It is used to ensure additional research is taken into consideration during an experiment as well as determining research priorities, collecting data and honing in on certain subjects which may be difficult to take note of without exploratory research. plores Cross-cutting is a device to move between two or more scenes staged in the space at the same time. 2253. Der Grund hierfür liegt in der Tatsache, dass es sich bei der explorativen Forschung um eine frühe Forschung handelt. 1. Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913) (a.) 2005). In working towards the explorative research questions of the current study, a number of steps will be taken. Exploratory research is "the preliminary research to clarify the exact nature of the problem to be solved." Die explorative Forschung ist eine Form der Markt-, Konsum- und Verhaltensforschung, bei der in der Regel keine standardisierten Forschungsmethoden eingesetzt werden. Explorative Definition from Language, Idioms & Slang Dictionaries & Glossaries. First, a short introduction in Chapter 1 will explain the onset of the definition of Sustainable Development, leading … HR’s role in an organization’s sustainabilization. Exploration definition: the act or process of exploring | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Meaning of explorative with illustrations and photos. There may be more than one definition of CELL, so check it out on our dictionary for all meanings of CELL one by one. hEnglish - advanced version. Definition of explorative in the Dictionary. Meaning of explorative. Next Locating Immediate Plans Of Cbd Products Online. Just relax and do not worry about your project anymore! Definition: Quantitative Forschung. In this lesson, you'll learn about a type of research called exploratory research. Please note that Collectively Explorative Learning Labs is not the only meaning of CELL. An explorative strategy is a technique to explore and deepen understanding of the drama you create. Define explorative. Synonyms, Antonyms, Derived Terms, Anagrams and senses of explorative. If you want Definieren Explorative Forschung to buy essay online from us, expect to get the highest Definieren Explorative Forschung result. What does explorative mean? Giga-fren. explorative behaviour. Sadomasochismus empirisch und explorativ eruiert vor dem Hintergrund des Bestsellers explorative definition in English dictionary, explorative meaning, synonyms, see also 'exploitative',explanative',exploration',expletive'. Definition of explorative in the Fine Dictionary. 139 - 153 Hours to read. Eine explorative Studie (auch erkundende Forschung genannt) untersucht ein unerforschtes Feld. Using explorative strategies. Proper usage and audio pronunciation of the word explorative. Pronunciation of explorative and its etymology. One explorative project is currently being investigated in the "Applied Homogeneous Catalysis" department: Sustainable Excited-State Catalysis Leibniz-Institut für Katalyse e. V. In developing our explorative model of business model scalability, we applied Baden- Fuller and Morgan’s idea of busi ness models as recipes (e.g. English English Dictionaries. About. See more. inflection of explorativ: strong/mixed nominative/accusative feminine singular strong nominative/accusative plural weak nominative all-gender singular weak … Information about explorative in the dictionary, synonyms and antonyms. Definition, Synonyms, Translations of unexplorative by The Free Dictionary Exploratory testing is an approach to software testing that is concisely described as simultaneous learning, test design and test execution. (adjective) The worlds created for your explorative pleasure may seem similar in many respects, but the storylines are completely separate.In Final Fantasy 7, you play the main character Cloud Strife, a mercenary with a shadowy past. As adjectives the difference between exploratory and explorative is that exploratory is serving to explore or investigate while explorative is exploratory. Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913), edited by Noah Porter. Exploratory definition, pertaining to or concerned with exploration: an exploratory operation. Example sentences containing explorative It’s … 1. serving in or intended for exploration or discovery "an exploratory operation" "exploratory reconnaissance" "digging an exploratory well in the Gulf of Mexico" "exploratory talks between diplomats" What does explorative mean? What is explorative? explorative Studie nicht beantwortet wer- ... there is no official definition of inclusion. Rebecca Serle: Top 10 Classic Children's Books As a noun exploratory is an exploration or investigation. v.intr. Enrich your vocabulary with the English Definition … Exploratory. 2. Meaning of explorative. Exploratively definition: in an explorative manner | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples explorative (adj.) You'll achieve a general understanding of the topic through examples that demonstrate the way in which it's used. Readers continue to be delighted by Potter's rendition of the child -- mischievous, explorative and just a little bit naughty. Programs like this led also to what is called explorative CALL.. xml's Information and translations of explorative in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. The complete Explorativ Gallery. Ish translation results for designed for devices. ‘Through explorative activity and dialogue, we expect to generate prototype projects and ideas for future art/tech collaborations.’ ‘As mentioned in the introduction, this study was an explorative one which was aimed at generating data to assist in the design of new Web technologies.’ To investigate systematically; examine: explore every possibility. ‘exploratory talks’ ‘Further exploratory investigations were carried out to determine whether these were pertinent here.’ ‘He suffered a stomach wound, but an exploratory operation … This page is all about the acronym of CELL and its meanings as Collectively Explorative Learning Labs. Mehr Information findest du in diesem Artikel. Exploratory. In der empirischen Forschung wird zwischen quantitativer und qualitativer Forschung unterschieden, wobei eine Kombination beider Methoden ebenfalls möglich ist und das für diese Arbeit angewandte Forschungsdesign darstellt (Mayring 2002; Schnell et al. Many translated example sentences containing "explorative Forschung" – English-German dictionary and search engine for English translations. Diese lassen sich im Anschluss statistisch verarbeiten, um Hypothesen zu überprüfen oder neue Erkenntnisse zu gewinnen. explorative: Exploring; tending to explore; exploratory. Zusammenfassung. Bei quantitativer Forschung handelt es sich um ein Datenerhebungsverfahren der empirischen Sozialforschung. Related words - explorative synonyms, antonyms, hypernyms and hyponyms. Definition of explorative in the dictionary. High-Definition 4K 3D Exoscope (ORBEYE TM) in Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumor Surgery: A Preliminary, Explorative, Pilot Study Ignazio G Vetrano, MD, Ignazio G Vetrano, MD Department of Neurosurgery, Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Neurologico Carlo Besta, Milan, Italy. explorative meaning. Example sentences with "explorative behaviour", translation memory. Adj. explorative synonyms, explorative pronunciation, explorative translation, English dictionary definition of explorative. What does explorative mean? explorative behaviour in English translation and definition "explorative behaviour", Dictionary English-English online. Meaning and Definition of explorative. Cross-cutting and narrating Cross-cutting. Mit der Anwendung quantitativer Methoden werden numerische Daten erhoben. Medicine To examine (a body cavity or interior part) for diagnostic purposes, especially by surgery.
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