New delay models that are sure to please. 3. Craft all kinds of interesting rhythmic delay patterns, thanks to a dedicated Tap switch and 10 preset note subdivisions. Modulation not instantly adjustable in the w/Mod settings. Flashback 2 X4 includes analog-dry-through circuitry to preserve your analog tone, along with stereo I/O for creating expansive soundscapes. For the solo performer, comprehensive loopers like the TC Electronic Flashback x4 are key. What’s more, expression pedal and MIDI inputs enable remote preset changes and external MIDI synchronization. Line 6 recognised that need long ago and supplied the functionality in the DL4, a pedal that has stood the test of time, so much so that Line 6 hasn't replaced nor upgraded it in 12 years. "Based on TC's original Flashback delay pedal, the X4 is around four times the size, but still compact considering its functionality". The Torx screws on the back ding the rating a tiny bit. TC Electronic made sure the Flashback X4 delivers the legendary TC quality at every turn. These TonePrints are available for free on TC's website and can be loaded onto the pedal via computer or smartphone. To learn more about our cookie policy, please visit our Privacy Policy. Sweetwater's Sales Engineers are regarded as the most experienced and knowledgeable professionals in the music industry, with extensive music backgrounds and intense training on the latest products and technologies. The first thing I did after hooking up the X4 was give the new delays a try. In addition, the subdivision switch allows you to select regular quarter notes, dotted eighths/triplets or quarter notes plus dotted eighths. The way this delay pedal handles your dry signal is also unique, giving it an all-analog path that blends with the effected signal. BA1 1UA. The switches feel more fluid than those of the Flashback x4. Happy customers, one piece of gear at a time! In case you're not aware of the concept as yet, TonePrints are developed by TC and the artists involved with them, using specially developed tuning software that allows both the company and the artist to tweak internal parameters in the pedals to create sounds you wouldn't get from turning the knobs. Hand selected from all across the globe, each brings a wealth of experience and expertise in the world of music gear. To reset the parameters and parameter ranges assigned on TC Electronic Flashback X4, first connect an expression pedal to the “Exp Pedal” jack and power up the pedal. There was a problem. A few years ago TC Electronic debuted the Flashback Delay/Looper, a compact digital delay that not only packed a ton of delay flavors in a petite package but also incorporated the company’s now famous TonePrint technology. Also unique to the X4 is a dedicated tap tempo switch, three preset positions to save your favorite settings, and an expression pedal input and midi control. Flashback X4 offers 12 delay types plus 4 TonePrint slots executed in exquisite world-renowned TC Electronic quality. That means you can save 3 of your favorite custom TonePrints as presets and have 4 more available at the turn of a knob. You can choose your delay type from a rotary knob, and then tweak its parameters using the delay time, feedback and delay level knobs. Stream Flashback x4 ringmod with expression pedal by jhallett from desktop or your mobile device GOAT hunt: Who is the greatest pre-1980 drummer? In addition to instant toggling between delay sounds, these pressure-sensitive footswitches can be used in a similar fashion to an expression pedal. All rights reserved. You can also use the TonePrint editor software to create your own custom settings. As the flagship of our delay pedal range, it seems only fitting that we decked out FLASHBACK 2 X4 with no less than 3 MASH switches. TC Electronic Flashback X4 Pedal Review. At the time of writing, the TC website is hosting a wide selection of over 70 delay TonePrints, some of the latest coming from the likes of Joe Perry and James 'Munky' Shaffer among others, plus an emulation of a Boss DM-3 from American retailer Sweetwater. THANKS FOR WATCHING! These are all subtly different, with successive repeats that change tonally and in terms of how distorted/broken up they become. – Choose the respective preset (A, B or C) on the Flashback X4 Delay & Looper. Delay and Looper Pedal with 3 MASH Switches, 10 Delay Types, 10 Note Subdivisions, 6 TonePrint Slots, Tap Tempo, 40-second Looper, and Stereo I/O. They are available to offer you personalized product advice any time you need it. Thank you for your request. The TC Electronic Flashback X4 ( Delay and Looper Pedal is a massive pedal with tons of different uses. We reckon most guitar players who use delay would prefer more than one sound: perhaps a tape-echo simulation as well as a cleaner sounding digital delay, and maybe some modulation on the repeats - not to mention being able to alter the delay time to suit tempos. You can select from 10 preset note subdivisions plus one custom setting, which are independent from Flashback 2 X4’s 10 delay types. On top of all these great features, Flashback 2 X4 also includes TC Electronic's TonePrint technology, which allows you to download custom delay styles made by some of today's top guitarists. Finally, you can assign your delay sound to footswitch A, B or C by simply holding the footswitch down. Sweetwater Sound Overall, this pedal rocks and if you're looking to get the most out of your Delay-dollars, I would recommend this pedal. Range of delay effects. Store A Preset: The Edge's guitar tip for using delay can make you a tighter player, Finally, someone’s built a set of working vinyl DJ decks out of Lego. Upgradeable with TonePrints. From beginners to rock stars, millions of music makers rely on our Sales Engineers' expertise to help achieve their musical goals. The looper can be used with a dialled-in delay sound active, and it's simple to use, with the footswitches offering record, play/stop, once (single play) and undo/redo functions. Our groundbreaking MASH technology adds extra expression capability to a world-class delay stompbox that responds to your touch and saves precious pedalboard space – and blends , With three footswitchable delays plus tap tempo in a single pedal, the DL4's configuration offers such obvious practicality that the urge to offer something similar has finally proved too tempting, resulting in Vox's recent DelayLab. FLASHBACK 2 X4 DELAY Awesome delays are part of our DNA here at TC Electronic. "The tape echoes are all subtly different, with successive repeats that change tonally". Is it still worth buying a hardware drum machine in 2021 (and, if so, why)? Flashback 2 X4 allows you to load up six different TonePrint presets simultaneously for more flexibility onstage. – Switch on the Flashback X4 Delay & Looper. The Dynamic setting is designed to keep your sound free of delay clutter while you play, and if you try Ping Pong with a stereo output, the repeats bounce back and forth between the speakers. And, talking of creative, there's plenty you can do by simply plugging in an expression pedal. Flashback 2 X4’s built-in 40-second looper makes it easy — and fun! Matthew Holliman. This stereo stompbox can act as a digital delay, with plenty of. TC Electronic Flashback 2 X4 Delay and Looper Pedal, Music background: Piano at 8. TC Electronics delay and looper based on the popular Flashback delay pedal.Flashback X4 essentially does two things: minimize hassle and maximize sounds. Shop new & used TC Electronic Flashback X4 pedals on #2. One of the two available types is straight-down-the-line delay, but the second adds modulation in the form of chorusing on the repeats. The Gator 8 supply that comes with my pedal board could power it without issues. Get Directions | Based on TC's original Flashback delay pedal, the X4 is around four times the size, but still compact considering the functionality it packs in. Store Hours, If you have any questions, please call us at (800) 222-4700. A Sweetwater Sales Engineer will get back to you shortly. Buying music gear can be complicated, but your Sweetwater Sales Engineer is here to help. Of the rest, Slap offers a very short slapback, ideal for country and rockabilly, while Reverse offers some effective weirdness once you've got the hang of it - turn the feedback fully down and you'll get reversed sound only. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. The cleaner digital delays are based on TC's legendary 2290 delay unit and deliver pristine repeats. You can have four instantly selectable TonePrints in the X4, with the option of swapping them for any others. Tc Electronic Flashback X4 Delay & Looper Online-Anleitung: Parameter Und Parameterbereiche Zurücksetzen. – Set the expression pedal to the minimum position. Our expertly trained Sales Engineers are ready to help! "You can assign your delay sound to footswitch A, B or C by simply holding the footswitch down". Some devices are more tolerant and can work with a range of different values, others are more specific. The amount and type of modulation on each of the modulated delay programs is fixed, and it's an obvious effect that works well if you like that epic sound, but may be laid on a little thick for some - you'll have to look to the TonePrints for more subtlety, because some of those available tone it down, and some feature flanging rather than chorus. Now, TC Electronic has chipped in with the Flashback X4 featuring - yep, you guessed right - those three instantly footswitchable delays plus tap tempo. You also get six TonePrint slots and up to six stored presets for rapid, easy recall. "There's a fine selection of basic delay types, but with the TonePrints, another world beckons". The previous Flashback did not allow this dual feature. We believe that Flashback X4 Delay & Looper offers the best sounding delay as well as enor- You can also call us toll free at (800) 222-4700, Mon-Thu 9-9, Fri 9-8, and Sat 9-7 Eastern. Three innovative MASH footswitches give Flashback 2 X4 amazing creative potential. You will receive a verification email shortly. It provides 12 delay types in pristine TC Electronic quality, tap tempo and three preset slots for an instant classic. Each footswitch holds a delay preset and the ability to control 3 parameters at once by varying your foot pressure on the switch. Its knobs are chunky and larger than the single pedal's, and thus may lend themselves to onstage manipulation by foot, although adding an expression pedal will yield more accurate results.
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