It is a reason that a large number of people utilize the Ramadan calendar 2021 Mississauga to check Iftar time and Mississauga Sehri time. Preferences and then Privacy and then Location Services. In the "Privacy" section, click Content settings. Some dates may vary slightly as they are determined by the lunar calendar. Having your current location will help us to get you more accurate عَنَّا سَيِّـَٔاتِنَا وَتَوَفَّنَا مَعَ ٱلْأَبْرَارِ. On your phone or tablet, open the Settings app. Cape Town Ramadan Calendar 2021 provides you the correct and exact Sehr-o-iftar timings throughout the holy month this year 2021. All information on is verified by professionals beforehand. ISNA Presents its new 2020-22 Leadership Team ISNA’s new 2020-22 leadership team was inducted during the ISNA’s 57th — and first virtual — Annual Convention. Both sects of South Africa Muslims i.e Sunni & Shia timings are mentioned here which will make you easier to … MUIS (Majlis Ugama Islam Singapura) Muslim World League (MWL) North America (ISNA… JAKIM (Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia) London Unified Islamic Prayer Timetable. جدیدترین اخبار دانشگاهی،علمی،فن آوری،ورزشی،اجتماعی،سیاسی،اقتصادی ایران و سایر مناطق جهان را در خبرگزاری ایسنا بخوانید |,,,, isnanews,, isna news agency 01 Nov 2020: Start of Rabi'ul-Akhir: 1 Rabi'ul-Akhir 1442 H: Monday: 16 Nov 2020: Sunnah Fasting Yaumul Bidh: 13 Rabi'ul-Akhir 1442 H: Saturday: 28 Nov 2020: Sunnah Fasting Yaumul Bidh: 14 Rabi'ul-Akhir 1442 H: Sunday: 29 Nov 2020: Sunnah Fasting Yaumul Bidh: 15 Rabi'ul-Akhir 1442 H: Monday: 30 Nov 2020: Start of Jumadal-Awwal: 1 Jumadal-Awwal 1442 H: Wednesday: 16 Dec 2020 Ramadan is a time of spiritual reflection, improvement and increased devotion and worship. The Islamic calendar is usually ten to twelve days shorter than the Georgian calendar and Iftar time Mississauga varies each year. Do not allow any site to track your physical location: You can search for Ramadan Timetable for any city in the world by searching for your city in the top bar. Event Tracks. of those who show mercy.”, “Lord! If you find any inappropriate material (or links leading to inappropriate materials), kindly Select this option if don't want any sites to see your location. Eid al-Fitr is on the first day of the month of Shawwal (Islamic Calendar) and marks the end of Ramadan (month long fasting) and the beginning of a feast that breaks the fast. Gregorian … Read our FCNA decided to follow The European Council for Fatwa and Research (ECFR), which states that the sighting is not a requirement but just the means of ascertaining the beginning for a new month, and that is now attained by exact calculations. Hijri Calendar for Muslims based on calculated visibility of the new crescent moon. IslamicFinder’s Ramadan Calendar 2021 gives you the Fasting times for Ramadan including the Sehr schedule and Iftar timings for your country with complete details of Prayer Times. Welcome to Ramadan 2021 Sehr o Iftar time table and Worldwide Calendar. Click Settings and then Show advanced settings. The act of fasting is said to redirect the heart away from worldly activities, its purpose being to cleanse the soul by freeing it from h… Open System Preferences and then Security & Privacy If these conditions are met, the month starts the next day, otherwise the month starts on the day following next day. 15 Dhul-Hijjah 1442 AH. This page will also show you today’s Sehr Iftar Times by highlighting that row. Event. 25 July 2021. Islamic Festivals and Holidays 2020. FCNA Calendar for North America – From Muharram 1, 1440 (September 11, 2018) to Dhul Hijjah 1, 1467 (October 12, 2045) The Islamic calendar adopted by Fiqh Council of North America (FCNA) is based on calculations with Ittihadul-Mataali’ concept for the sake of global unity. Search for a … Therefore forgive us our sins, and remit from us 750 E. Plainfield, IN 46168. Privacy Policies. 317-839-8157. Ramadan Calendar 2021 timings are available above with Ramadan Sehr o Iftar timetable and Ramadan calendar of all countries. Fasting Ayyamul Bidh. ISNACON’19 has partnered with a number of universities and ISNA members to create this year’s curriculum. The fast (sawm) begins at dawn and ends at sunset. Here we have provided the dates of the Islamic religious holidays for calendar year 2019. Islamic Calendar 2021 - Hijri Calendar 1442. Register Here. do to help fix the problem. For your daily dose of spirituality, go to, For your Quranic & Masnoon Dua, go to, “Oh my Lord, forgive and have mercy and You are the best You can print the Islamic Calendar 2020 and namaz timetable of prayer times in Isna for the whole year. We have updated our privacy policies according to CCPA and GDPR rules and regulations for Californian and EU citizens respectively. Tuesday. The first Tarawih prayer will start on Thursday, April 23, 2020 night and first day of fasting will be on Friday, April 24, 2020. for this device," tap the blue words > on the next Settings ٱلرَّٰحِمِينَ, رَبَّنَا فَٱغْفِرْ لَنَا ذُنُوبَنَا وَكَفِّرْ special thanks to our 2020 sponsors The opinions expressed herein by the guest speakers at the MAS-ICNA Convention are those of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect the view of the Muslim American Society (MAS) or the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA). Today Islamic Calendar Date is 28 Rajab 1442 - This calendar is helpful to stay updated with the latest Hijri calendar dates and events. Important dates in Islamic Calendar in the Year 2020. Days to Eid al Fitr 2020 Sunday, May 24th is day number 145 of the 2020 calendar year with -9 months, -17 days until Eid al-Fitr 2020. Important Dates in FCNA/ISNA Calendar If you see "blocked" under "Location," tap, Give current location access on your browser, You will see a message that says "This will reset your Key Dates within the Islamic Calendar: 1st day of Ramadan – 25th April. You can also print and download this calendar and post it in your home or in your nearest mosque. Official website of the Islamic Shia Ithna-Asheri Association of Edmonton, Alberta. Eid ul Adha – 31st July. According to ISNA’s Fiqh Council, the first day of Ramadan 1441H will be on Friday, April 24, 2020 and first day of Shawwal/Eid ul-Fitr will be on Sunday May 24, 2020. Keyword 1Islamic Calendar 2020 Pdf Download Keyword 2 Islamic Calendar 2020 Pdf Download, Keyword 3 Islamic Calendar 2020 Pdf Download Keyword 4 Sehri time today & iftar time today in Isna . Islamic Holy Month Ramadan 2021 Timings and Worldwide Timetable 2021. Terms and Conditions France - Angle 18°. Muslims around the world use the Islamic Calendar (also known as the Lunar or Hijri calendar) to determine the dates of religious events and observances. Subscribe to our e-newsletter today and receive latest news and updates about our products. Islamic University, Karachi. 1.1 See more: Muslim Holidays 2017 Muslim Holidays 2018 Muslim Holidays 2019 Muslim Holidays 2020. This page gives information about Islamic calendar for North America. January 2020; 1 We: al-'arb`a': 5. To allow for changes, click the lock in the bottom left. Listen to live lectures, view upcoming events, community announcements, prayer timing, and more. Islamic festivals are the days celebrated by Muslims. The criteria are that after conjunction somewhere on the globe, at local sunset, the angle between sun and moon should be at least 8° and moon should be at least 5° above horizon. Join 1,000,000+ subscribers and get latest updates about IslamicFinder features and articles. رَّبِّ ٱغْفِرْ وَٱرْحَمْ وَأَنتَ خَيْرُ Please enter correct latitude longitude values, Please select daylight savings start date, GET ALL YOUR MUSLIM ESSENTIALS IN ONE PLACE. Tap, To give Safari access to your location, tap, To give IslamicFinder access to your location, tap. You can also print and download this calendar and post it in your home or in your nearest mosque. Select this option if you want Google Chrome to alert you Dates for Eid al Adha Muḥarram 1443; Ṣafar 1443; Rabīʿ al-awwal 1443; Rabīʿ al-thānī 1443; Jumādá al-ūlá 1443; Jumādá al-ākhirah 1443; Rajab 1443; Shaʿbān 1443; Ramaḍān 1443; Shawwāl 1443; Dhū al-Qaʿdah 1443; Dhū al-Ḥijjah 1443; Islamic Holidays. If you see "Location access is turned off 750 E. Plainfield, IN 46168. Select one of these permissions: Allow all sites to track your physical location: Select Here are some things you can 750 E. Plainfield, IN 46168. Djumada l-Ula 1441: 4 Sa: as-sabt: 8. If you continue using our website, then you have agreed to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. 317-839-8157. Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) 6555 S. County Rd. Eid ul Fitr – 25th May. screen, tap the toggle to turn on location access. Ask when a site tries to track your physical location: The Prayer Timings schedule is updated automatically, so you can always find the most authentic and accurate prayer timings and Ramadan Calendar 2020 for the month of Ramadan 2020. Quick View hide. Download or print Islamic Calendar 2021 and check Hijri dates with the list of holidays in 2021. Day. Thanks for reaching out. In this Holy month of Ramadan, we have created a special Ramadan page for the Muslim Community to facilitate them with opening, breaking of fast, Holy Quran, Zakat, Laylatul Qadr and Ramadan Duas. 10th Muharram – 30th August * These dates are dependent on moon sightings We'll get back to you soon. This Ramadan, earn extra blessings with Athan! IslamicFinder shows the most accurate / authentic fasting (Roza) timings.  contact us. Start of Muharram (Sacred month) 1 Muharram 1443 AH. Islamic New Year. With Islamicfinder’s Ramadan Calendar, you can easily change settings of the Fasting times to Fiqah Hanafi and Fiqah Jafari (juristic method) as well as your calculation method using the settings icon above. Stay tuned for track partner and speaker announcements coming soon! Note: Eidul Adha will be following Yaum ‘Arafah as determined by the Supreme Court of Saudi Arabia. In Ramadan, Muslims devote themselves in fasting from dawn to dusk and indulge in Allah’s Dhikr to seek forgiveness and blessings. prayer times and nearby Islamic places. ISNACON’19 will take place August 30, 2019 – September 2, 2019 in Houston, TX at the George R. Brown Convention Center. whenever a site wants to see your location. Djumada l-Ula 1441: 3 Fr: al-jum`a: 7. Sometimes we might have trouble finding where you are located. Today Islamic Calendar 2021 United States Date is 26 Rajab 1442 - Find Islamic Calendar for New York, Houston, Los Angeles, Boston, Washington and other cities. Fasting (Sawm) is considered to be one of the most important pillars of Islam that encourages Muslims to gain the blessings of Allah Almighty. 1st Dhul Hijjah – 23rd July. Sunday. 10 August 2021. Hijri to Gregorian Calendar 1443. section. This 2021 Islamic calendar is based on 12 lunar months – a new month begins when a new moon is … Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) 6555 S. County Rd. All the Important Islamic dates can be found with the Gregorian calendar dates to provide accurate information about the events including Shab e Miraj on 12 March 2021 and Shab e Barat on 29 March 2021. location and privacy settings to factory defaults." 1 Dates of Muslim Holidays 2020 Calendar. In addition to abstaining from eating and drinking, Muslims also increase restraint, such as abstaining from sexual relations and generally sinful speech and behavior. In the dialog that appears, scroll down to the "Location" ISLAMIC CALENDAR 2021 UNITED STATES - HIJRI CALENDAR 1442. ISIA provides religious and social programs & services for all those residing in the Edmonton and nearby areas. Download the Isna , 06 ,Portugal Ramadan (Ramadhan) Calendar 2021 Timings and print schedule of Ramadan 2021 / 1442 and 3 Ashra Duas. Select your country and your city from the list below to get the accurate Ramadan Fajr and Maghrib timings in the Holy and Blessed month of Ramadan Kareem. All rights reserved. and Djumada l-Ula 1441 Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) 6555 S. County Rd. Find on our website the daily prayer times for the city of Isna for today. The Islamic calendar adopted by Fiqh Council of North America (FCNA) is based on calculations with Ittihadul-Mataali’ concept for the sake of global unity. Muslims are expected to put more effort into following the teachings of Islam. this option to let all sites automatically see your location. 317-839-8157. Djumada l-Ula 1441: 2 Th: al-khamis: 6. IslamicFinder © 2021. France - Angle 15°. our evil deeds, and make us die the death of the righteous”. Prayer times in Isna - 13/03/2021 Check upcoming special Islamic days dates in the Gregorian calendar 2021. IslamicFinder’s Ramadan Calendar 2020 gives you the Fasting times for Ramadan including Sehr schedule and Iftar timings for your country with complete details of Prayer Times. Download Athan app and use Ramadan Book to earn more blessings and revitalize your Imaan. 1st Muharram 1442 – 21st August. List of Muslim Holidays 2020 Calendar and all information about Dates of Muslim Holidays you need to know. Hijri Date. An affiliate centre of the Islamic Shia Ithna Asheri Jamaat of Toronto located in Hamilton, Ontario If you or anyone you may know is showing symptoms of COVID-19, it is strongly recommended to seek clinical assessment over the phone – either through calling TeleHealth Ontario (1-866-797-0000) or by calling your family physician and/or the York Region Public Health Connection at 1-800-361-5653. 2019-2020 School Year Calendar (227.08 KB pdf) One page summary of the school year Calendar: 2019-2020 Calendar of Significant Events (579.16 KB pdf) List of all school events for the 2019-2020 … Islam was … 5. According to Islamic Calendar that is also called Hijri Calendar, Muslims worldwide importantly consider for their annual Islamic events. Kafāla: The Qurʾanic-Prophetic Model of Orphan Care, Human Dignity in Islam: Its Theological Foundations and, Copyright 2021, The Fiqh Council of North America - All Rights Reserved, Muharram 1 1440 = September 11, 2018 (Tue), Rabi-al-Awwal 1 1440 = November 08, 2018 (Thu), Rabi-al-Thani 1 1440 = December 08, 2018 (Sat), Jumada-al-‘Ula 1 1440 = January 07, 2019 (Mon), Jumada-al-Ukhra 1 1440 = February 06, 2019 (Wed), Dhul-Hijjah 1 1440 = August 02, 2019 (Fri), Rabi-al-Awwal 1 1441 = October 29, 2019 (Tue), Rabi-al-Thani 1 1441 = November 28, 2019 (Thu), Jumada-al-‘Ula 1 1441 = December 27, 2019 (Fri), Jumada-al-Ukhra 1 1441 = January 26, 2020 (Sun), Rabi-al-Awwal 1 1442 = October 18, 2020 (Sun), Rabi-al-Thani 1 1442 = November 16, 2020 (Mon), Jumada-al-‘Ula 1 1442 = December 16, 2020 (Wed), Jumada-al-Ukhra 1 1442 = January 14, 2021 (Thu), Rabi-al-Awwal 1 1443 = October 07, 2021 (Thu), Rabi-al-Thani 1 1443 = November 06, 2021 (Sat), Jumada-al-‘Ula 1 1443 = December 05, 2021 (Sun), Jumada-al-Ukhra 1 1443 = January 04, 2022 (Tue), Rabi-al-Awwal 1 1444 = September 27, 2022 (Tue), Rabi-al-Thani 1 1444 = October 26, 2022 (Wed), Jumada-al-‘Ula 1 1444 = November 25, 2022 (Fri), Jumada-al-Ukhra 1 1444 = December 24, 2022 (Sat), Rabi-al-Awwal 1 1445 = September 16, 2023 (Sat), Rabi-al-Thani 1 1445 = October 16, 2023 (Mon), Jumada-al-‘Ula 1 1445 = November 15, 2023 (Wed), Jumada-al-Ukhra 1 1445 = December 14, 2023 (Thu), Rabi-al-Awwal 1 1446 = September 04, 2024 (Wed), Rabi-al-Thani 1 1446 = October 04, 2024 (Fri), Jumada-al-‘Ula 1 1446 = November 03, 2024 (Sun), Jumada-al-Ukhra 1 1446 = December 02, 2024 (Mon), Dhul-Qi’dah 1 1446 = April 29, 2025 (Tue), Rabi-al-Awwal 1 1447 = August 24, 2025 (Sun), Rabi-al-Thani 1 1447 = September 23, 2025 (Tue), Jumada-al-‘Ula 1 1447 = October 23, 2025 (Thu), Jumada-al-Ukhra 1 1447 = November 22, 2025 (Sat), Dhul-Qi’dah 1 1447 = April 18, 2026 (Sat), Rabi-al-Awwal 1 1448 = August 14, 2026 (Fri), Rabi-al-Thani 1 1448 = September 12, 2026 (Sat), Jumada-al-‘Ula 1 1448 = October 12, 2026 (Mon), Jumada-al-Ukhra 1 1448 = November 11, 2026 (Wed), Dhul-Qi’dah 1 1448 = April 08, 2027 (Thu), Rabi-al-Awwal 1 1449 = August 03, 2027 (Tue), Rabi-al-Thani 1 1449 = September 02, 2027 (Thu), Jumada-al-‘Ula 1 1449 = October 01, 2027 (Fri), Jumada-al-Ukhra 1 1449 = October 31, 2027 (Sun), Dhul-Qi’dah 1 1449 = March 27, 2028 (Mon), Dhul-Hijjah 1 1449 = April 26, 2028 (Wed), Rabi-al-Awwal 1 1450 = July 23, 2028 (Sun), Rabi-al-Thani 1 1450 = August 22, 2028 (Tue), Jumada-al-‘Ula 1 1450 = September 20, 2028 (Wed), Jumada-al-Ukhra 1 1450 = October 19, 2028 (Thu), Dhul-Qi’dah 1 1450 = March 16, 2029 (Fri), Dhul-Hijjah 1 1450 = April 15, 2029 (Sun), Rabi-al-Awwal 1 1451 = July 13, 2029 (Fri), Rabi-al-Thani 1 1451 = August 11, 2029 (Sat), Jumada-al-‘Ula 1 1451 = September 10, 2029 (Mon), Jumada-al-Ukhra 1 1451 = October 09, 2029 (Tue), Dhul-Qi’dah 1 1451 = March 05, 2030 (Tue), Dhul-Hijjah 1 1451 = April 04, 2030 (Thu), Rabi-al-Awwal 1 1452 = July 02, 2030 (Tue), Rabi-al-Thani 1 1452 = August 01, 2030 (Thu), Jumada-al-‘Ula 1 1452 = August 30, 2030 (Fri), Jumada-al-Ukhra 1 1452 = September 29, 2030 (Sun), Dhul-Qi’dah 1 1452 = February 23, 2031 (Sun), Dhul-Hijjah 1 1452 = March 24, 2031 (Mon), Rabi-al-Awwal 1 1453 = June 21, 2031 (Sat), Rabi-al-Thani 1 1453 = July 21, 2031 (Mon), Jumada-al-‘Ula 1 1453 = August 20, 2031 (Wed), Jumada-al-Ukhra 1 1453 = September 18, 2031 (Thu), Dhul-Qi’dah 1 1453 = February 12, 2032 (Thu), Dhul-Hijjah 1 1453 = March 13, 2032 (Sat), Rabi-al-Awwal 1 1454 = June 09, 2032 (Wed), Rabi-al-Thani 1 1454 = July 09, 2032 (Fri), Jumada-al-‘Ula 1 1454 = August 08, 2032 (Sun), Jumada-al-Ukhra 1 1454 = September 06, 2032 (Mon), Dhul-Qi’dah 1 1454 = February 01, 2033 (Tue), Dhul-Hijjah 1 1454 = March 02, 2033 (Wed), Rabi-al-Awwal 1 1455 = May 29, 2033 (Sun), Rabi-al-Thani 1 1455 = June 28, 2033 (Tue), Jumada-al-‘Ula 1 1455 = July 28, 2033 (Thu), Jumada-al-Ukhra 1 1455 = August 26, 2033 (Fri), Dhul-Qi’dah 1 1455 = January 21, 2034 (Sat), Dhul-Hijjah 1 1455 = February 20, 2034 (Mon), Rabi-al-Awwal 1 1456 = May 19, 2034 (Fri), Rabi-al-Thani 1 1456 = June 17, 2034 (Sat), Jumada-al-‘Ula 1 1456 = July 17, 2034 (Mon), Jumada-al-Ukhra 1 1456 = August 15, 2034 (Tue), Dhul-Qi’dah 1 1456 = January 11, 2035 (Thu), Dhul-Hijjah 1 1456 = February 09, 2035 (Fri), Rabi-al-Awwal 1 1457 = May 09, 2035 (Wed), Rabi-al-Thani 1 1457 = June 07, 2035 (Thu), Jumada-al-‘Ula 1 1457 = July 06, 2035 (Fri), Jumada-al-Ukhra 1 1457 = August 05, 2035 (Sun), Dhul-Qi’dah 1 1457 = December 30, 2035 (Sun), Dhul-Hijjah 1 1457 = January 29, 2036 (Tue), Muharram 1 1458 = February 28, 2036 (Thu), Rabi-al-Awwal 1 1458 = April 27, 2036 (Sun), Rabi-al-Thani 1 1458 = May 27, 2036 (Tue), Jumada-al-‘Ula 1 1458 = June 25, 2036 (Wed), Jumada-al-Ukhra 1 1458 = July 24, 2036 (Thu), Sha’ban 1 1458 = September 21, 2036 (Sun), Dhul-Qi’dah 1 1458 = December 19, 2036 (Fri), Dhul-Hijjah 1 1458 = January 17, 2037 (Sat), Muharram 1 1459 = February 16, 2037 (Mon), Rabi-al-Awwal 1 1459 = April 17, 2037 (Fri), Rabi-al-Thani 1 1459 = May 16, 2037 (Sat), Jumada-al-‘Ula 1 1459 = June 15, 2037 (Mon), Jumada-al-Ukhra 1 1459 = July 14, 2037 (Tue), Sha’ban 1 1459 = September 11, 2037 (Fri), Dhul-Qi’dah 1 1459 = December 08, 2037 (Tue), Dhul-Hijjah 1 1459 = January 07, 2038 (Thu), Muharram 1 1460 = February 05, 2038 (Fri), Rabi-al-Awwal 1 1460 = April 06, 2038 (Tue), Rabi-al-Thani 1 1460 = May 05, 2038 (Wed), Jumada-al-‘Ula 1 1460 = June 04, 2038 (Fri), Jumada-al-Ukhra 1 1460 = July 03, 2038 (Sat), Ramadan 1 1460 = September 30, 2038 (Thu), Dhul-Qi’dah 1 1460 = November 27, 2038 (Sat), Dhul-Hijjah 1 1460 = December 27, 2038 (Mon), Rabi-al-Awwal 1 1461 = March 26, 2039 (Sat), Rabi-al-Thani 1 1461 = April 24, 2039 (Sun) J, umada-al-‘Ula 1 1461 = May 24, 2039 (Tue), Jumada-al-Ukhra 1 1461 = June 23, 2039 (Thu), Ramadan 1 1461 = September 19, 2039 (Mon), Dhul-Qi’dah 1 1461 = November 17, 2039 (Thu), Dhul-Hijjah 1 1461 = December 17, 2039 (Sat), Rabi-al-Awwal 1 1462 = March 14, 2040 (Wed), Rabi-al-Thani 1 1462 = April 13, 2040 (Fri), Jumada-al-‘Ula 1 1462 = May 12, 2040 (Sat), Jumada-al-Ukhra 1 1462 = June 11, 2040 (Mon), Ramadan 1 1462 = September 07, 2040 (Fri), Dhul-Qi’dah 1 1462 = November 06, 2040 (Tue), Dhul-Hijjah 1 1462 = December 05, 2040 (Wed), Rabi-al-Awwal 1 1463 = March 04, 2041 (Mon), Rabi-al-Thani 1 1463 = April 02, 2041 (Tue), Jumada-al-‘Ula 1 1463 = May 01, 2041 (Wed), Jumada-al-Ukhra 1 1463 = May 31, 2041 (Fri), Shawwal 1 1463 = September 26, 2041 (Thu), Dhul-Qi’dah 1 1463 = October 26, 2041 (Sat), Dhul-Hijjah 1 1463 = November 25, 2041 (Mon), Muharram 1 1464 = December 24, 2041 (Tue), Rabi-al-Awwal 1 1464 = February 21, 2042 (Fri), Rabi-al-Thani 1 1464 = March 23, 2042 (Sun), Jumada-al-‘Ula 1 1464 = April 21, 2042 (Mon), Jumada-al-Ukhra 1 1464 = May 20, 2042 (Tue), Shawwal 1 1464 = September 15, 2042 (Mon), Dhul-Qi’dah 1 1464 = October 15, 2042 (Wed), Dhul-Hijjah 1 1464 = November 14, 2042 (Fri), Muharram 1 1465 = December 14, 2042 (Sun), Rabi-al-Awwal 1 1465 = February 11, 2043 (Wed), Rabi-al-Thani 1 1465 = March 12, 2043 (Thu), Jumada-al-‘Ula 1 1465 = April 11, 2043 (Sat), Jumada-al-Ukhra 1 1465 = May 10, 2043 (Sun), Shawwal 1 1465 = September 04, 2043 (Fri), Dhul-Qi’dah 1 1465 = October 04, 2043 (Sun), Dhul-Hijjah 1 1465 = November 03, 2043 (Tue), Muharram 1 1466 = December 03, 2043 (Thu), Rabi-al-Awwal 1 1466 = January 31, 2044 (Sun), Rabi-al-Thani 1 1466 = March 01, 2044 (Tue), Jumada-al-‘Ula 1 1466 = March 30, 2044 (Wed), Jumada-al-Ukhra 1 1466 = April 29, 2044 (Fri), Dhul-Qi’dah 1 1466 = September 23, 2044 (Fri), Dhul-Hijjah 1 1466 = October 22, 2044 (Sat), Muharram 1 1467 = November 21, 2044 (Mon), Rabi-al-Awwal 1 1467 = January 19, 2045 (Thu), Rabi-al-Thani 1 1467 = February 18, 2045 (Sat), Jumada-al-‘Ula 1 1467 = March 20, 2045 (Mon), Jumada-al-Ukhra 1 1467 = April 18, 2045 (Tue), Dhul-Qi’dah 1 1467 = September 12, 2045 (Tue), Dhul-Hijjah 1 1467 = October 12, 2045 (Thu). From Muharram 1, 1440 (September 11, 2018) to Dhul Hijjah 1, 1467 (October 12, 2045).
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