Lois du Jeu de FUTSAL 2014/2015. Holdkortet skal udfyldes før første kamp til stævnet og dette holdkort kopieres automatisk til holdets resterende kampe til stævnet. Ball out of play: When it has wholly crossed the goal line or touchline; when the game has been stopped by a referee; when the ball hits the ceiling (restart: kick-in at the place closest to where the ball touched the ceiling). PHOTOS U13 2017. Freestyle soccer to enhance skill development, on field communications and decision making. The kicker cannot play the ball a second time until it has been played by another player; infringement of this rule entail an indirect free kick to the opposing from the point of infringement. Referees should give a visual count for all kick-ins, corners, and goal clearances. LAW I – The Ball Size #3 (U9-U12) Size #4 (U13-U18) LAW II – Number of Players Maximum Number of Players to Start Match: 5, one of whom shall be a goalkeeper Minimum Number of Players to … left in the half. Maximum Number of Players to Start Match: 5, one of whom shall be a goalkeeper, Minimum Number of Players to Finish Match: 3, Substitution Method: “Flying substitution” (all players but the goalkeeper enter and leave as they please; goalkeeper substitutions can only be made when the ball is out of play and with a referee’s consent). International. 5v5 You will play 5v5 (4 players + a Goalie). Captain of each team announces these 5 to the main referee before the kicks are taken. You can roster 10 players on a team. Catégorie U12 / U13 Extérieur T4 Futsal Ballon spécifique Futsal Beach Soccer Ballon spécifique Beach Soccer Loi 3 ‐ Nombre de joueurs Catégorie U12/U13 Nombre de joueurs 8 par équipe Nombre de joueurs minimum 6 par équipe Suppléants 0 à 4 Temps de jeu minimum /joueur* Must be taken within 4 seconds; failure to do so entails indirect free kick to the opposing team from the corner mark. 1.1K likes. 1. slovenska futsal liga; Pokal Terme Olimia; Futsal Superpokal; Ostala tekmovanja Futsal. The substitute cannot come on until the ball is out of play and he has a referee’s consent. Nos joueurs réalisaient une bonne phase de poule en dominant Est Roannais 2 et Loire Sornin avant de finir par un nul contre Le Coteau. Futsal U11 à Perreux Samedi une équipe U11 a participé au tournoi en salle toujours très bien organisé par le club d'Est Roannais. Contact. No other player may touch the ball until it has been touched by the pitch, rebounded from the goal post or crossbar, or has left the pitch. The kicker shall not play the ball a second time until it has been touched by another player. %%EOF This website is powered by SportsEngine's Sports Relationship Management (SRM) software, but is owned by and subject to the US Youth Futsal privacy policy. Join US Youth Futsal Our Leagues USYF Resources. Défensive. When the whole of the ball has passed over the goal line, between the goal posts and under the crossbar (except by illegal means). ����ɨ�������wI��3�%f�S)�Fu��>z����R�Fl���Ϯ�.T$zd�z%�,�e�kH���3k��'~Z�.�s?��w��]���U�'���� ߒ]vji�؆���!��!���k���A��'=�[NO���=\!1�"ט�;�ؼ�%�S����b7��B4F��^Z��f�c�ӝc_ ���'a1\��~�lx Règlement simplifié Futsal : LOIS DU JEU LOI 1, TERRAIN DE JEU: tracés et buts de hand. The goalkeeper shall remain in his penalty area at least 5 m away from the ball. CanalfutsalTV. 2, 17 minute games will be played per week. Futsal-reglement; Futsal-reglement. All players must be out of the penalty area, and the players of the opposing team must also be at least 5 m from the penalty spot. Toute équipe absente à l’heure de la rencontre sera considérée perdante 3 - 0 Concept . 2 Fédération Internationale de Football Association ... au règlement de la compétition en question. Players sent off during the match are not eligible to take these kicks. PHOTOS U11 2017. Until the ball is kicked into play, all players other than the goalkeeper and kicker shall remain behind an imaginary line that is in line with the ball and parallel to the goal line. SPONSORS. LOI 3, JOUEURS: 5 joueurs (dont 1 gardien), 4 remplaçants = 9 joueurs. ���P�u��Ɖ��-cG�/x�J̵�]��^,�?D����[H���B�3|~�W2vPZ����f�Qv���_UYê���Y���4�1�N��/��C�/�i� Lines: Touchlines and goal lines are considered inside the playing area. 6 REGEL 1 – Spielfeld Spielunterlage Spiele werden auf einer glatten, ebenen und abriebfesten Unterlage ausgetra-gen. Empfohlen wird Holz oder Kunststoff. Rechercher dans ce site ... Règlement. Etirements. Travail intégrés. Position: The side opposite to the player benches, There will be no Timekeeper – use a parent please, Duration: Two equal periods of 15 minutes; running clock, Time-outs: 1 per team per half; none in extra time – 30 seconds, clock stops 5in. The team of the player sent off can substitute for that player after 2 minutes of playing time or after the opposing team scores – whichever comes first. Types: Direct free kicks and indirect free kicks, Wall: At least 5 meters away until the ball is in play, Ball in Play: After it has traveled the distance of its own circumference, Time Limit: Kick must be taken within 4 seconds, Restriction: Kicker cannot touch the ball again until it has been touched by another player, That team shall not be allowed a defensive wall, All free kicks shall be direct (no indirect free kicks), Infringements committed within 12 meters of the goal line shall be punished with a direct free taken from the point of infringement or from the second penalty spot; infringements committed from12 meters or further from the goal line shall be punished with a direct free kick from the Second Penalty Spot. U13 size: circumference 57-59 cm. mise en valeur du tournoi futsal du FC Est Roannais. Futsal ID. Les surfaces en béton ou goudronnées sont déconseillés. The kick-in must be taken within 4 seconds; if it is not, the kick-in is given to the opposing team. SIZING ALERT: The Talento U13 is a standard JUNIOR size futsal ball. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. “second touch”), Goalkeeper picks up or touches with his hands a kick-in from a teammate, Goalkeeper controls the ball with any part of his body for more than 4 seconds, A substituting player enters the pitch from an incorrect position or before the player he is substituting has entirely left the pitch, He persistently infringes the Laws of the Game, He shows dissent with any decision of the referee, (d) Second instance of cautionable offense (i.e., second yellow card), (e) Intentionally impeding a clear goal opportunity (e.g. Procedure: Coin toss followed by kickoff; opposing team waits outside center circle; ball deemed in play once it has been touched; the kicker shall not touch ball before someone else touches it; ensuing kick-offs taken after goals scored and at start of second half. U-11 size: circumference 52.5-54.5 cm. TOUS LES PARTICIPANTS DOIVENT ETRE LICENCIES 4) Equipements des joueurs : Nombre illimité de remplacements. Aktualna sezona; Arhiv. U11. 2. slovenska futsal liga; U19 SFL; U17 SFL. Luckily, there are those out there who already have this knowledge and are generous enough to share it. Five kicks to be taken by 5 different players selected from the 12 suited players. Players shall be sent off (i.e., shown the red card) for: Direct free kicks (or penalty kicks) accompany the expulsion for (a), (b), (e) and (f); indirect free kicks, for (c) and (d) (from the 6-meter line when the infringement takes place in the penalty area). Remplacement à tout moment de la partie. Games will be played on a 95ft. h޴U]lU��;;�۟�nK����ԮZj��/�vJ�� �M��I&DcC�n�A�ZnA�&M� !�,��&lA�Q4ƬƘ�$�ć�R��j�̶�>��M6�����{��� J���{Q��W)TB�q�,�x�P\lI�X�@��;]�/n���4������/��IG��H�^�I�,S�څ�[i�Q�M����Ն�1�;I�]�\=��T�#���. finale de la coupe du monde 2012. To be taken from the penalty mark on the mid-point of the 6-m-line. Jeu de Futsal, le texte anglais fait foi. If the infringement took place in penalty area (and does not merit a penalty kick), the free kick is to be taken from the 6-m-line on the spot nearest to where the infringement occurred. The ball is not in play until it has passed outside of the penalty area. Accumulated fouls refer only to all the fouls mentioned in Law XI (a through k(1 to 11). It takes a level of technical and tactical understanding that can take years to develop. 2. slovenska futsal liga; U19 SFL. stratégie de touche ... finale de la coupe d'espagne 2013 barca alusport vs el pozo murcia. 1. slovenska futsal liga; Pokal Terme Olimia; Futsal Superpokal; Ostala tekmovanja Futsal. Défensivesss. Ball placed on the corner (no corner-kick arc). Aktualna sezona; Arhiv. 1 Gyldighed, udmøntning samt Turneringsadministrator ... § 36.1 Der udfyldes elektroniske holdkort fra og med U13 og op. h��ih]E�g ���Zj�[�VmKm$� ��n�*VR+�B4�}C�>>��nU[�VԧO "O#�J!RWԊ,�(.�F��߹0��&������ϙ�s�̜�97x��u��Y�2���݌��B��8鏌M5�Z��'z>M���_D/@2�gЯ���Gay.��fl�;�[����0}녙^�מq*c�*,�{aK7:�7�k��u��I�=p��E��x��~]�/VDw��#Fi�_ If two teams are still tied after 5 kicks, the additional kicks will be taken on a sudden-death basis by the rest of the players who have not kicked yet. Players on opposing team must be at least 5 m away from point of kick-in. Exercicesss. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. REGLEMENT FUTSAL U13 et U18 1) Terrain de jeu : Terrain et but de hand-ball 2) Le ballon : Ballon spécifique futsal 3) Nombre de joueur : 5 dont le gardien. FUTSAL. The kicker is to aim at goal, with the intention of scoring. Kicking or attempting to kick an opponent, Charging an opponent in a violent or dangerous manner, Striking, attempting to strike, or spitting at an opponent, Charging an opponent with shoulder (i.e., shoulder charge), Sliding at an opponent (i.e., sliding tackle), Dangerous play (e.g. The kicker’s foot not kicking the ball must be outside or at least on the touchline; if it crosses the touchline all of the way, into the. Scores and st Beton oder Asphalt ist zu vermeiden. 1. slovenska futsal liga; Pokal Terme Olimia; Futsal Superpokal; Ostala tekmovanja Futsal. Vidéo réalisée par la section sportive futsal du collège Turenne à Sedan (encadrée par Olivier LAUNOIS) Vzhod • Razpored • Lestvica • Statistika • Uradne objave • Delegiranje • Klubi; Zahod • Finale; Ženska Futsal liga; Slovenski klubi v … Futsal training at the Summit with our U13 and U14 girls age groups LOI 2, BALLON: ballon spécifique sans rebond taille n°4. by 80ft. attempting to kick ball held by goalkeeper), Charging the goalkeeper in the penalty area (i.e., goalkeeper charge), Goalkeeper touches, with any part of his body and after playing the ball on an initial touch, a back pass that has received in his own half of the pitch after it has been deliberately played to him by a team-mate without an opponent playing or touching it (i.e. If ball is misplaced, the corner kick is taken over. Le CANAL FUTSAL se réserve la possibilité d’interrompre, de suspendre momentanément ou de modifier sans préavis l’accès à tout ou partie du Site du CANAL FUTSAL, afin d’en assurer la maintenance, ou pour toute autre raison, sans que l’interruption n’ouvre droit à aucune obligation ni indemnisation. Règlement U13 Le tournoi se déroulant sur une journée, une restauration sera assurée sur place, sandwichs, frites, bonbons, buvette. Players on opposing team must be at least 5 m away from point of the corner kick. Can score goal directly from a corner kick. Direct free kick awarded when a player intentionally commits any of the following 11 offenses (penalty kick awarded when infringement takes place in penalty area). Images de l'entraînement futsal des U11 le mardi 06 janvier. Any eligible player may change places with his goalkeeper. 2673 0 obj <> endobj 0 Referees. Tournoi Futsal U11 - U13 FCER 2017. The player sent off (shown a red card) is out for the rest of the game and is not even permitted to sit on the reserves’ bench. Tournoi U11 U13 Stade Paimpolais FC - Bretagne, Paimpol. Massgebend ist das jeweilige Wettbewerbsreglement. Tournoi Jean-Michel Le Poulard 2. slovenska futsal liga; U19 SFL; U17 SFL; U15 SFL; U13 SFL. Usual Equipment: Numbered shirts, shorts, socks, protective shin-guards and footwear with rubber soles. Exercice en cours. From inside the penalty area, the goalkeeper throws the ball into play. c��O��X4oP�g� }�2����P��"EZ�/L:,�GB�&}�!,K��͂����&���N$^���/.H��|�Kѧ�%�&+E�Kϗ�Xx��M,w��!���_�O�I���ᖔ��Q�&����߾��n��0�&ވ�}'�>H]x��u�rR�X�KTA�T�����p��d��X�� �|`囖'���>?ϣ�B޲���s�v4�)�F&�� ;��}5�Y�=i_�z��f������,���ہU��DZ܊��p���SV�!Y-����������@*�`��t�,��w�2j/uQ�Z�������gx�?�q���4�\[欐�ai:}1;��Α��`8[2dr�!́���L3R�"�R�)2j���χ�g�h�̴��V�l������{Α�p���j�yr#-���Z/C�O�{~��Gn�5��-����-ϟ��M��A����Y*�^�(�Jc]�کKO�z indoor turf field. The assistant referee shall control this area. SPECIAL FUTSAL BLADDER: Latex bladder with low-bounce fibers ensures perfect playing characteristics for young futsal players THREE YOUTH SIZES AVAILABLE: U-9 size: circumference 49.5-51.5 cm. 3348 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<20E761999DBE770D64D0127E9AB18ECC>]/Index[2673 1337]/Info 2672 0 R/Length 1250/Prev 1100756/Root 2674 0 R/Size 4010/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream Reglement; Accueil. If the goal clearance must be retaken because of goalie (or their teammates) error, the four second clock doesn’t restart. 4009 0 obj <>stream Exceptionnellement, et uniquement pour les compétitions nationales, des stratégie. From the 6th foul: United Futsal League (UFL) is the premier youth futsal league of Prince William County and Northern Virginia. Auslegung der Futsal-Spielregeln und Richtlinien für Schiedsrichter 79. ORGANISATION U13 2017 SITE.xlsx. Circuits. Futsal: it might look like a simple game, but playing it well is far from easy. MATCH DE FUTSAL EL POZO VS INTER MOVISTAR. The kicker must aim at the goal, with the intention of scoring. c{��ў����W�"jK��b�BEd��5����׍���eb���7ΦoO�P#��֦�a�֕��x��F��a���6�zE�u�}�5�#���q�Nم���$�ܲF����2 �8)��g��Z���B�3��霩)�2f����M��^�{�9�:|�kv���J��@Ƨ�u(9��e^�,�d�W%˼*W��r�̫���I�� �Xi� We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. through a “professional foul”), (f) intentionally impeding a clear goal opportunity in the penalty area by handling the ball. Once a team has accumulated 5 fouls during a half (those accumulated in the second half continue to accumulate into extra time). ... Vous trouverez ici le planning et les résultats en direct live du tournoi U13. Duties: Enforce the laws, apply the advantage rule, keep a record of all incidents before, during and after game, stop game when deemed necessary, caution or expel players guilty of misconduct, violent conduct or other ungentlemanly behavior, allow no others to enter the pitch, stop game to have injured players removed, signal for game to be restarted after every stoppage, decide that the ball meets with the stipulated requirements. The ball is placed on the touch line before kicking. TOURNOI U11 2017. Exercices. While the penalty shoot-out is in progress, players will remain on the opposite half of the pitch. If the goal clearance is received inside of the penalty area, the goal clearance shall be taken over. Le match sera arrêté si une équipe ne présente plus … %PDF-1.5 %���� endstream endobj startxref Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. The Michigan State Premier Soccer Program (MSPSP, also known as 'Premier'), is the premier destination for statewide competitive travel soccer in Michigan for the U13-U19 age groups with 90+ clubs participating throughout the state. TOURNOI U13 2017. Indirect free kick awarded when any of the following 8 offenses is committed (kick taken from the 6-meter line when infringement takes place in penalty area): Players shall be cautioned (i.e., shown yellow card) when: These 4 yellow-card offenses are punishable by an indirect free kick taken from the point of infringement (or from the 6-meter line when the infringement takes place in penalty area). The 2-minute punishment shall be checked by the timekeeper (or by the assistant referee, if there is no timekeeper). Quelques photos du Tournoi Futsal 2010 et les article de la presse, l'Ouest-France et le Télégramme
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