In the autumn of 1499, he called for a crusade and sought aid and money from all Christendom. His main goal was now again to "expel the barbarians" (Fuori i Barbari!). verstarb 70jährig in der Nacht vom 20. zum 21. Der Heilige Stuhl Papi Julius II. [91][page needed] In 1508, Julius was fortuitously able to form the League of Cambrai with Louis XII, King of France, Maximilian I, Holy Roman Emperor (proclaimed without coronation as Emperor by Pope Julius II at Trent in 1508) and Ferdinand II, King of Aragon. in der Gestalt eines zweigeschossigen Wandgrabes mit sieben Statuen, darunter dem berühmten gehörnten Moses Papst Julius II. von Frankreich und Kaiser Maximilian als Akteure beteiligt waren. 6. In overturning the ban on beards Pope Julius challenged Gregorian conventional wisdom in dangerous times. He also warned King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain that Alexander was intriguing with the French, which brought an immediate visit of a Spanish ambassador to the Pope. Herbert Immenkötter: Julius II. A list of cardinals and their incomes, drawn up for the occasion, shows that Cardinal della Rovere was the second-richest cardinal, with an annual income of 20,000 ducats. Italien. 216. Die Staatlichen Museen in Berlin besitzen ein Porträt, das von der Kunstwissenschaft übereinstimmend als Werkstatt-Kopie gewertet wird. [23] Guilty of serial simony and pluralism, he held several powerful offices at once: in addition to the archbishopric of Avignon he held no fewer than eight bishoprics, including Lausanne from 1472, and Coutances (1476–1477). [48], On 31 August 1492 the new Pope, Alexander VI, held a consistory in which he named six cardinal legates, one of whom was Giuliano della Rovere, who was appointed Legate in Avignon. However, the pope only wore his beard from 27 June 1511 to March 1512, as a sign of mourning at the loss of the city of Bologna by the Papal States. His rivals included Cardinal Ardicio della Porta and Cardinal Ascanio Sforza, both patronized by the Milanese. [130][page needed] Erasmus also impropriated sexual misconduct in his 1514 dialogues "Julius Excluded from Heaven"; a theme picked up in the denunciation made at the conciliabulum of Pisa. The Venetians regained their territories lost to France, and the Papal States annexed Parma and Modena. 11 im Vatikanischen Archiv. Chromolithography. Innocent looked for new allies and settled on the Republic of Florence. [43] On 28 June the Pope sent back to Naples the token gift of a palfrey which symbolized the King of Naples' submission and demanded the full feudal submission of the Kingdom of Naples to the Roman Church according to long-standing tradition. Introduction. This re-asserted a strong relation between Florence and Rome, a lasting legacy of Julius II. Comic einsenden. Für keines der drei Bilder gibt es eine lückenlose Provenienz. "[110] Nonetheless, he continued his restless activities, including Masses, visits to churches, and audiences. This was one of Julius' great triumphs. The papacy gained control of Parma and Piacenza in central Italy. [8], At the Congress of Mantua in 1512, Julius II ordered the restoration of Italian families to power in the vacuum of French rule: the Imperial Swiss led by Massimiliano Sforza restored Sforza rule in Milan, and a Spanish army led by Giovanni de Medici restored Medici rule in Florence. 1443 als Sohn eines Fischers unter dem Namen Giuliano de la Rovere in Ligurien. [116] Michelangelo's tomb was not completed until 1545 and represents a much-abbreviated version of the planned original, which was initially intended for the new St. Peter's Basilica. Unter den Neuerwerbungen befand sich auch dieses Papstbildnis. Über Papst Julius II . [35][36], On 3 November 1483, Cardinal della Rovere was named Bishop of Bologna and Papal Legate, succeeding Cardinal Francesco Gonzaga, who had died on 21 October. September 1503 Gekrönt: 28. In einem Post-mortem-Inventar der Giustinian-Sammlung von 1638[10] wird das Bild als eigenhändig bezeichnet, wurde später Giulio Romano zugeschrieben und gilt heute als Werkstattkopie. [60] His benefices were restored to him after an apparent reconciliation with the Pope in August 1498. ", Eugène Müntz, "Giuliano da San Gallo et Les monuments antiques du midi de la France au XV, Mark J Zucker, Raphael and the Beard of Pope Julius II, pp.525-527, Carlotta, the daughter of the King of Naples, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Above all, the notion of Julius II for barbarian hostilty seems to have been a genuine inspiration...the Pope's desired derived...from the Pope's harbouring an ancient grudge against them, or because over the years his suspicion grew into hate, or because he desired 'the glory of being the man who liberated Italy from the barbarians', History of the Great Reformation of the Sixteenth Century in Germany, "Papal Politics and Raphael's Stanza Della Segnatura as Papal Golden Age", Sermon Cardinal Sodano on the pontificate of Pope Julius II, Camerlengo of the Sacred College of Cardinals, International Alliance of Catholic Knights, Dechristianization of France during the French Revolution, Dogma of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary, Prayer of Consecration to the Sacred Heart, Persecutions of the Catholic Church and Pius XII, Pope Pius XII Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Dogma of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary,, 15th-century Italian Roman Catholic archbishops, 16th-century Italian Roman Catholic archbishops, Roman Catholic prince-bishops in the Holy Roman Empire, Major Penitentiaries of the Apostolic Penitentiary, 15th-century Roman Catholic bishops in Sicily, Pages containing links to subscription-only content, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles containing Italian-language text, Articles with unsourced statements from March 2018, Wikipedia articles needing page number citations from October 2020, Wikipedia articles needing page number citations from March 2021, Articles needing additional references from October 2020, All articles needing additional references, Wikipedia articles needing page number citations from March 2018, Vague or ambiguous geographic scope from March 2012, Pages using S-rel template with ca parameter, Wikipedia articles with BIBSYS identifiers, Wikipedia articles with CANTIC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with PLWABN identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SELIBR identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SNAC-ID identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with Trove identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Rafaello della Rovere and Theodora Manerola, This page was last edited on 10 March 2021, at 15:22. [88] Moreover, the Pope's interest in Urbino was widely known in the French court. [17] Giuliano was educated by his uncle, Fr. (1443-1513) Besuch der Künstler Michelangelo (1475-1564) in seiner Werkstatt, die Arbeit seiner zukünftigen Grab von San Pietro in Vincoli zu überwachen. His remains lay alongside his uncle, Pope Sixtus IV, but were later desecrated during the Sack of Rome in 1527. [41], In 1485 Pope Innocent and Cardinal della Rovere (as the Pope's new principal advisor) decided to involve themselves in the political affairs of the Kingdom of Naples, in what was called the Conspiracy of the Barons. On Palm Sunday, 1507, "Julius II entered Rome ... both as a second Julius Caesar, heir to the majesty of Rome's imperial glory, and in the likeness of Christ, whose vicar the pope was, and who in that capacity governed the universal Roman Church. Once crowned, Julius II proclaimed instead his goal to centralize the Papal States (in large part a patchwork of communes and signorie) and "free Italy from the barbarians".[6]. His action against the Cardinal was done not only without the consent of the cardinals in consistory, but in fact over their vigorous objections. [71] On 3 January 1503, Cardinal Orsini was arrested and sent to the Castel S. Angelo; on 22 February he died there, poisoned on orders of Alexander VI.[72]. Pope Sixtus IV paid a formal visit to the newly restored building on 1 May 1482, and it may be that Giuliano was already in residence then. As the Belford-Clarke edition of the unauthorized, "Accompanying the young king on his military campaign, [della Rovere] entered Rome along with him, and endeavoured to instigate the convocation of a council to inquire into the conduct of the pope with a view to [deposing him], but Alexander, having gained a friend in Charles VIII's minister, Mackie, John Duncan (1991). Paus Julius II, geboren als Giuliano della Rovere (Albisola Superiore (bij Savona), 5 december 1443 – Rome, 21 februari 1513), was paus van de Katholieke Kerk van 1 november 1503 tot zijn dood in 1513. 1508 war Raffael auf Empfehlung Donato Bramantes nach Rom gekommen, 1509 begann er mit der Ausmalung der Stanzen, dazu kamen neben den Projekten Sixtinische Madonna und Madonna von Foligno, Aufträge von Seiten Chigis zur Ausstattung der Chigikapelle in Santa Maria del Popolo. Papst Julius II. p. 74. Literatur. [47] Kellogg, Baynes & Smith, continue, a "rivalry had, however, gradually grown up between [della Rovere] and [then-Cardinal] Rodrigo Borgia, and on the death of Innocent VIII in 1492 Borgia by means of a secret agreement and simony with Ascanio Sforza succeeded in being elected by a large majority, under the name of Pope Alexander VI." 1513 Rom; seine wichtigsten Ziele waren die Wiederherstellung des in Auflösung begriffenen Kirchenstaats u. und die Februar 1513 . The principal complaints of the barons were the heavy taxation imposed by Ferdinand to finance his war against the Saracens, who had occupied Bari in 1480; and the vigorous efforts of Ferrante to centralize the administrative apparatus of the kingdom, moving it away from a feudal to a bureaucratic system. Ab 1704 wurde das Bild in den Uffizien aufbewahrt. Von den Franziskanern erzogen, wurde er 1471 im Alter von 18 Jahren Bischof von Carpentras. The Lateran Council that formed the Holy League marked a high point in his personal success. [131] Criticism was furthermore made of the sinister influence exerted by his advisor, Francesco Alidosi, whom Julius had made a cardinal in 1505. Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 24. Die della Rovere sind eine italienische Adelsfamilie der Renaissance. Decrees were made in the interests of the Roman nobility, in whose shoes the new pope now stepped. He died of a fever in the night of 20–21 February 1513. Geboren: 5. [128] Such accusations were made to discredit him, but perhaps in so doing his accusers were exploiting a generally "perceived weakness". Der schreckliche Papst 02 – Julius II. [ AR - DE - EN - ES - FR - IT - PT] Julius II. Sieht man sich nämlich das Fresko in seiner Gesamtheit an, so erkennt man darauf das Innere des jüdischen Tempels, in dem im Hintergrund der kniende Hohepriester betet, im Vordergrund links Papst Julius II., der Auftraggeber des Freskos, in einer Sänfte thront und im Vordergrund rechts die Überwältigung bzw. The last remnants of the French invasion were gone by November 1496. His name and memory must be forgotten. [98] He refused to shave, showing utter contempt for the hated French occupation. Oxford University Press. Julius II., ursprünglich Giuliano della Rovere (* 5. [56] Ostia, however, remained in French hands until March 1497, making difficulties in the provisioning of the city of Rome. Der Familie entstammten neben den Päpsten Sixtus IV. Therefore I beg you not to expect me at Vespers or at Mass from henceforth. Wichtige Daten . "per vendicarsi et diceva ... anco fuora scazato el re Ludovico Franza d'Italia. (*1439/°1503) an. Cesare Borgia, Duke of Romagna, shared the same fate and lost his possessions. [122], Long before he became Pope, Julius had a violent temper. [50] In that same month, Federico of Altamura, the second son of King Ferdinando (Ferrante) of Naples was in Rome to pay homage to the new pope, and he reported back to his father that Alexander and Cardinal Sforza were working on establishing new alliances, which would upset Ferrante's security arrangements. To many Julius II has been described as the best in an era of exceptionally bad popes: Alexander VI was evil and despotic, exposing the future Julius II to a number of assassination attempts that required tremendous fortitude. die legendäre Schweizergarde im Jahr 1506. Julius II is usually depicted with a beard, after his appearance in the celebrated portrait by Raphael, the artist whom he first met in 1509. [127], Despite producing an illegitimate daughter (and having at least one mistress), it was suggested that Julius may have had homosexual lovers – although it is not possible to establish this claim. [12] His successor, Pope Leo X, along with Emperor Maximilian, would re-establish the status quo ante bellum in Italy by ratifying the treaties of Brussels and Noyon in 1516; France regained control of Milan after the victory of Francis I at the Battle of Marignano, and Spain was recognized as the direct ruler of Naples. On the morning of 24 June Paris found the Pope debilem et semifebricantem. Das Bild kam 1824 mit der Sammlung John J. Angersteins in den Besitz der National-Gallery. Fakt ist weitgehend für die gesamte Authentizität, so dass man Um an ihr Ziel zu gelangen, ist den Anwärtern jedes Mittel recht. Yet Machiavelli and his methods would not outlast Julius' Papacy. According to an oath taken on his election to observe the Electoral Capitulations of the Conclave of October 1513,[102] Julius had sworn to summon a general council, but it had been delayed, he affirmed, because of the occupation of Italy by his enemies. November 1503 Ist gestorben: 21. die Franzosen aus Italien zu vertreiben. Jahrhunderts schrieben in ihren Reiseberichten, dass sie das Bild dort gesehen hätten. Louis XII of France controlled the Duchy of Milan, previously held by the Sforzas, and French influence had replaced that of the Medici in the Republic of Florence. Even then, he could be dispensed. In a second attempt to overthrow the Aragonese monarchy, the Prince of Salerno Antonello II di Sanseverino, on the advice of Antonello Petrucci and Francesco Coppola, gathered together several feudal families belonging to the Guelph faction and supporting the Angevin claim to Naples. [5] This election was, in Ludwig von Pastor's view, certainly achieved by means of bribery with money, but also with promises. [109] The reading of the bull Cum tam divino became a regular feature of the first day of every conclave. Laut dem venezianischen Chronisten Marino Sanudo war das Bild im September 1513 in Santa Maria del Popolo ausgestellt[3], was von Vasari in beiden Ausgaben seiner Vite bestätigt wird. At the third hour of the evening, the body was laid in a sepulcher between the altar and the wall of the tribune.[115]. … Giuliano della Rovere stammte aus ärmlichen Verhältnissen und wurde in Albisola, in der Provinz Savona geboren. : Il terribile, der Schreckliche, und Bramante: Maestro rovinante, Meister der Zerstörung. [90], In addition to an active military policy, the new pope personally led troops into battle on at least two occasions, the first to expel Giovanni Bentivoglio from Bologna (17 August 1506 – 23 March 1507), which was achieved successfully with the assistance of the Duchy of Urbino. Pope Julius II allowed people seeking indulgences to donate money to the Church which would be used for the construction of Saint Peter's Basilica. [27] On 22 December 1475, Pope Sixtus IV created the new Archdiocese of Avignon, assigning to it as suffragan dioceses the Sees of Vaison, Cavaillon, and Carpentras. Julius II. As Legate, his mission was threefold: to make peace between King Louis XI and the Emperor Maximilian of Austria; to raise funds for a war against the Ottoman Turks; and to negotiate the release of Cardinal Jean Balue and Bishop Guillaume d'Harancourt (who by then had been imprisoned by Louis for eleven years on charges of treason). Julius II personally led the Papal armed forces at the victorious Siege of Mirandola and, despite subsequent defeats and great losses at the Battle of Ravenna, he ultimately forced the French troops of Louis XII to retreat behind the Alps after the arrival of Swiss mercenaries from the Holy Roman Empire. 811–815. The barons seized L'Aquila and appealed to the Pope for assistance as their feudal overlord. Das Bildnis Papst Juliusâ II. 1468 folgte Giuliano seinem Onkel Francesco in den Franziskanerorden. [103] The real stimulus came from a false council which took place in 1511, called the Conciliabulum Pisanum, inspired by Louis XII and Maximilian I as a tactic to weaken Julius, and which threatened Julius II with deposition. Julius wanted to remind everyone of his legislation on papal conclaves, in particular against simony, and to fix his regulations firmly in canon law so that they could not be dispensed or ignored. This was an age of Renaissance conspiracy. [129] The Venetians, who were implacably opposed to the pope's new military policy, were among the most vociferous opponents; notable among them was the diarist Girolamo Priuli. He reached Paris in September, and finally, on 20 December 1480, Louis gave orders that Balue be handed over to the Archpriest of Loudun, who had been commissioned by the Legate to receive him in the name of the Pope. In his early years as Pope, Julius II removed the Borjas from power and exiled them to Spain. Hij had zijn kerkelijke carrière te danken aan zijn oom, paus Sixtus IV. In seine Amtszeit fiel ein entscheidender Teil der Auseinandersetzung der noch jungen Kirche mit der Irrlehre des Arius. [106] It held its first working session on 10 May. This was directed against King Louis XII.[108]. A simple marble tombstone marks the site. [53] In November 1511, a council met at Pisa, called by rebel cardinals with support from the French king and the Empire; they demanded the deposition of Charles II at Pisa. Unter Julius II., der sich als Neubegründer feiern ließ, erlebte der Papststaat eine erste Blüte. The fifth session was held on 16 February, but Pope Julius was too ill to attend. [92] The League fought against the Republic of Venice. [128] This sexual reputation survived Julius, and the accusation continued to be made without reservation by Protestant opponents in their polemics against "papism" and Catholic decadence. [69], On 21 June 1502, Pope Alexander sent his secretary, Francesco Troche (Trochia), and Cardinal Amanieu d'Albret (brother-in-law of Cesare Borgia) to Savona to seize Cardinal della Rovere by stealth and bring him back to Rome as quickly as possible and turn him over to the Pope. An dieser Sicht der Dinge scheint auch sein lockerer Lebenswandel, immerhin werden ihm eine unbestimmte Zahl Geliebter und die Vaterschaft dreier Töchter nachgesagt, nichts zu ändern. Studien zu Ehren von Hermann Hoberg". ist ein Gemälde von Raffael, das 1511[1] in Rom entstanden ist. After the ceremonies of the election of Pope Innocent were completed, the cardinals were dismissed to their own homes, but Cardinal della Rovere accompanied the new Pope to the Vatican Palace and was the only one to remain with him. Papst 1503-1513, eigentl. Sein Pontifikat wird zwiespältig betrachtet. He was summoned by King Charles VIII to Lyons, where the two met on 1 June 1494. Today both men lie in St. Peter's Basilica on the floor in front of the monument to Pope Clement X. Other more pressing problems distracted the attention of Nicholas and subsequent popes, but Julius was not the sort of person to be distracted once he had settled on an idea, in this case, for the greatest building on earth, for the glory of Saint Peter and himself. Several of Michelangelo's greatest works (including the painting of the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel) were commissioned by Julius. [55] Charles soon conquered Naples, making his triumphal entry on 22 February 1495, but he was forced to remove most of his army. All the tombs of the Borgias must be opened and their bodies sent back to where they belong – to Spain. Über Papst Julius II Julius wurde als Giuliano della Rovere geboren. Nevertheless, although Julius had centralized and expanded the Papal States, he was far from realizing his dream of an independent Italian kingdom. Yet, despite the imperial rhetoric, the campaigns were highly localized. As part of the Renaissance program of reestablishing the glory of antiquity for the Christian capital, Rome, Julius II took considerable effort to present himself as a sort of emperor-pope, capable of leading a Latin-Christian empire. [31] Shortly thereafter the sum of 300,000 ecus of gold was received from the French in a subsidy of the war. [14] He had three brothers: Bartolomeo, a Franciscan friar who then became Bishop of Ferrara (1474–1494);[15] Leonardo; and Giovanni, Prefect of the City of Rome (1475–1501)[16] and Prince of Sorea and Senigallia. Italy wasn't at peace either. However, Julius II was far away from the possibility to form a single Italian kingdom, if that was his goal at all, since foreign armies were largely involved in his wars and the French were preparing new campaigns against the Swiss for Milan. [2] Despite much of his policy being reversed by his successor, the Papal States remained independent and centralized as a result of Julius' policies and the office of the papacy would remain crucial, diplomatically and politically, during the entirety of the 16th century in Italy and Europe. During the late 1490s, he became more closely acquainted with Cardinal de’ Medici and his cousin Giulio de’ Medici, both of whom would later become Pope, (i.e. Der Geschichtsfreund 89, 1934: 165–193. [114], On the evening of 21 February, Paris de Grassis conducted the funeral of Julius II, even though the Canons of the Vatican Basilica and the beneficiati refused to cooperate. Das Bild tauchte zum ersten Mal in einem Inventar der Borghese von 1631 auf. Der schreckliche Papst 02. Dezember 2011. Vasari schreibt über Raffaels Porträt in seinen Vite: Raffaels Julius-Porträt gilt als Schlüsselwerk für das repräsentative Papstporträt der folgenden Jahrhunderte. in Ãl ähnlich und lebendig, dass es dem Beschauer die gleiche Ehrfurcht einflöÃte, die er beim Anblick des Papstes selbst empfunden hätte.â[2]. Vasari schreibt über Raffaels Porträt in seinen Vite: âDamals malte er das Porträt von Julius II. [59] By June, however, the Pope was in negotiations with the Cardinal for reconciliation and return to Rome. In the framework of Rome's urban renewal (Renovatio Romae), the pope commissioned to Bramante the creation of two new straight streets respectively on the left and right bank of the Tiber: the Via Giulia and the Via della Lungara. Er war der Erzfeind der Borgias, überlebte ihr Gift und wurde ihr Nachfolger. [86], Urbino's magnificent court palace was infiltrated by French soldiers in the pay of the Duke of Gonzaga; the Montefeltro Conspiracy against his loyal cousins earned the occupying armies the Pope's undying hatred. [citation needed], On 2 March 1487, Giuliano was appointed legate in the March of Ancona and to the Republic of Venice. It must be crossed out of every document and memorial. The body was placed for a time at the Altar of Saint Andrew in the Basilica and was then carried by the Imperial Ambassador, the papal Datary, and two of Paris' assistants to the altar of the Chapel of Pope Sixtus, where the Vicar of the Vatican Basilica performed the final absolution. In 1508, he commissioned the Raphael Rooms and Michelangelo's paintings in the Sistine Chapel. He became an open partisan of the French and Venice, and accepted their goal, the destruction of the Sforza hold on Milan. Louis XII defeated the alliance at Battle of Ravenna on 11 April 1512. [58], In March 1497 Pope Alexander deprived Cardinal della Rovere of his benefices as an enemy of the Apostolic See, and Giovanni della Rovere of the Prefecture of Rome. [66] Meanwhile, the French army crossed the Alps and captured Alessandria in Piedmont. In 1484 Cardinal Giuliano della Rovere had begun negotiations to persuade Marquis Francesco Gonzaga of Mantua to allow Andrea Mantegna to come to Rome, which finally bore fruit in 1488; Mantegna was given the commission to decorate the chapel of the Belvedere for Pope Innocent VIII, on which he spent two years.[117]. The rulers of Europe paid little attention, but to show his sincerity Alexander imposed a tithe on all the residents of the Papal States and a tithe on the clergy of the entire world. Die Aufstellung der Einheit sollte seinem persönlichen Schutz dienen. But Ferrante's army decided the pope's humiliation, Innocent backed down and on 10 August signed a treaty. [7] His confrontational style inevitably created enemies and sodomy was the "common currency of insult and innuendo". J ụ lius II. Della Rovere, however, had enemies, both because of the influence he had exercised over Pope Sixtus IV and because of his French sympathies. Die National Gallery zeigt das Bild in Raum 8 ihrer ständigen Ausstellung.
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