There is so much I just don’t get! I get 42% attack from my 6 Japan subs. General's guide, How to strengthen your troops, Tips on monster hunting & PvP, How to save money when you pay, How to collect items efficiently, List of items and more for the mobile app and RTS game Evony TKR. And you can forget about a whole bunch of buildings until later, and keep advancing your Keep, Academy, and other useful buildings for your chosen troop. You might as well forget those troops exist rather than spend anything on powering them up. Be the King of 7 kingdoms! mounted attack % increase). Imagine someone who deals 55% of the bosses health per attack, and 3 other players who deal about 12%. -by lord hamreditor, server na42 when it opens. Bosses Summary Evony bosses give fantastic rewards to all that kill or participate in rallies that kill them. Go hit a dead city and find out what your fighting buffs are to get started. Thanks a lot. Everything I have read has said the royal thieves have similar power to Minotaur’s. You can stay there during the server war as long as you want, your cities cannot be attacked while you are … I like to have big groups of archers, especially at the top, because of the way that troops pick targets independently. In evony MMORPG game ,when you send troops to battle to conquer valleys or city some of the troops will survive with wounds. First of all thanks for the beautiful laying guide. Then you’re facing down the enemy archers and siege, which … hopefully if you’re fully invested in archer stats with your general and gear, you can easily overcome. Not Japan. Growth; Attack Marches; Wall Defense; Sub Cities; Building Duty; Skills. It seems like a stationary object of ??? Not to mention all the cost and effort that goes into building a general with their dragon, gear, refinements, and specialties. Last Updated: 2 months ago. I don’t know how to explain it. A lot of people rely heavily on T12 even when T13 or 14 are available to them. Obviously more research becomes available as you reach higher keep levels. And he’s doing the same back to me, just not as much. But I’ll give you some thoughts. In that case, only the 25% that the main general has will be applied to the troops in the main city. If their ground/siege presence is too large, then they are not a good target for a single solo attack. I can’t give you a specific number because it depends on the strength of your general and the progress of your research, etc. I think layers of 1 would probably work just fine, but I like 5. Boss Rewards That’s more about defending your city. Eg. If an attacker loses the battle, all their troops will be dead – other than those which were saved by “death to survival” or “death to wounded.” The hospital wouldn’t normally come into play except for death to wounded. If you strike the boss and do not kill it, he will strike back. Make sense? The report continues. If you only focus on one troop type, then you don’t need to worry about almost 70% of the research in the military tree until much later. And then its a fight of layers vs. no layers, which is terrible for me! For growing players, I recommend Korea, China, Europe, and America. Monarch Gear – Cavalry gear Lv6, In the days before Yasha, less than 500K of general power, and I use Elektra (35% Attack) with a ranged attack skill book (25% Attack). Before that, I strongly discourage it. The buffs from Alliance Science donations apply at all times. I know this section has been long, but that’s honestly the most brief I could be to educate you on the basics of battle. INTRO Section 1 Cities Section 2 Troops and Defences Section 3 Promotion Titles Section 4 Valley Farming Section 5 NPC Farming Section 6 Medal Farming Section 7 Level 10 NPC Section 8 Attack Aids Section 9 Facebook Gifts Your email address will not be published. Attack – Increases damage dealtDefense – Reduces damage receivedHP – Lets troop withstand more damage before dyingRange – Indicates how far away the troop can attackSpeed – Indicates how far the troop can move in a single round. Archer Tower – It’s not clear exactly how it functions. Me and two others would take turns starting the rally on a Hydra, and add our full march in. In this Masterclass Guide I will be looking at the top Wall Gens from the Tavern and Event Packs and discussing the pros … The only place to accurately view your mounted attack, and other buffs, is in a pvp report. Pick 1 type of troop. Don’t do this. With this guide hopefully, you’ll be able to progress swiftly and have an amazing time playing Evony: The King’s Return. The game is a real-time strategy massively multiplayer online game where other players will either be your ally or your enemy. Troops . Pick a General that goes well with the Troop Type you will be using for that Preset and check the box to select all of your Subordinate Cities, then load ALL of your Highest Tier of the Troop Type this Preset is for and hit "Save Preset." All troops can be healed, which don’t cost resources, only resources at a reduced cost. (The server is just so you get a good idea of the age of this guide). Your “march power” (circled blue in the following picture) and the bosses “march power” do not matter very much at all. When you only have a split second before bubbling occurs and sometimes don’t even have the time to spy but can smash with a gut feel or knowledge from other peoples’ intelligence of what they have at home? It might be close though. An Evony Gathering Guide, for players who wants to get more resources in less time, and make faster progress in the game. Last Updated: 2 months ago. I honestly don’t have the hard numbers to back it up, but that’s what I’ve seen a lot of people do, and I will explain the logic to it as best I can. Ground Troops reach the melee in the middle and begin fighting with Mounted, or Ground. The attacker had 440k T13 ground, 115k T13 archers, 67k T13 mounted and 33 T1 mounted. The reality of this game is, every 2 keep levels you get about 5-10x stronger at killing bosses… once you get the new troops, march size, technology, equipment, etc. It’s important to note that because the line of march is displayed, it’s easy for the enemy to find out where your city is located. About. Even though archers are technically disadvantaged against ground, their buffs and numbers in this situation can overcome that. If you want to skip the logic of it all and just follow a recipe…, Ranged Troops: – 30-40% top tier – 30-40% second tier – 10-15% third tier – 1-2% in every tier after that + Layers (see next section), Ground Troops: – 30-40% top tier – 30-40% second tier – 10-15% third tier – 1-2% in every tier after that + Layers (see next section), Mounted Troops: – 30-40% top tier – 30-40% second tier – 10-15% third tier – 1-2% in every tier after that + Layers (see next section). In this series of Evony: The king's return, I will explain what troop layering is and what it does to benefit your castle.BTW, i misspelled troops. If you battled Ground against Ranged in a neutral situation (like a temple) with equal numbers and equal buffs, you would see Ground dominate. You are correct to assume that an army of 70% T14 archers would be stronger than an army of 70% T12 archers, all things being equal. I’ll go through what we see line by line. I’m not much a video guy myself – prefer reading . That’s an easy 200-300million extra resources per day, with very little active effort. At K33 (or K35 if you’re patient enough, it’s actually better to wait imo) it’s finally time to start building out all the troop types evenly. Your email address will not be published. Make sense? The Battlefields are amazing for testing out your skills as an alliance and just to have some fun. Expand your empire. Troops are the backbone of combat. Hi If you want to reduce your wounds to 0, you should concentrate on raising your attack buffs, since you don’t have enough attack. Without a strong Wall General your troops will lack the proper stat buffs required to stave off the incoming force and you can easily be zeroed. Attacking keeps themselves is definitely different than temples, but most of my advice is actually geared towards this as well. Forget about all the other troops until you get to K33. This part is speculation, but I think troops will aim at their favorite target, if possible. If you agree with me, keep reading. Percentages (%) are of your maximum march size: Siege Troops: – 30-40% top tier – 30-40% second tier – 10-15% third tier – 1-2% in every tier after that + Layers (see next section). Me and two others would take turns starting the rally on a Hydra, and add our full march in. Making a Skill Book Plan As for your last question – I figure it’s best to boost Siege attack with refines, since they fire the most and live the longest. Anyone know how if t12s can take a Witch 3? You have to rely on teammates to kill bosses and help you growGround:+ Great troop for PvP. Meanwhile siege gets to fire on them for 10+ turns. General Cultivate Guide (7) Anonymous. A Thief’s power should be close to a Minotaur’s, but with higher attack or HP (or both). Look at Mr. Moneybags over here! Layers consist of every tier of every troop type from tier 1 up to your highest tier troop. The defender’s troops are led by their wall general, while the attackers are obviously led by the general they chose when attacking. This data was beaten with Martinus lv30 power 3.1M. Mounted:+ Best troop for killing bosses. When you have a big battle to engage in, it’s a good idea to use some temporary buff items, like the ones that provide 20% or 50% Attack, Defense, or HP. It’s very helpful to know not only the number of troops needed, but also the general difference in strength between bosses. General Skill – 15% attack buff All of the above types are perfectly good choices. At Ares level and above, you have 4 choices, because Ares Lv30 gear is just as good as Ach Lv33. Your speed and range do not matter in a boss battle. Please also give me some information about Hard Viking. In this guide I will tell you how to obtain a free Truce agreement (Bubble, Shield, Foam) without spending any real money in the game. Imagine you have 1,500,000 archers and 1000-1100% attack, and they have 500k-1mil ground with 400-600% hp/defense. But if nobody can kill it alone, best case scenario is that everyone is going to take huge wounded and you’ll barely kill it. The way I see it, there are a few important implications here: This section is all about how to make your troops stronger. Finally boot the team member who is going to do the attacking. Sending 1 troop to capture a portal is common, simply capture the portal and leave that 1 troop there to gather points for yourself while the Portal generates teleports for your team. Recently, with evony becoming increasingly more laggy, there are other methods to find enemies straight after they’ve been force ported to get their ghosted troops. I bet the person with layers will win both times. What are the advantages of cav? I’ve made quite a few acquaintences in-game from people who have reached out after seeing the website. Siege begins to attack because it can already reach the enemy. Hello wonderful article. Those suggestions only serve to improve the power of the troops they command. In practice, the speed and range stats (next section) also create hidden advantages/disadvantages. Would it not be better to us say 70 percent top tier? If this doesn’t work, you need to raise the level of research and gear too. As long as you focus on superpowering those troops in every possible way, and putting your best fighting general on the wall during undead, you should crush it. The concept is generally simple but without visuals it could be confusing. Good luck with youtube. Troop counts are: 50 workers, 2000 warriors, 500 pikemen, 500 swordsmen, 1000 archers. If I had to ballpark it, I’d say they are about 0.001% as effective as your main fighting force. Some monsters just need higher tier troops to kill. We have many managers and tools to promote your Evony experience. Then you will hit again. If you and me fight in a temple… Me with my layers of 5, and you with layers of 3,000… I think you will have the edge. I’m talking about permanent buffs from research, equipment refinement, gear, etc.) Not recommended for attacking cities, because it’s a big cost (and repair cost) increase for small benefit. The only other fighting buff that really helps is March Size, which lets you send more troops in a single attack. At the very bottom of a report is a Battle Detail button, which shows you the fate of every troop involved in the battle. More. t12 Cavalry 350,000 => Wounded 2,600. The second idea is cost-effectiveness in battle. Main buildings: The main tower is the center of the city, it defines your position in the server. General Skill – How to add 3 Skills “You Want”, Red Equipment Combination List (Which Should You Make? Current and constantly updated and currated location to find answers to all questions about Evony: The Kings Return mobile game. If you have any allies around your strength, you can try this too. All you have to do is join a rally, usually with 1 single troop and an optional general. Once everybody has attacked once, it’s the first person’s turn again. May god bless you. I noticed focus on calvary/range..what’s the uses for ground/seige? But you can consider a rally, or a 1-2 attack (loss with archers, then win with ground. If you have that many siege, you’ll defend attacks as if your opponents didn’t even send layers. Each army starts on opposite side of the battlefield – with a distance between them equal to the longest ranged troop in play. A pure archer attack is the best thing you can hit a keep with. Best Skills Guide – what skills should you add? Since I focus on ranged, the only section I really care about is the one hilighted in blue. Equipment is a huge source of buffs. Both in terms of points (svs and battlefield) and in terms of healing/rebuilding. Refine stones are extremely precious and you’ll need hundreds of thousands of them to achieve your ultimate refining goals. I briefly touched on a concept in the last section called overfiring or overkill. No, we tried this. With enough archers and archer % attack, you can often kill all the enemy ground before they even touch your archers! Troops; Warrior; Worker; Evony: The King’s Return has a plethora of buildings, generals, troops, and upgrades to explore. An Evony Battle Guide, for players who want to understand more about battle mechanics, how troops interact, and logical army compositions to can work towards. You should get everything you possibly can for your chosen troop type at your particular level. The mounted will run ahead and die. Evony: All About Server War. Great article. Thank you so much this was so educational. But most people don’t build much ground. There might be an argument for ranged attack as well… and I like to boost ground defense/hp because they take the most damage. We have found that if someone sends higher tier troops (e.g. 20000, 5, 5 5… 20000, 5,5 5…. Reason being, they fight very effectively for their cost and power level. Academy research (Military tree. Training time is affected by Military Science Research and Hero's Attack Skill. Ranged extra kills Mounted, due to extra attacks from outranging. I took my screenshots from a battlefield report when we were holding the tower. At a high level, pretty much everyone makes their solo attacks with archers, or archers first, due to the above troop interactions. What about keeps themselves – which have the additional defenses of archer towers, walls and other obstacles? Troops and defences are the most important part of the game and each kind of troops has a different use.During the first 3 days of the initial 7 day beginners protection aim to build all buildings to level 5 and on day 4 start building troops. Is that true? My Siege hardly kills anything. When you attack yourself and your suzerain’s army defends its colony (you) the suzerain will have no techs (Academy) and no intelligence (Beacon Tower). I know it’s not perfect. I’d say that’s 10x more difficult than the above resource cost. This was/is great!!! 25,000% Event Package 1-5 All Contents (total: $185), Limited Time Promotion – All Package Contents, How to get “really” good deal in-game purchases, Fastest & Cheapest Way to Level Up Monarch Gear, How to get Monarch EXP & Prestige efficiently, How to get Spiritual Beast EXP efficiently, Option settings that Beginners tend to Fail, How to increase VIP Level & earn VIP Points, Server Time vs Country Time Table (US, UK, RU, JP), TIPS for Intentionally Creating Wounded Troops (make as many as you need), How to translate correctly without using Evony’s translation feature, Evony Term Translation List (Japanese <=> English), List of Generals by Role (+ How to Get) (69). Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. t11 Ground 96,000 => Wounded 6,367 t11 Cavalry 96,000 => Wounded 3,372. My motto is, it’s better to be K33 with 1 troop type properly invested in, than K30 with all 4. Lv2 Warlord 24.6M. To give you a ballpark estimate, to build a full K32 troop march it would take something like… 25-30 billion resources, 15,000-20,000 research stones, 2-3 billion gold, and 15,000-20,000 days of speedups. Defense and HP are okay too, but prefer ranged attack whenever given the choice. It’s sort of a power creep. In fact, you may read this article again in a few weeks and see that I have made changes. As for debuffs, I think it’s more clear when you say you can debuff “half,” (not 50%). In the battle report you will be able to see the percentage of your troops that has been wounded.You have to cure these troops before they die. Page 1 of 3 1 2 3 Last. Your army’s buffs are 300-600% and mine are 600-1100% because I’m focused on one type of troop while your buffs are spread around. This is an Evony ghosting guide, for players who want to learn what ghosting is, how to actually do it, and more tips about using this battle maneuver. range, that does extra damage to cavs and less to ground. Kx whyknot. Build your cities. Like we learned earlier, Attack, Defense, and HP are the variables used in deciding how much damage is given and received during battle. Evony: The King’s Return is a civilization empire creator in which you command troops, build up an army, create a civilization, and become the king of your empire. Troops are the backbone of combat. Though your archery is low at this point, you should still have some so that getting Valleys to boost your production is easier. Yet all 4 of them are going to take 1 boss attack and the corresponding wounded. Okay, picture what it looks like if we debuff each other’s stats by 200%. You lose if 5% or 10% of your troops get wounded, depending on the situation. 3 … Furthermore, I would recommend building just 1 “full march” of your chosen troop type. So gears refines are 33%. Hi your information are not correct because you non mentioned gernal power i am attacked lvl 2 witch gernal power 2.4 mil and t12 550 troops but wounded 1950 why? The first thing that comes at you from the enemy side is mounted. If you have layers of 3,000 then I would really like to have layers of 6,000. Zombie has a power of 36,500 and is considered a easy boss. So you need to deal with that asap, and of course archers will do that most efficiently. Your layers of 3,000 siege will have killed all my layers. Hydras and special event bosses (witch, warlord, etc.) First, the boss definitely responds to each attack right after it happens. The Ultimate Evony Battle Guide: Part 2 – Tactics. For a while we were trying to save time and have smaller members start the rally with gen and 1 troop and then players with the meat would join a few minutes later with their large armies. Specifically focus on making a powerful attack. If you have Alfred or Simeon, go for ranged. I’m not sure. If you don’t agree, then this might not be the guide for you from this point on. The higher the numbers, the stronger those troops are. Subscribe if you can. General Status – 1000-1100 or so (5 stars, Cultivate +500) Follow this guide closely, and you will learn how to gather up to 3million resources per hour, per march. Those last 2 stats hint at layout of the battlefield itself. And surely you want something that you can also attack with all by yourself, right? For another, they’re quite weak if you’re doing a solo attack. Get some more archers and you could be ok. At some point you would have enough archers that it doesn’t make sense to send cavs. Most people are pretty nice actually. – If everyone is purely cavalry. Always compare and evaluate your options. Any buffs that the mayor has will not be applied to the main city’s troops. An Evony Gathering Guide, for players who wants to get more resources in less time, and make faster progress in the game. In case it matters, I am using about 100K level 9 cavalry, 50 K level 9 ranged troops, research cavalry is all almost maxed out, monarch cavalry gear all level 5, Using Li Jing as general (increases cavalry attack 35%), also used 20% HP, attack, and defense boosts. So if you have 1 big bulk of troops and the enemy had 84 groups of troops, it will take 84 rounds of battle to clear them all. They are definitely nice, but not doubling your fighting power or anything. Is this actually useless or do they get distributed somehow to the defending troops? Although if you belong to a smaller alliance, I do recommend picking mounted so that you can help ensure there are boss rallies running whenever you happen to log in and play.
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