Ask to view their license from your state or jurisdiction. By using this service you are able to search for license information on individuals and businesses regulated by the Bureau of Professional and Occupational Affairs. Our goal is to provide up-to-date information on various topics related to the practice of physical therapy in Michigan. We hope you find this information helpful and invite you to check out our website often. License Verifications. Wyoming Board of Physical Therapy. If you have issues viewing this information, please email The practitioner's primary taxonomy code is 225100000X with license number PT00004063 (WA). Physical Therapy Licensure Compact (PTLC) Qualified Physical Therapists and Physical Therapist Assistants licensed in a state belonging to the compact can quickly become licensed in any of those states, including Washington state. Get email or text alerts based on your topic preferences. About LEANNE STRALKA. Verify a PT/PTA License. Last 4 Digits of SSN: XXX - XX -. Licensure Information. The Maryland Board of Physical Therapy provides online license verification. The verification will be mailed, typically within three business days. DCA License Search. Go to Verify a PT/PTA license and find your state licensing board. The Workforce Survey New Administrative Rules for Physical Therapy – Effective December 20, 2019 Look-up a licensed individual directly from the state's website. Electronic Verification (Unofficial): The Association of State Medical Board Executive Directors provides an online search tool for licensure verification. Data on this site is to be used for informational purposes only. Disclaimer: License verification using eLicense Ohio reflects an accurate representation of information maintained by the Board as of the date of the verification. Enter the 6-digit license number; you must include any leading and/or following zeroes. Expiration dates for these licenses will appear as 06/30/2021 on License Lookup unless the licensee has renewed. 77 S. High Street, 16th Floor • Columbus, Ohio 43215-6108 Tel: (614) 466-3774 • TTY: (877) 644-6826 Contact Us The fee for physical therapist examination scores is $25. The verification will show the licensee's: Your browser is out-of-date! (Use fewer fields to produce more results: See Search Help) Board/Council Profession. This site is a primary source for verification of license credentials and is updated bi-monthly. Read the Spinal Manipulation Legislative Report (PDF). Select a Profession and enter a Credential/License Number OR ; Complete one or more search fields. Search by license number within a profession: Select a profession. Qualified Physical Therapists and Physical Therapist Assistants licensed in a state belonging to the compact can quickly become licensed in any of those states, including Washington state. Behavioral Health Legislative Implementation, Behavioral Health Professions, Facilities and Agencies, Suicide Assessment, Treatment and Management CE, Substance Use Disorder Professional Trainee, Behavioral Health Professions Implementation, Co-Occurring Disorder Specialist Enhancement, Nonorthodontic Removable Oral Devices and Teeth Whitening Services, Acupuncture and Eastern Medicine Practitioner, Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Provider, Renew Online with EMS Certification Online, Medical assistant-certified recognized exams, Approved Controlled Substance Education Courses, Continuing Education Frequently Asked Questions, Physical Therapist and Physical Therapist Assistant, File Complaint About Provider or Facility, Emergency Information for Specific Groups, Public Health System Resources and Services, Submit public disclosure request (lists and labels), Verify your license (Provider Credential Search), Check the PT Compact Commission verification webpage, completing the Washington Health Workforce Survey, Read the Spinal Manipulation Legislative Report (PDF), Holds a spinal manipulation endorsement, or, Is a licensed chiropractor or osteopathic physician and surgeon, or. To begin a search, enter either the Last Name or the License Number. Welcome to the Michigan Board of Physical Therapy website! Select a search tab, enter the required information, and click the SUBMIT button. Allied Health professions include occupational therapists and assistants, athletic trainers, and physical therapists and assistants. For more information about the 2019 Novel Coronavirus situation, please visit our, For Public Health and Healthcare Providers, Adoption Registration - Born in Washington State, Original (Pre-Adoption) Birth Certificate, Certificates and Informational Copies FAQ, Sex Designation Change on a Birth Certificate, Certification and Accreditation Organizations, Animal Care and Control and Humane Society, Opioid Treatment Program Licensing and Certification, Opioid Treatment Program (OTP) Accreditation, Need Forecasting Methodology and Standards, Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Volume Standards, Hospital Construction Standards Rules Project, EMS Agency and Vehicle Licensing and Verification, Use of Non-Medically Trained Ambulance Drivers, Private Alcohol and Chemical Dependency Hospitals, General Information Frequently Asked Questions, Surveys and Inspections Frequently Asked Questions, License Inspection Customer Satisfaction Survey, Who Can Prescribe and Administer Prescriptions, Sodium Pentobarbital for Animal Euthanasia, File Complaint About Provider or Facility, Процесс подачи жалобы и применение дисциплинарных мер взыскания, Процесс подачи жалобы в учреждения здравоохранения, Процесс подачи жалобы на медицинских работников, Обязательная отчетность медицинских работников, Proceso de queja de profesiones de la salud, Proceso de queja para agencias y establecimientos de atención de la salud, Denuncias obligatorias de profesiones de la salud, Quy Trình Phàn Nàn tại các Cơ Sở và Cơ Quan Y Tế, Healthcare Enforcement and Licensing Modernization Solution, Change your Contact or Address Information, Healthcare Professional Credentialing Requirements, Military Spouse and Registered Domestic Partner. Most PTs and PTAs are highly ethical, competent, and caring individuals. This will list the individual’s name, initial licensure, date and renewal date. To get important information about physical therapists or physical therapist assistants, please select the green “Subscribe” button at the bottom of the page. Expedited Licensure for Refugees, Asylees, and Holders of Special Immigrant Visas; ATTENTION: The Physical Therapy Board of California has a new address. RENEWAL UPDATE: Per Executive Order 20-10, license renewal is being deferred for certain license types. Search Criteria ** License Type: ACUPUNCTURE ADULT USE CANNABIS BD ADV PRACTICE NURSE APPRAISAL ARCHITECT ATHLETE AGENT ATHLETIC TRAINER ATHLETICS AUCTIONEER CEMETERY OVERSIGHT CLIN PSYCHOLOGIST COLLECTION AGENCY COMM ASSOC MGR COSMO COUNSELOR, PROF DENTAL DESIGN FIRM DETECT. Contact Us
For physical therapist examinations taken after January 2001, please contact the FSBPT. As with any query your results will depend on the amount of information you enter. RCW 18.74.190 currently provides that the 300 hours of supervised clinical practical experience may be supervised by a clinical supervisor who: Beginning July 1, 2020, the 300-hour requirement for supervised clinical practical experience may be supervised by a clinical supervisor who: Hours completed prior to July 1, 2020 under supervision by a clinical supervisor who holds an endorsement or advanced certification will count toward the supervision requirement for the spinal manipulation endorsement. The Board will provide written verification of a license upon receiving a request from the licensee. Select a profession and/or licensee type. To submit a request, please contact us at Whether you live in the state of Arizona or you move to another state, a physical therapist must be licensed by that state before legally practicing as a physical therapist. License Lookup. Board of Physical Therapy ; Perimeter Center 9960 Mayland Drive, Suite 300 Henrico, VA 23233-1463 Directions. To receive a spinal manipulation endorsement, one of the requirements is to complete at least 300 hours of supervised clinical practical experience in spinal manipulative procedures. PTs and PTAs, help our profession serve the people of Washington by completing the Washington Health Workforce Survey. To improve search accuracy. License Search. You can also search by the last 4 digits of social security number and last name. The verification will be mailed, typically within three business days. The cost of a License Verification is $25. If you know the license number, you can search by license number. By using this service, you are able to search for license information on individuals licensed and regulated by the Kansas State Board of Healing Arts. The NPI number of Leanne Stralka is 1134270093 and was assigned on January 2007. The fee for physician examination scores is $25. Information can also be obtained by calling our office at 602-274-0236. Phone: (804) 367-4674 Fax: (804) 939-5973 Complaints: (800) 533-1560 Email: Is a licensed chiropractor or osteopathic physician and surgeon. Flu is serious and affects many people in Washington each year, so healthcare providers should keep emphasizing the importance of flu vaccine. Changes to the Clinical Supervisor Requirements for Spinal Manipulation Endorsements – Effective July 1, 2020 Go to Search. PT or PTA License Verification: OT or OTA License Verification: Licensees may be verified by License Number, Last Name AND Birthdate, or Last AND First Name combination (Partial names are allowed, i.e., J Brown). For example, if you wanted a list of all the athletic trainers that either have an active or inactive license simply select Athletic Training from the dropdown list in … The NPI number of Ingrid Sparrow is 1093890964 and was assigned on October 2006. To verify compact privilege status, please go to Health/Business Individual Credential/License Search. Verify Your PT/PTA is Licensed. Find more flu information for healthcare professionals on our flu webpages. License Verification. ATTENTION: If a renewal payment is received on time, the credential/license holder is eligible to practice while the credential/license is being processed. If there is a current or past disciplinary sanction, you may access a copy of the final action taken by the board since May 19, 2011 by downloading a copy from the website. You may enter as much or as little information as you choose. The most reliable way to verify the status of a license is through online verification … Can’t find a licensee using Provider Credential Search? License Number. The "Last Name" and "License Number" search fields display a licensee's Mailing City. You can search for individuals licensed by the Bureau of Professional Licensure. request for license verification. Learn more about the PTLC. The Physical Therapy Licensure Compact (PTLC) is a state-based solution to the challenges of interstate licensure portability for physical therapists (PTs) and physical therapist assistants (PTAs). ; Enter any combination of a first name, a last name, license number, and a city. All the information provided is believed to be accurate and reliable; however, the Board shall not be held liable for improper or incorrect use of the data described and/or contained herein. Can’t find a licensee using Provider Credential Search? Use this online search tool to verify a license issued by the Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA) for the professions listed under license type. Our offices are open Monday through Friday from 8am to 5pm. Effective January 1, 2017, previously barred health care workers and first time applicants may become eligible for a license. Allied Health Professionals Licensing. License number; Approximate date of examination; Address that the scores need to be sent. You do not need to complete all the boxes to complete the search. We will update this page if further information becomes available. Leanne Stralka is a provider established in Seattle, Washington and her medical specialization is physical therapist. Physical therapists and physical therapist assistants must be graduates of accredited educational programs and comply with rules of state licensure and practice… 30+ days ago Save job … Wisconsin Credential/License Search. Contact us | Email customer service | Phone: 360-236-4700 | Submit public disclosure request (lists and labels). For people with disabilities, Web documents in other formats are available on request. To do a wildcard search on the Last Name you can enter the first few characters in the name and click the search button. Jobs - Work@Health. Find COVID-19 Information and Resources Information from TN Dept of Health about the Ongoing Novel Coronavirus Outbreak Physical Therapy. Enter License Prefix and License Number with no spaces, leading zeros or colons. The practitioner's primary taxonomy code is 225100000X with license number PT00010028 (WA). Holds an endorsement or advanced certification the training requirements for which are commensurate with the training requirements in this section, RCW 18.74.190(1). PT License Verification. License Verification. Ingrid Sparrow is a provider established in Seattle, Washington and her medical specialization is physical therapist. License Verification. Learn how, To request a License Verification, the licensee will need to log in to their, Physical Therapy Compact and Compact Privileges, If Licensee has been Publicly Disciplined. This search application will tell you if a license of a physical therapist or certificate of a physical therapist assistant is active and if it is in good standing with the Board. The verification will show the licensee's: Records or disciplinary actions prior to 1994 may not be displayed, please contact the Board directly. Hours: Mon-Fri 8:15 to 5:00 except Holidays Learn more about the PTLC. Change your contact information | Find application status | Renew your license | Submit public disclosure request (lists and labels), File a complaint | More resources for health professionals | Verify your license (Provider Credential Search), Apply for a license | License requirements |, Physical Therapy Licensure Compact (PTLC). Licenses for these license types may continue to defer renewal until the COVID-19 State of Emergency is lifted. Physical Therapy Licensure Compact; Health Professional Boards; Board of Physical Therapy. It has known security flaws and may not display all features of this and other websites. Disciplinary or corrective measures taken by the 29 professional licensing boards and commissions can be found on the disciplinary actions link. Each license record will reflect if a license is current, expired, or has been subject to disciplinary action like suspension or revocation. Who Can Order X-rays in Washington State? The Louisiana Physical Therapy Board supports public access to information stored and maintained on this site. ; You do not need to spell the names or city in full but you must use at least 2 characters for any search option used. Last Name: Our new location is at 2005 Evergreen Street Suite 2600 Sacramento, CA, 95815. To determine if your PT or PTA has a license, visit your sate or jurisdiction's website to find additional instructions on how to verify a license. In 2013, Substitute Engrossed House Bill 2160 expanded physical therapists’ scope of practice allowing for the practice of spinal manipulation provided the practitioner obtained an endorsement from the Department of Health. Each state has a licensing agency that oversees the regulation of PTs and PTAs. The "City" option searches a licensee's Work or Business City. If you are unable to find verification of a licensee, the PT or PTA may hold a compact privilege in Texas. State of Alabama Board of Physical Therapy 100 North Union Street Suite 724 Montgomery, AL 36130-5040 Example: ME99999 or ME069999. The cost of a License Verification is $25. Find information on applying for, renewing, checking, and learning about licenses for the Allied Health professions. The board is continuing to review the change in the law. Locations and Directions
Use the search options below to search for a Licensed Professional/Business with the Division of Professions and Occupations. The eLicense Ohio verification is the primary license verification provided by the Ohio Counselor, Social Worker and Marriage & Family Therapist Board. Business Name. Also, with our new look, we have unveiled a new logo! Check the PT Compact Commission verification webpage to see if the PT or PTA holds a compact privilege in Washington. The Board will provide written verification of a license upon receiving a request from the licensee. Spinal Manipulation Legislative Report The Board of Allied Health Professionals evaluates the qualifications of applicants for licensure and grants licenses to those who …
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