Birthday. In summary, Dr. Martin Strobel obtained the following performances in the individual Obermatt categories over five participations in the Obermatt rankings (averages of all evaluated rankings are shown): CEO performance is displayed relative to that of other CEOs that competed in the same categories for the same number of competitions. Martin has over 25 years’ experience in insurance and financial services. Read our cookie policy for more information. Age. In his past career Mr. Eugster held the position of Co-Secretary at Bâloise Holding AG. The financial results are within the range we had anticipated, profitability has improved significantly, particularly in non-life business and despite our restrictive underwriting guidelines we have reported growth in our target customer segments. Martin Strobel is on the board of msg life AG and 5 other companies. Private equity investor Advent International named former chief executive of Baloise Group, Martin Strobel, as an operating partner. Relationships. 53. Wir bieten innovative Lösungen für alle, die sich einfach sicher fühlen wollen. Martin Strobel, chief executive officer of Baloise Holding AG, said the insurance company may consider buying firms in Switzerland, Germany, Belgium and Luxembourg. Dr. Martin Strobel Ph.D. serves as Senior Non-Executive Independent Director of the Company. From 2003 to 2008, he was a member of the Corporate Executive Committee. On January 1, 2015, Gert De Winter took the post as CEO from Martin Strobel. Das Unternehmen: Die Baloise Group mit Sitz in Basel, Schweiz ist ein europäischer Anbieter von Versicherungs- und Vorsorgelösungen. Baloise Group Martin Strobel, Group CEO Kepler's 13th annual Swiss Seminar - Zurich, 28 March 2012. Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Information Kepler's 13th annual Swiss Seminar 28 March 2012 2 This presentation is made by Baloise … Prior to joining Baloise Group, Dr. Martin Strobel was employed by the Boston Consulting Group from 1993, where his last position was Manager. In order to deal with this successfully, companies are needed that are flexible and can adapt to these new circumstances. “Money is flowing from the banking world into the insurance industry in a big way,” said Martin Strobel, the head of Switzerland’s fifth-biggest insurer. 9. Martin Strobel, Group CEO Helvea – Financials Seminar 2014, Zurich, 4 June 2014 Making you safer. Strobel's background is in technology and he gained a PhD in business computer science while beginning his career as a consultant at The Boston Consulting Group. In summary, Dr. Martin Strobel obtained the following performances in the individual Obermatt categories over five participations in the Obermatt rankings (averages of all … Bei der Baloise-Versicherung kommt es zu einem Abgang an der Konzernspitze. Former Baloise Group CEO Martin Strobel joins the global buyout house as an operating partner. Martin Strobel is Independent Member of the Board of Directors of Partners Group. Martin Strobel, chief executive designate of Swiss insurer Baloise , said on Friday the company has money and would buy a rival at the right price if it were a good strategic fit. The Banking segment consists of Baloise Bank SoBa, which acts as a universal bank in Switzerland; and Deutscher Ring Bausparkasse, which operates in Germany. Dr. Martin Strobel Die Baloise Group mit Sitz in Basel (Schweiz) ist ein führender europäischer Anbieter von Versicherungs- und Vorsorgelösungen und verbindet Versicherung mit intelligenter Prävention. Martin Strobel, Baloise Group CEO, said: “We are satisfied. März 2012 die Ergebnisse des Jahresabschluss 2011. In terms of our core insurance business we are in excellent shape, we are achieving growth in difficult times, and we are handling the challenges of the volatile investment markets extremely well", an upbeat Martin Strobel was pleased to report today to the media and financial analysts. Organigramm Das Organigramm gibt Aufschluss über die einzelnen Bereiche, Abteilungen und Ansprechpersonen der Baloise. Martin has over 25 years’ experience in insurance and financial services. März 2012 die Ergebnisse des Jahresabschluss 2011. View Relationship Details. Baloise aims to achieve a combined ratio of between 93% and 96% in non-life business, while in the life sector it is aiming for a new business margin of more than 10%. ... After leaving Baloise Group in April 2016, Dr. Strobel spent almost three years as an operating partner at private equity firm Advent International. The Other Activities segment includes equity investment, real estate, and financing firms. Global buyout house Advent International has bolstered its operations team, hiring insurance industry veteran Martin Strobel as an operating partner, according to a statement from the firm. Martin Strobel General Information Description. Der ehemalige Bâloise-CEO werde dem Direct-Lending-Geschäft der Gruppe entscheidende Impulse … Martin Strobel: Bâloise Assurances Luxembourg SA : Thomas von Planta: Bâloise Holding AG: Carsten Stolz: Bâloise Holding AG: Beat Oberlin: Basel Chamber of Commerce : Christoph B. Gloor: Bâloise Holding AG: Most Read News : 02/25: ELON MUSK: Tesla's Musk says U.S. factory closed for two days due to parts shortages: RE. Sehen Sie sich das Profil von Martin Strobel im größten Business-Netzwerk der Welt an. From 1993 to 1999, Martin performed various roles at Boston Consulting Group, Düsseldorf, advising business in the banking and insurance sectors. The long period allows the company to look for a suitable successor. See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Martin’s connections and jobs at similar companies. RSA Insurance Group plc (RSA) today announces the appointment of Martin Strobel as a Non-Executive Board Director as of 1 st May 2016. 495 Ergebnisse zu Martin Strobel: Handball-WM, Karriere, Handball-Nationalspieler, Sport, Knieverletzung, Prokop, Baloise, Berlin The company said that the "highly profitable" insurance business would remain its core focus. He was CEO of Baloise Group for seven years to 2015. 1966. Performance Overview Dr. Martin Strobel . Martin Strobel. In his past career he occupied the position of Group Chief Executive Officer for Bâloise Holding AG and Chairman of Basler Sachversicherungs-AG (a subsidiary of Bâloise Holding AG). Der CEO Martin Strobel tritt aus «persönlichen Gründen» zurück. Martin Strobel is to stand down as Group CEO at the end of 2015. RelSci Relationships. Baloise Insurance gehört zu den führenden Versicherern Belgiens und versteht sich als Partner für professionelle Broker. Nach 17 Jahren bei der Baloise, wovon 13 Jahre in der Konzernleitung, verabschiedet sich Martin Strobel (50) als Chef der Baloise. Managing Partner, blackprint Booster, PropTech VC ANDREAS WENDE. Erfahren Sie mehr zu unserer Strategie, lesen Sie aktuelle News oder bewerben Sie sich auf aktuelle Jobangebote. Liechtenstein: Baloise Life Belgium: Baloise Insurance Luxembourg: Bâloise Assurances; The company is listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange. Dr. Strobel's background is in technology and he gained a PhD in business computer science while beginning his career as a consultant at The Boston Consulting Group. Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles. Gert de Winter has now been appointed. Die Gruppe gehört zu den profitabelsten Versicherungsgesellschaften in Europa. MARTIN STROBEL. A relationship does not necessarily indicate a personal connection. Martin Strobel is on the board of msg life AG and 5 other companies. Martin Strobel, seit Anfang 2009 Konzernchef der Bâloise, tritt auf Ende April 2016 zurück und führt für diesen Entscheid persönliche Gründe ins Feld. “In his seven years as Group CEO, Martin Strobel has defined Baloise and made it into one of the most profitable European insurers, for which the Board of Directors is very grateful,” says Andreas Burckhardt about departing Group CEO Martin Strobel. Martin has over 25 years’ experience in insurance and financial services. BALOISE SESSION, das Musikfestival mit Clubatmosphäre, erleben Sie Stars hautnah Die Baloise Group ist mehr als eine traditionelle Versicherung. Mai Mitglied des Advisory Board der Remaco Gruppe in Basel. Leiter des Konzernbereichs Corporate Center, Baloise Group . Martin has over 23 years insurance and financial services experience, most recently as Chief Executive Officer of Baloise Group, a position he held for seven years to 2015. Er suche eine berufliche Veränderung. Baloise Holding AG, Switzerland’s third-biggest insurer, said first-half profit jumped 43 percent, boosted by earnings from life insurance. The result was hit by investment losses and a writedown on Greek sovereign debt. May 5 (Reuters) - Private equity investor Advent International named former chief executive of Baloise Group, Martin Strobel, as an operating partner. Auf LinkedIn können Sie sich das vollständige Profil ansehen und mehr über die Kontakte von Martin Strobel und Jobs bei ähnlichen Unternehmen erfahren. He was CEO of Baloise Group for seven years to 2015. His departure was prepared for with due care. Martin Strobel, chief executive designate of Swiss insurer Baloise , said on Friday the company has money and would buy a rival at the right price if it were a good strategic fit. Vorsitzender . 21 The general economic environment and also the finan-cial sector are undergoing a process of palpable change. Martin joined Baloise Group as the Head of IT at Basler Switzerland, responsible for major cross-functional insurance and finance projects. Martin joined Baloise Group as the Head of IT at Basler Switzerland, responsible for major cross-functional insurance and finance projects. He was CEO of Baloise Group for seven years to 2015. * Data is provided by financial exchanges and may be delayed as specified by financial exchanges or our data providers. Career Highlights. Martin previously held a non-executive directorship at Anivo 360 AG for three years. After the war, Baloise was able to grow as part of Europe's economic advances and in 1962, the separate parts of the business all became part of holding structure. He was CEO of Baloise Group for seven years to 2015. Most recently Chief Executive Officer of Baloise Group, a position he held for seven years to 2015. Martin has 8 jobs listed on their profile. Number of Boards. "We are of course not satisfied with the level of profit," said Martin Strobel, chief executive of Baloise Group. ... | 28 Februar 2021 Bâloise Holding AG. Martin Strobel, geboren 1966 und Deutsch/Schweizer Doppelbürger ist seit 2003 Mitglied und seit 2009 Präsident des Verwaltungsrates der Baloise Bank SoBa. At the end of May Martin Strobel announced his resignation for the end of April 2016. People: Partners Group Holding AG (PGHN.F) Strobel äussert sich zum Jahresstart 2014 und zur Dividendenerhöhung für die Aktionäre. Strobel will have been at Baloise for 18 years. Martin Strobel corporate profile, background and performance evaluation including other Partners executives Basler – also ein Mathematiker, der unsere Lebensversicherungstarife kalkuliert – ist Fallschirmspringer und Gleitschirmflieger. Sept. 11 (Bloomberg) -- Martin Strobel, chief executive officer of Baloise Holding AG, said the insurance company may consider buying firms in Switzerland, Germany, Belgium and Luxembourg. He subsequently joined the Swiss insurer Baloise … Dr. Martin Strobel is not included in a current Obermatt competition. Dr. Martin Strobel Ph.D. serves as Senior Non-Executive Independent Director of the Company. The Board has nominated Dr. Martin Strobel for election as a new independent member of the Board and member of the Risk & Audit Committee and Nomination & Compensation Committee. See Officers & Directors at Reuters Money. He will also join the Audit, Investment and Remuneration Committees. Im Profil von Martin Strobel sind 8 Jobs angegeben. Mai Mitglied des Advisory Board der Remaco Gruppe in Basel. He subsequently joined the Swiss insurer Baloise Group to oversee technology, before ultimately spending seven years of his 17-year tenure there as Group CEO. Former CEO, Baloise Group ALEXANDER UBACH-UTERMÖHL. Sie ist zudem der führende Transportversicherer im belgischen Markt. Martin Strobel, CEO der Baloise Group, und German Egloff, CFO der Baloise Group, präsentieren am 22. Dr. Martin Strobel Vorsitzender . Vorsitzender der Konzernleitung, Baloise Group . Martin Strobel, CEO Baloise Group. CEO of the Year 2013: Financial Institutions - Switzerland: See which CEOs topped the league tables when it comes to growth, operating, investment or combined performance. From 2003 to 2008, he was a member of the Corporate Executive Committee. Martin has over 25 years’ experience in insurance and financial services. and Dr Martin Strobel, CEO of Baloise Group (left) “Successful strategy in turbulent times” Shareholder information Letter to shareholders. See here for a complete list of exchanges and delays. Martin Strobel wird per 1. We use cookies on our website to enhance its performance for visitors. In his past career he occupied the position of Group Chief Executive Officer for Bâloise Holding AG and Chairman of Basler Sachversicherungs-AG (a subsidiary of Bâloise Holding AG). Martin joined Baloise Group as the Head of IT at Basler Switzerland, responsible for major cross-functional insurance and finance projects. Most recently, Strobel was named non-executive board director for RSA Insurance Group and joined its audit, investment and remuneration committees. ... | 21 Februar 2021 Martin has over 25 years’ experience in insurance and financial services. Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. View Martin Strobel’s profile on LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional community. He joined Baloise Group in 1999 as the Head of IT at Basler Switzerland and, within Baloise Group, was responsible for major cross-functional insurance and finance projects. Martin Strobel is Operating Partner at Advent International Corp. View Martin Strobel’s professional profile on Relationship Science, the database of decision makers. Andreas Eugster is on the board of Artires AG and Bâloise Assurances Luxembourg SA. ZURICH, Nov 19 (Reuters) - Continued low interest rates could cause some insurers to collapse, the chief executive of Baloise BALN.VX warned on Thursday, using Japan in … All quotes delayed a minimum of 15 minutes. Baloise Group Dialog. Januar 2009 hat Dr. Martin Strobel die Funktion als Vorsitzender der Konzernleitung (Chief Executive Officer) der Baloise Group übernommen. Martin Strobel General Information Description. Martin Strobel, CEO der Baloise Group, und German Egloff, CFO der Baloise Group, präsentieren am 22. The shares rose on expectations for a higher dividend. Dr. Martin Strobel. Martin Strobel, chief executive officer of Baloise Holding AG, said the insurance company may consider buying firms in Switzerland, Germany, Belgium and Luxembourg. Martin Strobel, CEO of Baloise Holding AG, said the insurance company may consider buying firms in Switzerland, Germany, Belgium and Luxembourg. Award-winning insurance products and services for individuals, families and businesses, RSA Insurance Group plc20 Fenchurch StreetLondonEC3M 3AUUnited Kingdom. The company was founded on May 2, 1863 and is headquartered in Basel, Switzerland. Martin Strobel is the president of the Corporate Executive Committee. By continuing to use this website, you accept our use of cookies. RelSci Relationships are individuals Martin Strobel likely has professional access to. May 5 (Reuters) - Private equity investor Advent International named former chief executive of Baloise Group, Martin Strobel, as an operating partner. Dr. Martin Strobel Ph.D. serves as Senior Non-Executive Independent Director of the Company. He joined Baloise Group in 1999 as the Head of IT at Basler Switzerland and, within Baloise Group, was responsible for … 728. Die Gesellschaft bietet ein umfassendes Angebot an Personen- und Sachversicherungen für Privatpersonen sowie für kleine und mittlere Unternehmen. Operating Partner at Advent International Corp. Overview. He is a board member at RSA Insurance Group plc., a British-headquartered insurer, where he chairs the Risk Committee. Baloise CEO Martin Strobel said that the increase in the CR was mainly the result of floods in Germany and storms in Switzerland. Martin Strobel: Ein Schweizer Chefaktuar der. Further information. External appointments: Non-Executive Director of Partners Group Holding AG and member of the supervisory board of MSG Life AG. Dr. Thomas Sieber Stv. Martin Strobel (Bild), langjähriger CEO des Basler Versicherungskonzerns, hat seinen Rücktritt auf den 30. Martin Strobel, CEO of Baloise Holding AG, said the insurance company may consider buying firms in Switzerland, Germany, Belgium and Luxembourg. Regional Manager, Baloise Group Dr. Martin Strobel (bis 19.11.2015) Vorsitzender Vorsitzender der Konzernleitung, Baloise Group Bärbel Luttmann * Angestellte, Basler Sachversicherungs-AG Jan De Meulder (ab 15.06.2015) Senior Executive im Versicherungsbereich, Schweiz Ivan Novak * Angestellter, Basler Sachversicherungs-AG Dr. Thomas Sieber Stv. Swiss insurer Baloise has announced a 2011 profit of SFr61.3m, well down on the SFr436.7m in the previous year. COO, NAI apollo // Former COO, Savills CHRISTOPH WITTKOP. Please click here to access the website in respect of the offer for RSA. “If more … BALOISE SESSION, das Musikfestival mit Clubatmosphäre, erleben Sie Stars hautnah References Most recently Chief Executive Officer of Baloise Group, a position he held for seven years to 2015. Managing Director & Country Head Germany, Barings Real Estate Advisers He was CEO of Baloise Group for seven years to 2015. (Reporting by Manish Parashar in Bengaluru; Editing by Shounak Dasgupta).
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