meetups. An employee handbook, also sometimes called
Read more, Putting company rules in writing helps set expectations and reduces misunderstandings. This is your document, and you can choose how you want to communicate
Sterling (Built with AirMason) Sterling had a lot of information to get across in their handbook, so … The actual polices and procedures of your business may vary due to the size of the company, the number of employees, benefits offered and other factors. There’s a lot more you can cover, too—we’ll go into more detail about the
Incorporate these essential employee policies for any small business. The employee handbook template provides information about a company’s history and how it has developed over the years. communicate something about your company’s values. Envato Tuts+ tutorials are translated into other languages by our community members—you can be involved too! Employee Handbook Template Included here is a customizable employee handbook template that is provided by the Small Business Administration at http:/ It’s just 12 pages long
Looking for something to help kick start your next project? You can't simply photocopy another company's handbook and distribute it to your employees. chance to tell your company’s story and get your employees aligned around its
A small business has several resources available to help them put together a comprehensive employee handbook. bit further. Andrew Blackman is a copy editor for Envato Tuts+ and writes for the Business section. Now, we cover why you need one and how to create it. There are plenty more templates and
people from claiming they weren’t aware of the policies. Design templates, stock videos, photos & audio, and much more. Before you bring your employees back, consider updating your employee handbook to reflect the new reality and communicate these fresh guidelines, policies, and recommendations to your team. and quite detailed, so it would be a good starting point for creating your own
Simplify on-boarding of new hires. (while for others, clocking on at a particular time may be very important). An Employee Handbook is a very important document in the life of any business which hires multiple employees. that you need to be strict and clear about with your small business employee handbook, however, such as the need to keep
Although it often deals with practical
For larger organizations, an employee handbook is a no-brainer. employees, a handbook can be very valuable. It’s also a good idea to have an employee
And you usually have
introduction to a place that would be fun to work at. handbook, but in a more creative way, with a heavy emphasis on company values. An Employee Handbook is a document established by the business that outlines the rules, practices, and procedures for employees at the company. There may still be some things
This article
slideshow in which you can view videos, click for more information in certain
acknowledgement of receipt of the handbook—this is usually included at the end
Moreover, a comprehensive employee handbook helps protect your business legally if anyone ever questions whether you've clearly communicated your policies. information. with better ways of doing things. Then detail any company benefits you offer,
Its smart, comprehensive wizard asks a series of questions to help you decide what you want or need in your handbook … With your values clearly identified, then think about creating policies that your employees will embrace. For example, Human Resource Solutions in
handbook. The handbook … Company Overview. 5 “Must-Have” Employee Policies for Any Small Business, Need more information? Which national holidays do we get paid
You can also give more details on what
For more information on benefits, see the previous tutorial in this
you can do, the better. You might be writing up the section on
Use this employee handbook template and NFIB’s detailed sample employee handbook to create your own. In the last tutorial, we looked
The Purpose of an Employee Handbook Employees like to know what is expected of them and they want to know that they are being treated the same way as other... Having the same rules for all employees makes running the business … You should be able to find detailed descriptions of your state's laws on your state government's website. But
Take advantage of opportunities to check out at least a few other handbooks as you're planning out your policies and procedures. — use it to your advantage and help them fully understand all they get as part of working for your company. This template provides suggestions and examples for an employee handbook … classifications very clear). the same questions—or, worse, having employees following the wrong policies
You should be able to find descriptions of your state's laws online. The free basic handbook is a well written document that can serve as a temporary or partial employee handbook. you’re reading a policy document. company and client data confidential. (Keep in mind that having worker’s comp insurance is also important to protecting your business in case an employee or customer sues.). Creating an employee manual helps you build a solid HR and legal foundation which you can rely on as your business grows. Trademarks and brands are the property of their respective owners. How many vacation days do we get? Share ideas. Handbook for Small Business. All you need to do is provide a statement that encompasses what matters most to you as a company. I mentioned in the first section that the
There are quite a few websites where you
Be sure to research
expect constant questions—not just from new employees, but also from existing
procedures you lay out in this section may be binding, so be careful about
a thousand questions to ask, and you feel bad about asking them because
they can access it from anywhere. And some may not know what it is or even have
In order to be successful, your employees have to be in alignment with your company's values, missions, and goals. here, instead giving general guidelines and leaving employees to use their
an employee manual or a policies and procedures manual, is a document that
It also includes information on orientation procedures, employee pavement … because they didn’t ask. being covered, and give employees a procedure they can follow if they believe
You could include a brief
Although an employee handbook is an
An employee handbook gathers
employee handbook template on its website. Use this employee handbook template and NFIB’s detailed sample employee handbook … for helping new employees find their feet more quickly. Some companies also choose to take things a
To many business owners, an employee
Try FitSmallBusiness,
everything together into one place, so that it’s quick and easy to find
How to Offer Competitive Small Business Pay & Benefits. history of the business, a timeline of key events, and a statement of important
Experts say that small businesses can use employee handbooks to avoid litigation and put staff members at ease by spelling out, in positive terms, the company's policies and expectations. Here are tips on how to get your employees read it, too. the UK provides a free
Spring Farm employee handbook, provided courtesy of Practical Farmers of Iowa. expected level of attendance and punctuality. how other companies have handled it. Whenever
But you probably want to give the basics: When is an employee eligible to enroll in the company health plan and how many options do you offer: types of plans, family coverage? Read more. taken. situation, so be sure to get individual legal advice. and others don’t, or if some are full-time and others part-time, make those
But keep in mind that you can always add to this or customize the
Give the details of when and how employees
employees? like use of the internet and social media, if you want to place restrictions on
handbook? such as health insurance, pensions, and so on. You’ll see some examples later on. they are being harassed or discriminated against in the workplace. This will include topics employees care about, such as: Keep in mind that some of this material, such as overtime pay rules and workers' compensation coverage, are at least somewhat dictated by federal and state or even local laws.
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