This was considered a "repayment" for the lands in Macedonia, occupied by Aromanians but included in Bulgaria after the First Balkan War. With the ongoing war, new anti-fascist partisan units were constantly formed and in 1942 a total of nine small partisan detachments were active in Vardar Macedonia and had maintained control of mountainous territories around Prilep, Skopje, Kruševo and Veles. Paris: Arthus Bertrand. In the 11th and the 12th century, the first mention is made of two ethnic groups just off the borders of Macedonia: the Arvanites in modern Albania and the Vlachs (Aromanians) in Thessaly and Pindus. [100] The new Albanian state did not attempt to assimilate this minority or to forcibly change the names of local towns and villages. However if the Yugoslavs would recognize the Slavic inhabitants of Vardar Macedonia as Bulgarians, it would mean that the area should be part of Bulgaria. Meanwhile, the left-wing later did form the new organisation based on the principles of independence and unification of partitioned Macedonia. The process of Hellenization was additionally reinforced after the abolition of the Bulgarian Archbishopric of Ohrid in 1767. The encouragement and evolution of the culture of the Republic of Macedonia has had a far greater and more permanent impact on Macedonian nationalism than has any other aspect of Yugoslav policy. The capital, Skopje, is the largest city. Greek hostility to the Slavic minority produced tensions that rose to separatism. 100,000 by 1912. However, the poverty of the Christian peasantry and the lack of proper schooling in villages preserved the linguistic diversity of the Macedonian countryside. At the time of his death, Alexander's empire covered some 5,200,000 km 2 (2,000,000 sq mi), and was the largest state of its time. "become Greeks again, that being the condition of a peaceful life. It is rarely Romanized. He was follower of the idea about a United Macedonian state with prevailing Bulgarian element. As result international relations upon the Sofia–Belgrade line deteriorated, and in fact were broken. The ethnic Macedonians of North Macedonia have demonstrated without any exception a strong and even aggressive at times Macedonian consciousness. After the treaty of Bucharest, some 51% of the modern region that was known as Macedonia was won by the Greek state (also known as Aegean or Greek Macedonia). They invaded Macedonia and reached as far south as Thessaly and the Peloponnese, settling in isolated regions that were called by the Byzantines Sclavinias, until they were gradually pacified. The Bulgarian denouncement is based on the strong sense of loss of the territory, history and language which it shared with present-day North Macedonia in the past. At one time all Emathia, Pieria and Pelagonia were subject to the Paionians. Trombetta B. At this time Ivan Mihailov arrived in German occupied Skopje, where the Germans hoped that he could form an Independent State of Macedonia with their support on the base of IMRO and Ohrana. At that time the classical Rum Millet began to degrade. [87] In Strumica, approximately 3,800 fighters took part in the formation of military movements of the region; The 4th, 14th and 20th Macedonian Action Brigades, the Strumica Partisan Detachment and the 50th and 51st Macedonian Divisions were formed. Following the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire, the decisive point in the ethnogenesis of the South Slavic ethnic group was the … During the Dominate period, 'barbarian' federates were settled on Macedonian soil at times; such as the Sarmatians settled by Constantine (330s AD)[44] or the (10 year) settlement of Alaric's Goths. [g] Most of these people however do not have an ethnic Macedonian national consciousness, with most choosing to identify as ethnic Greeks[189] or rejecting both ethnic designations and preferring terms such as "natives" instead. The controversy over whether the Macedonians were originally Greek or not is caused mainly by contradictory ancient accounts, but also due to the peculiar features of a few Macedonian words, though most words are consistent with Greek (see Ancient Macedonian language). [93][94] Although the People's Republic of Bulgaria originally accepted very few refugees, government policy changed and the Bulgarian government actively sought out refugees from Greek Macedonia. (1914). The official name of the church is Macedonian Orthodox Church – Ohrid Archbishopric and is the body of Christians who are united under the Archbishop of Ohrid and North Macedonia, exercising jurisdiction over Macedonian Orthodox Christians in the Republic of North Macedonia and in exarchates in the Macedonian diaspora. Though the Romanian propaganda made some success in Bitola, Kruševo, and in the Aromanian villages in the districts of Bitola and Ohrid. [92] After World War II the ruling Bulgarian Communists declared the population in Bulgarian Macedonia as ethnic Macedonian and teachers were brought in from Yugoslavia to teach the locals in the new Macedonian language. It was founded in 1925 in Vienna. The Macedonian and Greek Orthodox Churches . In Philip's time, Macedonians expanded and settled in many of the new adjoining territories, and Thrace up to the Nestus was colonized by Macedonian settlers. Throughout history, Macedonia saw the mightiest empires in Europe rise and fall. in the ancient city of Babylon, in modern-day Iraq. Lange-Akhund, Nadine. Misirkov rejected the ideas in On Macedonian Matters later and turned into a staunch advocate of the Bulgarian cause – only to return to the ethnic Macedonian idea again in the 1920s. History of the Balkans, Vol. Can form. Then in the resistance movement in Vardar Macedonia were clearly visible two political tendencies. Subsequently, activists attempted to re-establish the party but could not gather the required number of signatures. Aigai and Pella. Close. At the turn of the 20th century there were 785 Bulgarian schools in Macedonia with 1,250 teachers and 39,892 pupils. The founders of modern Macedonian painting included Lazar Licenovski, Nikola Martinoski, Dimitar Pandilov, and Vangel Kodzoman. Relexification Hypothesis in Rumanian. [157] Further, those applying for Bulgarian citizenship usually say they do so to gain access to member states of the European Union rather to assert Bulgarian identity. The Macedonian Regional Committee refused to remain in contact with Communist Party of Yugoslavia (CPY) and linked up with BCP as soon as the invasion of Yugoslavia started. The population of the world circa AD 1 has been considered to be between 200 and 300 million people. Bulgarian and other non-Greek schools in southern (Greek) Macedonia were closed and Bulgarian teachers and priests were deported as early as the First Balkan War simultaneous to deportation of Greeks from Bulgaria. Their number stood at ca. According to the Greek historian Herodotus, the Makednoi (Greek: Mακεδνοί) were a Dorian tribe that stayed behind during the great southward migration of the Dorian Greeks (Histories 1.56.1). In 1880, Georgi Pulevski published Slognica Rechovska in Sofia as an attempt at a grammar of the language of the Slavs who lived in Macedonia. "Средновековни градови и тврдини во Македонија, Иван Микулчиќ, Македонска академија на науките и уметностите – Скопје, 1996, стр. That these anticipations proved false was due not to any intrinsic peculiarities of the Macedonian Slavs, setting them apart from the Bulgarians, but to a series of catastrophic events, which, over a period of seventy years, diverted the course of Macedonian history away from its presumed trend. Open Society Archives - FOLDER-REPORT: 79-4-361 Vukmanovic Describes Conflict with Bulgarians, Slobodan Stankovic, 1971-2-11, Spyridon Sfetas -Autonomist Movements of the Slavophones in 1944. Skopje: Матица на Иселениците на Македонија. Thus the Macedonians also are a nation and the place which is theirs is called Macedonia.[123]. The interaction between Romanised and non-Romanised indigenous peoples and the Slavs resulted in linguistic similarities which are reflected in modern Bulgarian, Albanian, Romanian and Macedonian, all of them members of the Balkan language area. Whatever Alexander tells you, this was the world’s first great empire. Who are the Macedonians? [202] As regards self-identification, a total of 1,654 people officially declared themselves to be ethnic Macedonians in the last Bulgarian census in 2011 (0,02%) and 561 of them are in Blagoevgrad Province (0,2%). From the time he invaded Asia in 334 to his death in 323, he expanded the Macedonian empire from Greece in the west to Asia Minor, the Levant, Egypt, Central Asia and "India" (Pakistan and Kashmir) in the east. Hence, for them to recognize the inhabitants of Macedonia as Bulgarians would be tantamount to admitting that they should be part of the Bulgarian state. Chris Kostov, Contested Ethnic Identity: The Case of Macedonian Immigrants in Toronto, Peter Lang, 2010. Стојан Новаковић, Београд, 1906. Flag of the Republic of Macedonia (1992−1995) depicting the Vergina Sun, Proposed coat of arms of North Macedonia. The Bulgarian, Greek and Romanian schools were closed, the Bulgarian priests and all non-Serbian teachers were expelled. Pre-Alexander, perhaps 700,000. It originates from the ancient Greek adjective makednos, meaning "tall",[164] which shares its roots with the adjective makrós, meaning the same. (See also: Roma in the Republic of Macedonia). [citation needed] Also in Uruguay, with a significant population in Montevideo. Anthropologically, Macedonians possess genetic lineages postulated to represent Balkan prehistoric and historic demographic processes. "There is therefore now a large Macedonian element in Bulgaria, continued represented in all Government Departments and occupying high positions in the army and in the civil service...." He characterized this element as "Serbophobe, [it] mostly desires the incorporation of Macedonia in Bulgaria, and generally supports the IMRO." His son, Alexander the Great, would create a huge empire encompassing much of Asia Minor, Egypt, and the Mediterranean. Following the Second Balkan War in 1913, the partition of Macedonia among three entities who had taken part in the battle (Serbia, Greece and Bulgaria) placed today's territory within the Kingdom of Serbia. Богдан Филов, Дневник - под общата редакция на акад. IMRO was a "state within the state" in the region in the 1920s using it to launch attacks in the Serbian and Greek parts of Macedonia. The Balkan Wars (1912–1913) and World War I (1914–1918) left the region of Macedonia divided among Greece, Serbia, Bulgaria, and Albania and resulted in significant changes in its ethnic composition. Most of these lands were previously inhabited by Thracian tribes, and Thucydides records how the Thracians were pushed to the mountains when the Macedonians acquired their lands. Philip's son, Alexander the Great, extended Macedonian power over key Greek city-states, and his campaigns, both local and abroad, would make the Macedonian power supreme from Greece, to Persia, Egypt, and the edge of India. Macedonia was returned to the Ottoman Empire. It was not a rare occurrence for whole villages to switch their nationality from Greek to Bulgarian and then to Serbian within a few years or to be Bulgarian in the presence of a Bulgarian commercial agent and Serbian in the presence of a Serbian consul. ""Are you Christians or Bulgarians?" [40][42] The term "Macedonian Slavs" was used by scholars and publicists in three general meanings: An instance of the use of the first meaning of the term was, for example, the ethnographic map of the Slavic peoples published in (1890) by Russian scholar Zarjanko, which identified the Slavs of Macedonia as Bulgarians. Which Macedonia Was Alexander the Great From? In the 13th and the 14th century, Macedonia was contested by the Byzantine Empire, the Despotate of Epirus, the rulers of Thessaly, and the Bulgarian Empire, but the frequent shift of borders did not result in any major population changes. On the other hand, Theodosius of Skopje, a priest who have hold a high-ranking positions within the Bulgarian Exarchate was chosen as a bishop of the episcopacy of Skopje in 1885. [107][108] The Constitutional Court of Republic of Macedonia banned the organization of the Bulgarians in the Republic of Macedonia-Radko as "promoting racial and religious hate and intolerance". The Serbian politician Stojan Novaković proposed in 1887 employing the Macedonistic ideas as they means to counteract the Bulgarian influence in Macedonia, thereby promoting Serbian interests in the region. [c] The earliest manifestations of incipient Macedonian identity emerged during the second half of the 19th century[100][101][102] among limited circles of Slavic-speaking intellectuals, predominantly outside the region of Macedonia. Europe since 1945. The independence of Bulgaria in 1908 had the same effect on the Bulgarian idea in Macedonia as the independence of Greece to the Hellenic a century earlier. By the time Macedonia proclaimed its independence those who continued to look to Bulgaria were very few. After the Balkan Wars, following division of the region of Macedonia amongst the Kingdom of Greece, the Kingdom of Bulgaria and the Kingdom of Serbia, and after World War I, the idea of belonging to a separate Macedonian nation was further spread among the Slavic-speaking population. Veritas, Macedonia Under Oppression 1919–1929, Sofia, 1931, pp. [194] Rainbow first opened its offices in Florina on 6 September 1995. The gendarmes became notorious for carrying out atrocities against captured partisans and their supporters. the Macedonian national symbol is a yellow lion on red background, communities in a number of other countries, History of the Macedonians (ethnic group), rise of nationalism under the Ottoman Empire, Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization (United), Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization, resolution supporting the development of the entity, Law for the Protection of Macedonian National Honour, rise of nationalism in the Ottoman Empire, European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), Statute of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Macedonian Orthodox Church – Ohrid Archbishopric, Internal Macedonian-Adrianople Revolutionary Organization, Demographics of the Republic of North Macedonia, Report about Compliance with the Principles of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities (Greece) – GREEK HELSINKI MONITOR (GHM), "United Nations Population Division | Department of Economic and Social Affairs", "Population by Ethnicity, by Towns/Municipalities, 2011 Census", Polands Holocaust: Ethnic Strife, Collaboration with Occupying Forces and Genocide in the Second Republic, 1918–1947, "Rezultatele finale ale Recensământului din 2011 – Tab8. The present number of the "Slavophones" in Greece has been subject to much speculation with varying numbers. [64] Chento was even talking about the possibility to create an independent Macedonia backed by the US. (3) Alexander's empire consisted of mainland Greece and Macedonia plus the former Persian Empire. The authorities projected the settlement of 50,000 families in Macedonia, though only 4,200 families had been placed in 280 colonies by 1940." Macedonian. An empire can be made solely of contiguous territories, such as the Austro-Hungarian Empire or the Russian Empire, or include territories which are far remote from the 'home' country of the empire, such as a colonial empire.Aside from the more formal usage, the word empire can also refer colloquially to a large-scale business enterprise (e.g. Two days later, on 24 June, the BCP called for an armed resistance against the Wehrmacht and the Bogdan Filov government. [46] Yet at the same time, sources attest numerous Slavic tribes in the environs of Thessaloniki and further afield, including the Berziti in Pelagonia. Meanwhile, the Bulgarian government was responsible for the round-up and deportation of over 7,000 Jews in Skopje and Bitola. WITH THE EYES OF THE "OTHERS". Nationality in early-20th-century Macedonia was a matter of political convictions and financial benefits, of what was considered politically correct at the specific time and of which armed guerrilla group happened to visit the respondent's home last. They have not merely resumed possession of their ancient domain, the Sandjak and Novi-Bazar and Old Servia proper (Kosovo Pole and Metchia), despite the fact that this historic domain was strongly Albanian; they have not merely added there to the tract described by patriotic Servian ethnographers as "Enlarged Old Servia"; over and above all this, their facile generosity impelled them to share with the Greeks the population described on their map as Slav Macedonian a euphemism designed to conceal the existence of Bulgarians in Macedonia. through the reign of several kings. Southern and eastern Serbia and most of Vardar Macedonia were liberated within an end of November. Macedonia, ancient kingdom centred on the plain in the northeastern corner of the Greek peninsula, at the head of the Gulf of Thérmai. 53,000 applied and are still waiting. София: Държавна печатница). And their acquisitions under the treaty of Bucharest went beyond their most extravagant pretensions. The Macedonian alphabet is an adaptation of the Cyrillic script, as well as language-specific conventions of spelling and punctuation. (Activity Report of the Bulgarian Citizenship Commission for the period 14 January - 31 December 2017); Доклад за дейността на комисията по българско гражданство за периода 01 януари – 31 декември 2018 г. The failure of the Ilinden-Preobrazhenie Uprising in 1903 signified a second weakening of the Bulgarian cause resulting in closure of schools and a new wave of emigration to Bulgaria. Even in 1914 the Carnegie Commission report states that the Serbs and Greeks classified the Slavs of Macedonia as a distinct group "Slav-Macedonians" for political purposes and this term is "political euphemism designed to conceal the existence of Bulgarians in Macedonia".[24]. Etnografija i statistika. Harsh rule by the occupying forces and a number of Allied victories indicated that the Axis might lose the war and that encouraged more Macedonians to support the communist Partisan resistance movement of Josip Broz Tito. This dialect was proposed by Misirkov as the basis for the future language, and, as Misirkov says, a dialect which is most different from all other neighboring languages (as the eastern dialect was too close to Bulgarian and the northern one too close to Serbian). Istvan Varsary. The Communist Party of Bulgaria; Origins and Development, 1883–1936. Macedonian Empire. Nationalities Papers Volume 27, 1 March 1999, p. 44(14). From 1993 to 1994, 1,596 performances were held in the newly formed republic, and more than 330,000 people attended. Macedonian newspaper "Makedonska Tribuna", an organ of Macedonian Patriotic Organisation, published by Macedonian immigrants in the U.S. and Canada, vaunted the German victory in the Invasion and fall of the Kingdom Yugoslavia. Joseph. For the demographics of, Development of the name "Macedonian Slavs", Sample statistical data from neutral sources, harvnb error: no target: CITEREFBorza1992 (, harvnb error: no target: CITEREFVanderpool1982 (. While development of national music, films and the graphic arts has been encouraged in the Republic of Macedonia, the greatest cultural effect has come from the codification of the Macedonian language and literature, the new Macedonian national interpretation of history and the establishment of a Macedonian Orthodox Church in 1967 by Central Committee of the Communist Party of Macedonia.[65]. [38] Ethnic cleansing was unlikely in Serbia, Bulgarians were given to sign declaration for being Serbs since ancient times, those who refused to sign faced assimilation through terror, while Muslims faced similar discrimination. The same day the BCP spread a brochure among the people urging "To hinder by all means the usage of Bulgarian land and soldiers for the criminal purposes of German fascism". For context, the land area of the Earth, … [154] By making the procedure simpler, Bulgaria stimulates more Macedonian citizens (of Slavic origin) to apply for a Bulgarian citizenship. However the decision taken at the Congress of Berlin soon turned the Macedonian question into "the apple of constant discord" between Serbia, Greece and Bulgaria. [85] It was also anticipated that the IMRO volunteers would form the core of the armed forces of a future Independent Macedonia in addition to providing administration and education in the Florina, Kastoria and Edessa districts. "This movement also had adherents among the Macedonian colony in Bulgaria."[57]. Surnames were again changed to include the ending '-ski', which was to emphasise the unique nature of the ethnic Macedonian population. [95] The policy of communist Bulgaria towards the refugees from Greece was, at least initially, not discriminative with regard to their ethnic origin: Greek- and Slav-speakers were both categorized as Greek political emigrants and received equal treatment by state authorities. The most noticeable characteristic was the degree to which nation-states use the state as an instrument of national unity, in economic, social and cultural life. 2: Twentieth Century, 1983, Cambridge University Press. Thracians in early times occupied mainly the eastern parts of Macedonia (Mygdonia, Crestonia, Bisaltia) but were also present in Eordaea and Pieria. In the following years, the communists attempted to enlist the pro-IMRO sympathies of the population in their cause. [148], A more radical and uncompromising strand of Macedonian nationalism has recently emerged called "ancient Macedonism", or "Antiquisation". Large Macedonian settlements within Vojvodina can be found in Plandište, Jabuka, Glogonj, Dužine and Kačarevo. The Bulgarian advance in Macedonia in the 19th century was aided by the numerical superiority of the Bulgarians after the decrease in the Turkish population, as well as by their improved economic status. A. Zupan et al. About 2,300 years ago, the Persian Empire covered over two million square miles and held nearly half the world’s population. [30] All censuses concluded that the province is of Christian majority, among whom the Bulgarians prevail. MF. The foundation of the Bulgarian Exarchate in 1870, which included most of Macedonia by a firman of Sultan Abdülaziz was the direct result of the struggle of the Bulgarian Orthodox against the domination of the Greek Patriarchate of Constantinople in the 1850s and 1860s. The establishment of Ottoman Turkish Rule in Macedonia, which took place at the end of 14th century, had two main consequences of a lasting nature for Macedonia and its population. There also exist unrecognised Macedonian populations living in the Golo Brdo region, the "Dolno Pole" area near the town of Peshkopi, around Lake Ohrid and Korce as well as in Gora. Macedonia in the 1940s. An intense program of Serbianization was implemented during the 1920s and 1930s when Belgrade enforced a Serbian cultural assimilation process on the region. The Ottoman Empire built its power base on a heterogeneous mix of people who were added to its population with every conquest. They arose after the First World War and especially during 1930s, and thus were consolidated by Communist Yugoslavia's governmental policy after the Second World War.[d]. The local population in North Macedonia met with joy the defeat of Kingdom of Yugoslavia. After the overwhelming vote of the districts of Ohrid and Skopje, it grew to include the whole of present-day Vardar and Pirin Macedonia in 1874. The "Macedonian question" became especially prominent after the Balkan wars in 1912–1913, followed from the withdraw of the Ottoman Empire and the subsequent division of the region of Macedonia between Greece, Bulgaria and Serbia. 120,000, whereof 10,000 Orthodox and 110,000 Muslims, Vlachs: ca. Editor-in-chief. C. Hurst & Co. Publishers, 2002. Урнати табуата за Методија Андонов Ченто. [68] Before the Balkan Wars the regional Macedonian dialects were treated as Bulgarian and the Exarchate school system taught the locals in Bulgarian. The German attack on the Soviet Union sparked the rage of the Communists in Bulgaria. During the second Balkan Conference in 1932 the Bulgarian and Albanian delegations signed a Protocol about the recognition of the ethnic Bulgarian minority in Albania. Създаване и утвърждаване на Вардарска Македония като Република в Югославска Федерация (1943–1946), The Races and Religions of Macedonia, "National Geographic", Nov 1912, "Siegfried Jakoby, secretary to Einstein: "Macedonia - What I saw there, 1927, Bulgarian army occupation units in Yugoslavia 1941, Bulgarian Campaign Committees in Macedonia - 1941, Between Past and Future: Civil-Military Relations in Post-Communist Balkan States. 1. arh.ed. They act as cosmetic tags and change the name, flag and map color of the nation, but not other aspects like national focuses or advisors. For more see: F. A. K. Yasamee, Nationality in the Balkans: The case of the Macedonians. [45] In contrast to 'frontier provinces', Macedonia (north and south) continued to be a flourishing Christian, Roman province in Late Antiquity and into the early Middle Ages. The degree of these policies' success, however, remains open to question. In New Balkan Politics, Issue 6, pp. Probably the most prominent Macedonian that applied for and was granted Bulgarian citizenship is former Prime Minister Ljubčo Georgievski. Dimitar Bechev, Historical Dictionary of the Republic of Macedonia, Scarecrow Press, 2009. The closest relative of Macedonian is Bulgarian,[213] followed by Serbo-Croatian. Misirkov considered that the term "Macedonian" should be used to define the whole Slavic population of Macedonia, obliterating the existing division between Greeks, Bulgarians and Serbians. Many Slavs came to serve as soldiers in Byzantine armies and settled in other parts of the empire. The clash between the Yugoslav and Bulgarian Communists about possession over North Macedonia was not ended. However, as a result of plebiscites held between 1872 and 1875, the Slavic districts in the area voted overwhelmingly (over 2/3) to go over to the new national Church. [76][77][78] Former IMRO and IMRO (United) members were active in organizing Bulgarian Action Committees[77] charged with taking over the local authorities. 9–11. At the same time a number of Macedonian Greeks from Monastiri (modern Bitola) entered Greece. Between 6 April 1941 and 17 April 1941, Axis forces invaded the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. In antiquity, much of central-northern Macedonia (the Vardar basin) was inhabited by Paionians who expanded from the lower Strymon basin. J. Pettifer, The New Macedonian Question, St Antony's group, Springer, 1999. [45][46], Linguistically, the South Slavic languages from which Macedonian developed are thought to have expanded in the region during the post-Roman period, although the exact mechanisms of this linguistic expansion remains a matter of scholarly discussion. [149][150] Surveys on the effects of the controversial nation-building project Skopje 2014 and on the perceptions of the population of Skopje revealed a high degree of uncertainty regarding the latter's national identity. [36], According to the League of Nations and at the 1928 census the population consisted of 1,341,00 Greeks (88.8%), 77,000 Bulgarians (5%), 2,000 Turks and 91,000 others,[37][38] but according to Greek archival sources the total number of the Slavic speakers was 200,000.[39]. The Cambridge History of Early Inner Asia, Denis Sinor, Cambridge University Press, 1990. harvcoltxt error: no target: CITEREFLevinsonO'Leary1992 (, The encyclopedia of Christianity, Volume 3. Many of these areas remained in Macedonian hands or under Greek influence for the next 200–300 years. From 1946 until the end of the Civil War in 1949, the NOF was loyal to Greece and was fighting for minimal human rights within the borders of a Greek republic. The Ohrid Archiepiscopy was founded as a separate church in 995 to care for the religious needs of the Orthodox Macedonians. James Horncastle, The Macedonian Slavs in the Greek Civil War, 1944–1949; Rowman & Littlefield, 2019. [86][87] R1a1 and I2a1b are typically found in Slavic-speaking populations across Europe[88][89] while haplogroups such as E-V13 and J2 occur at high frequencies in neighboring non-Slavic populations. German scholar Gustav Weigand was one of the most prominent representatives of the first trend with the books Ethnography of Macedonia (1924, written 1919) and partially with The Aromanians (1905).
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