Blocking Foul. 1. In a "1-4 set", you bring both post players up to the elbows ("stack offense"), or you can drop both wings down to the corners ("low stack"). 3. backboard A flat, rigid, vertical board situated behind the rim of the basket and to which the basket is attached. BLK - Blocks (available since the 1973-74 season in the NBA) BLK% - Block Percentage (available since the 1973-74 season in the NBA); the formula is 100 * (BLK * (Tm MP / 5)) / (MP * (Opp FGA - Opp 3PA)). This is easy for young players to learn if you tell them that the even numbers (2 and 4) are on the right side, and the odd numbers (3 and 5) are on the left. As the offensive player rises in the air to shoot his jump shot, the defensive player will also rise and extend one or both of his arms upward at the same time. Then jump straight up in the air and reach up for the ball with your hand. For example, in the 2002-03 MVP voting Tim Duncan had 962 points out of a possible 1190. Once across this line (all three points - the ball and both feet), they may not pass or dribble the ball back across this line, or step on the line (while having possession) or the "over and back" violation occurs. block in or out, to sketch or outline roughly or generally, without details: She blocked out a color scheme for the interiors. The right "wing" is O2, and the left wing is O3. One tactic is that a shot-blocker can intimidate opponents to alter their shots, resulting in a miss. Blocked Shot - When a defensive basketball player makes contact with the basketball while another player is shooting the ball. Man-to-man defense" - each defensive player is assigned to guard a specific opposing player. Now, most coaches use a numbering system, as the old definitions often do not apply any more, with players playing in multiple offensive formations. block out. Box Out: In an attempt to block an opponent and set up rebound opportunities, a defense player gets between a teammate and the basket. Defensive players must maintain their positioning and aren't allowed to create contact by stepping into the way of a dribbler at the last second. Knowing some basketball lingo will help you to enjoy the game more while you play or watch from courtside seats — or your sofa. [1] A player with the ability to block shots can be a positive asset to a team's defense, as they can make it difficult for opposing players to shoot near the basket and by keeping the basketball in play, as opposed to swatting it out of bounds, a blocked shot can lead to a fast break, a skill Bill Russell was notable for. Block out definition is - to hide or cover something so that it cannot be seen, felt, or heard. "Out-of-bounds plays" are used in an attempt to get a quick scoring opportunity when you have to inbounds the ball (either under your basket, or along the sideline.) "Zone defense" - each defender, rather than guarding a specific opposing player, is assigned to guard or cover a certain area of the floor, or zone. This refers to when a basketball player tries to establish a better rebounding position than their opponent. It is so effective that a shorter player can out rebound a … The "open post offense" (5-out) is yet another. Bounce pass - a pass that contacts the floor on its way to a teammate-10. The term "close-out", refers to the method in which a defender quickly slides up to, and contains the ball-handler, or ball-receiver. Goaltending is also called if the block is made after the ball bounces on the backboard (NFHS excepted; the NCAA also used this rule until the 2009–10 season). In this video, an official explains one of the basketball rules for blocking fouls. The "short corner" is between the corner and the basket, about 12 feet out. Often, the block involves hitting the ball into the backboard as the opponent tries to complete a lay-up. Research has shown that to be effective. In basketball, a rebound, sometimes colloquially referred to as a board, is a statistic awarded to a player who retrieves the ball after a missed field goal or free throw.. Rebounds in basketball are a routine part in the game; most possessions change after a shot is successfully made, or the rebound allows the defensive team to take possession. Boxing out entails widening your stance and arms and using your body to form a barrier between the opponent and the basket.. Playname: Lakers box out 1 pass fake and pass to 3 in block who posts up and shoots. This basketball article discusses basketball terms and terminology... the language of basketball. "Give and go" - a very basic play where after passing to a team-mate, the passer quickly cuts toward the basket, and receives the return pass back from his team-mate for the lay-up. Years ago, numbers were not used. To deprive another's vagina (aka box) of action. "Free throw line", ("charity stripe") is the line you must stand behind when shooting a free-throw. Regulation backboards are made of plexiglass or tempered … Against a full-court press defense, the offense will often use a "press-breaker", a strategy designed to counteract the full-court press. against a zone defense), you "over-load" the zone. BLK - Blocks (available since the 1973-74 season in the NBA) BLK% - Block Percentage (available since the 1973-74 season in the NBA); the formula is 100 * (BLK * (Tm MP / 5)) / (MP * (Opp FGA - Opp 3PA)). You can also practice blocking with the help of two teammates. "front the low post" - on defense, this has to do with how you defend the low post player. These man-to-man and zone definitions are very general and broad, as "a good zone looks like a man-to-man, and a good man-to-man looks like a zone", each incorporating certain aspects of each other, for an overall "team defense". Largely due to their height and position near the basket, centers and power forwards tend to record the most blocks, but shorter players with good jumping ability can also be blockers, an example being Dwyane Wade, the shortest player, at 6'4", to record 100 blocked shots in a single season. To prevent another from gaining access to the vagina. In basketball, to prevent an opposing player from grabbing a rebound and scoring, by positioning oneself between the opponent and the basket. "Reverse the ball" - this means to quickly move the ball, by passing, to the opposite side of the fore-court, either by a series of quick passes, or by means of a "skip pass" (a pass directly across court, thereby "skipping" one or more offensive players in the succession around the perimeter). 1. A blocking foul occurs when a defender attempts to draw a charge, but fails to get into proper position based … First, lets look at the "half-court" diagram to define areas of the floor. alley-oop: A designed play in which a player lobs the ball toward […] A rebound occurs in basketball when a player gains possession of the basketball after a missed field goal, three-point field goal or free throw attempt. Rather than re-defining them here, please read the page on "Cutting and Faking". What Is A Rebound In Basketball? By standing beside or behind, an offensive player allows his teammate to move unhindered, dribble, pass, drive in or shoot towards the basket. All Free. Boxing out in basketball is a technique used by a player to position himself to best get a rebound after a shot has been missed. Screening in basketball is an attempt of an offensive player to prevent a defender from guarding his teammate. 1. a "screen" and a "pick" (same thing to me). 2. "Pick and roll" - a play where an offensive player sets a "screen" ("pick") on a team-mate's defender, thereby freeing up the team-mate, after which the screener moves, or "rolls" off the screen to the hoop ("pick and roll"), or an open perimeter area for the return pass ("pick and pop"). Passing in basketball is a way for players to move the ball on the court between teammates.Passing is a two-step process that requires a minimum of two players on the same team to be effective. Blocked Shot - When a defensive basketball player makes contact with the basketball while another player is shooting the ball.. Block Out: When a defensive player blocks the offensive player's path to the basket when a shot goes up. A player with the ability to block shots can be a positive asset to a team's defense, as they can make it difficult for opposing players to shoot near the basket and by keeping the basketball in play, as opposed to swatting it out of bounds, a blocked shot can lead to a fast break, a skill Bill Russell was notable for. The defender is not allowed to make contact with the offensive player's hand (unless the defender is also in contact with the ball) or a foul is called. Block out definition: If someone blocks out a thought, they try not to think about it. 1 - Well, for beginner basketball players, you obviously want to include constant and block practice for learning and acquiring a technical skill. alley-oop: A designed play in which a player lobs the ball toward […] To prevent something from being seen or noticeable or entering one's awareness. Such a piece used as a construction member or as a support. In basketball, when a player on the defense obstructs the movement of an offensive player, a blocking foul is called. 4 steps in and boxes out (hands high etc). In order to be legal, the block must occur while the shot is traveling upward or at its apex. A deflected field goal that is made does not count as a blocked shot and simply counts as a successful field goal attempt for shooter plus the points awarded to the shooting team. If your offensive player has a foot on, or inside these lines for 3 seconds or longer, he will be called for the 3-second violation. The basketball usually hits off the rim or the backboard before the player gains possession of the ball and is credited with the rebound. 4 steps in and boxes out (hands high etc). In order to be legal, the block must occur while the shot is traveling upward or at its apex. The game is a team sport with limited contact, that is typically places two teams consisting of five players against each other. A chase-down block occurs when a player pursues an opposing player who had run ahead of the defense (as in a fast break), and then blocks their shot attempt. As with any sport, basketball has its own terms and phrases to describe game moves, plays, positions, and more. See also cock block. By definition, the term "zone offense" refers to a team's offensive strategy used to defeat a zone defense (see "Zone Offense"). What Is The Definition Of Blocking Foul In Basketball? The offense may retrieve the ball without penalty if deflected across by a defensive player. As with any sport, basketball has its own terms and phrases to describe game moves, plays, positions, and more. block out 1. The "point guard" is O1. This is a list of common basketball lingo, terminology and jargon terms. As the offensive player rises in the air to shoot his jump shot, the defensive player will also rise and extend one or both of his arms upward at the same time. Curl Cut (Circle Cut): This type of cut is where a player curls around a screener. Boxing out entails widening your stance and arms and using your body to form a barrier between the opponent and the basket.. Playname: Lakers box out 1 pass fake and pass to 3 in block who posts up and shoots. His MVP award share is 962 / 1190 = 0.81. Main article: Block (basketball) A block is performed when, after a shot is attempted, a defender succeeds in altering the shot by touching the ball. You may want to reverse the ball quickly to "over-shift" a zone defense. 2. Block (foul) - A player can be called for a blocking foul if they impede an offensive players path without having established legal defensive position. This page can be a work in progress. It divides the "full-court" (entire playing area) into two "half-courts". ... Theater block out: block (def. Transition offensive strategy may involve a full-court "fast break", or a "secondary break" (see "Transition Offense") wherein the offense attempts to quickly move the ball up the floor in hopes of getting the easy lay-up. However, it would probably be a good idea to add some variable, serial, and random practice as well. What Is The Definition Of Blocking Foul In Basketball? The defender is not allowed to make contact with the offensive player's hand (unless the defender is also in contact with the ball) or a foulis called. O2 is usually the shooting guard, O3 is the small forward, O4 is the power forward, and O5 is the center or strong post player. "On the line" means your defensive position is such that you can see your man and the ball, and your body is directly on that imaginary line usually with chest toward the player, and head toward the ball with arm up in the passing lane, in a "full denial" situation. What is the official rule for a block? For example, in the 2002-03 MVP voting Tim Duncan had 962 points out of a possible 1190. There are many of these plays to choose from on this website. The most notable indication of an improper block is when the defensive player does not set his or her feet in place before coming into contact with the offensive player. You could use a "4-out, 1-in offense" with four perimeter players and one post player. The "top of the key" is above the free-throw circle (many years ago, the lane was not as wide as the free-throw line and circle, and so it looked like a key, or keyhole). The farther apart the ball-hander and the wing player are, the more the defender can drop back "up the line", and still be in position to intercept or deflect the pass. The defender is not allowed to make contact with the offensive player's hand (unless the defender is also in contact with the ball) or a foul is called. This can be done by deflecting and controlling, or by catching the opponent's pass or dribble of an offensive player. A "trap" is set when two defenders double-team the ball-handler, trying to force a turn-over or a jump-ball situation. This refers to when a basketball player tries to establish a better rebounding position than their opponent. However, it would probably be a good idea to add some variable, serial, and random practice as well. What Is The Definition Of Block Out? How to use block out in a sentence. 1. [4][5][6] Another landmark chase-down block occurred in the 2016 NBA Finals when LeBron James, in the closing minutes of the 4th quarter delivered what became known as "The Block" on a lay-up attempt by Andre Iguodala with the score tied at 89 and 01:50 remaining in the game. If the ball is heading downward when the defender hits it, it is ruled as goaltending and counts as a made basket. Boxing out is a critical part of basketball, as it prevents your opponent from getting rebounds. block out synonyms, block out pronunciation, block out translation, English dictionary definition of block out. box out. The game of basketball was created by Dr. James Naismith in 1891 in Springfield, Massachusetts. ball hog A player who frequently chooses not to pass the ball to their teammates, especially one who eschews sharing the ball in order to attempt difficult shots. Boxing out entails widening your stance and arms and using your body to form a barrier between the opponent and the basket. Blocking out - gaining position to rebound a shot attempt-9. Once a team gets possession of the ball, it has 10 seconds to get the ball across the half-court line into its fore-court. b. These two terms refer to a defender's position on the floor, relative to the ball-handler and his man. It is so effective that a shorter player can out rebound a … A deflected field goal that is made does not count as a blocked shot and simply counts as a successful field goal attempt for sho… In basketball, a block or blocked shot occurs when a defensive player legally deflects a field goal attempt from an offensive player to prevent a score. Players cutting on the weak-side toward the hoop, are using the "back-door". "Transition offense" is the former, and "transition defense" is the latter. "Up the line" means you are in a position backed off from this imaginary line, toward the basket, in a position where you can see both ball and your man, prevent the "back-cut", and yet be able to force the ball-handler to pass away from your man. See cock block. "box-out" - what every player should do when a shot goes up... try to block out, or "box-out", the person he is guarding to keep him away from the basket and prevent him from getting "inside position" for the rebound. box out Definition 1. Zone defense should offer a rebounding advantage. This refers to when a basketball player tries to establish a better rebounding position than their opponent. Defensive players must maintain their positioning and aren't allowed to create contact by stepping into the way of a dribbler at the last second. It is one of the most … "Ball-side" refers to the side of the floor where the ball is. to box out. The "paint" is the area inside the lane lines from the baseline to the free-throw line. Most blocks in a non-NBA Finals playoff game: Most blocks per game single season, player: Most blocks single season, player: Brittney Griner – Baylor (223) (2009–10), Most blocks per game single season, player: Brittney Griner – Baylor (6.4) (2009–10), This page was last edited on 30 December 2020, at 05:38. box out Definition 1. Membership video - let Allie tell you about it. Sport [Basketball.] What Is The Definition Of Box Out? The game is a team sport with limited contact, that is typically places two teams consisting of five players against each other. block out - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums. To block a shot in basketball, get between the shooter and the net so you can use your body as an obstacle. Your curtains aren't opaque enough to block out all of the sunlight. Using a numbering system, makes it easier for coaches and players to understand plays, sets, and know their roles. re*bound. There is no restriction on the time defensive players can occupy the paint. See "Junk Defenses" and "Match-up Zone Defense". Knowing some basketball lingo will help you to enjoy the game more while you play or watch from courtside seats — or your sofa. Block (defensive play) - The term block can be used when a defensive player knocks the basketball out of their opponent's hands or out of the air during an attempted field goal. This page will be like a basketball dictionary, defining basketball terms. There are defensive basketball terms. Blocking Foul. Some of the names on this list are blocked out, which means they're top secret. The right low post is O4, and the left low post is O5. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples In a "1-3-1 set", you would bring one of the low posts up to the high-post area. Block Out: When a defensive player blocks the offensive [4][5] Pistons announcer Fred McLeod, who first witnessed this style of blocks from Prince, created the chase-down term later with the Cleveland Cavaliers. To understand the basketball terms "triple threat position", "jab-step" and perimeter one-on-one moves, see "Guard Moves and Skills". Learn more. Block Out or Box Out - Getting your body between the basketball player and the basket to get a rebound. [4][5] During the 2008–09 NBA season, the Cavaliers began tracking chase-down blocks, crediting LeBron James with 23 that season and 20 the following season. This refers to when a basketball player tries to establish a better rebounding position than their opponent. The "point" is out front, and the "wings" on either side. Boxing out entails widening your stance and arms and using your body to form a barrier between the opponent and the basket. "box and 1", "triangle and 2", etc). "Post up" - offensive move wherein a low post player positions himself, and "seals" his defender off so that he can receive the pass down low on the block, where he can use a "post move" for a score, or quickly pass the ball back outside to an open team-mate for a three-pointer (going "inside-out"). "Transition" is the process of changing from defense to offense, or vice-versa. Copyright © 2001 - 2021, James A. Gels, all rights reserved. ", Cleveland Cavaliers' LeBron James making the 'chase-down' block a signature move, "On Defense, James Is Closer Than He Appears", Cleveland Cavaliers star LeBron James finishes second in NBA Defensive Player of the Year voting, "13 Greatest Game 7 Performances In NBA Finals History", "LeBron James gave Cleveland an iconic sports moment it wants to remember: 'The Block' ", "NBA & ABA Career Leaders and Records for Blocks Per Game -", "Griner still chasing AIAW shot-block record of 801", Career block leaders on,, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. The diagram below shows a "3-2 set". Also known as “boxing out”, the player will widen their stance and arms and will use their body to establish a barrier between the basket and their opponent. Tony and I are back to making two videos a week for the summer. The "center" usually played around the high-post area, and the two "forwards", started in the short corner to corner areas, extending out to the wings. Nicknames for blocked shots include "rejections," "stuffs," "bushed", "fudged", or notably "double-fudged" (two-handed blocks), "facials," "swats," "denials," and "packs." Blocked shots were first officially recorded in the NBA during the 1973–74 season. 1 - Well, for beginner basketball players, you obviously want to include constant and block practice for learning and acquiring a technical skill. For the shooter, a blocked shot is counted as a missed field goal attempt. Different numbering systems exist and coaches have their own favorite ways of doing this. There are the terms, "on the line" and "up the line". He may "switch" his player with another team-mate if he gets screened. In basketball, a block or blocked shot occurs when a defensive player legally deflects a field goal attempt from an offensive player to prevent a score. In almost all variants of play, it is illegal to touch the ball after it is in the downward path of its arc; this is known as goaltending. His MVP award share is 962 / 1190 = 0.81. One of the most recognized chase-down blocks was then-Detroit Pistons' Tayshaun Prince's game-saving block on Reggie Miller in Game 2 of the 2004 NBA Eastern Conference Finals against the Indiana Pacers. This is a term used to describe when a basketball player attempts to gain a good and better rebounding position than their opponent. In basketball, when a player on the defense obstructs the movement of an offensive player, a blocking foul is called. There are various "gimmick" defenses that combine elements of zone defense and man-to-man coverage (e.g. See "Rebounding Mentality and Fundamentals". A solid piece of a hard substance, such as wood, having one or more flat sides. The game of basketball was created by Dr. James Naismith in 1891 in Springfield, Massachusetts. The passer must be accurate and must put the correct amount of velocity on the pass in order to reach their teammate in a timely fashion and in the right location. College basketball's offseason agenda included starting the season with a significant pop, making the game more offensively entertaining and ultimately cleaner. What Is The Definition Of Box Out? By moving some of your offensive players to one side of the floor (e.g. The most notable indication of an improper block is when the defensive player does not set his or her feet in place before coming into contact with the offensive player. In this set, you have three guards, or "perimeter players", and two "post players", rather than the old definition of two guards, two forwards and a center. Blocked Shot - When a defensive basketball player makes contact with the basketball while another player is shooting the ball. In this video, an official explains one of the basketball rules for blocking fouls. Bounce Pass - In this pass, the basketball bounces about two-thirds of the way from the passer to the receiver. Alternating-possession rule: A rule in which teams take turns possessing the ball after stopped plays. [7][8], In basketball, the action of a defensive player legally deflecting a field goal attempt from an offensive player to prevent a score, List of National Basketball Association career blocks leaders, List of National Basketball Association season blocks leaders, List of National Basketball Association players with most blocks in a game, List of NCAA Division I men's basketball career blocks leaders, List of NCAA Division I men's basketball season blocks leaders, List of NCAA Division I men's basketball players with 13 or more blocks in a game, "The Legacy of Dwyane Wade: Is He The Last Elite Shooting Guard? In basketball, a block or blocked shot occurs when a defensive player legally deflects a field goal attempt from an offensive player to prevent a score. n. 1. a. There are terms that refer to various types of dribble moves (see "Dribbling"). Also, on a shooting foul, a blocked shot cannot be awarded or counted, even if the player who deflected the field goal attempt is different from the player who committed the foul. When attempting to block a shot in basketball, the defensive player most often will take a position directly in front of the offensive player. 1. Man-to-man defenders must learn the meaning of "on-ball" (defending the player with the ball), "deny" (preventing your man from getting the ball), and "help-side" (sagging off your man to help your team-mates prevent inside "penetration" (see Basic Defense). "Weak-side" is the opposite side away from the ball. This is a list of common basketball lingo, terminology and jargon terms. 1. When attempting to block a shot in basketball, the defensive player most often will take a position directly in front of the offensive player. The defender can stay between him and the basket, or get out in "front" of him between the low post player and the passer, so as to "deny" him the pass. Transition defense may be simply getting back down the floor as quickly as possible on defense, or may involve a "full-court press", which can be man-to-man, or a "zone press" (see "Transition Defense"). See defensive skills - ~ s. When the shot goes up, keep an eye on the offensive players and block out. 36a). "High post" is that area along the free throw line, and both "elbows". Realize that sometimes coaches don't completely agree on what something means, and sometimes we have more than one term for the same thing... e.g. Define block out. Block Out or Box Out - Getting your body between the basketball player and the basket to get a rebound. Boxing out is a critical part of basketball, as it prevents your opponent from getting rebounds. Use this illustration... stretch a rope between the ball-hander and your man (let's say between the point guard and the wing). -8. Research has shown that to be effective. Here is the numbering system that I use, which I feel is very easy for young players to learn. ... try to block out, or "box-out", the person he is guarding to keep him away from the basket and prevent him from getting "inside position" for the rebound. Many different zone sets are used, 2-3, 3-2, 1-3-1, 1-2-2, etc (see "Zone Defense"). See Setting and Using Screens. You usually had two "guards" who played the "perimeter" and brought the ball up the floor. Basketball Passing. Boxing out in basketball is a technique used by a player to position himself to best get a rebound after a shot has been missed. There a terms referring to types of offensive cuts made by players, usually moving without the ball. If any one has a term to add to this list, or disagrees with my definition, please email me. backdoor cut An offensive play in which a player on the perimeter steps away from the basket, drawing the defender along, then suddenly cuts to the basket behind the defender for a pass. box out. "10 second line", or half-court line, is the line down the center of the floor. PayPal verified and trusted by coaches worldwide since 2001. Your "fore-court" is the half-court with your basket, and the "back-court" is the half-court with the opponent's basket. Numbering players, offensive terminology.
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