[7], There were two subspecies of Zabraks, the Dathomirians and the Iridonians. Master Liko Eil was a Zabrak Jedi Master and one of very few Jedi to not take any active role in the Clone Wars. He used a body from a Dragon Ball Z Bulma action figure that he thought he was never going to use and the head of the Clone Wars Eeth Koth action figure that he tried to feminize with a little paint. The separatist Sith apprentice Asajj Ventress was first introduced in the Expanded Universe’s Clone Wars multimedia project, becoming a fan-favorite villain in various comics and 2003’s animated series Star Wars: Clone Wars. They were a race known for having a fierce sense of self-determination and an equally dominant need for independence. Darth Maul, Savage Opress and Eeth Koth are examples of zabrak. ... Savage is a Zabrak warrior who is taken in by Ventress and trained to acquire vengeance against Dooku... Later secretly going under Dooku's command only to fool the Sith Lord. Darth Maul: Clone Wars - Star Wars. Originaire d' Umbara , il s'agit d'une plante bioluminescente [ c 11 ] . Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. From the multiple horns to the tattoos and everything in between, the Zabrak look badass. Due to their struggle to survive in their new environment, the Zabrak began to adapt and eventually became their own species. This mod creates a new race, the zabrak race from Star Wars. Zabrak are a tall, horned humanoid species that traditionally tattoo themselves. The skeletal structure of Zabrak Jedi Master Eeth Koth, Zabraks were a species of near-humans that had evolved to be tough due to the nature of their homeworld Iridonia. Subspecies Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Season 3: Witches of the Mist - As Count Dooku trains Savage Opress in the ways of the Dark Side, Obi-Wan and Anakin travel to Dathomir to learn more about this Zabrak Jedi killer. Inhabitants of the planet Dathomir. His bones ache, not helped by the sudden, jarring stop the … Once the improvements have been completed, you may remove this notice and the page's listing. Dathomirian. Continuing to serve the Order through the Clone Wars, Zabrak Jedi returned with the Order to Ossus after three centuries of displacement. A remote planet, Dathomir is drenched in blood-red light from its central star. 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Bordering dense swamplands is the massive stone fortresses of the Nightsisters, a witch clan. Dathomirian females tended to have pale gray or white skin and usually blue or silver eyes, as well as sporting tall and thin bodies. Diet Darth Maul was a Force-sensitive male Dathomirian Zabrak Dark Lord of the Sith who lived during the waning years of the Galactic Republic. Physical Characteristics At one point he was defeated and taken hostage by General Grievous in Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Likewise, many Zabraks sided with the Resistance to oppose the First Order after the fall of the New Republic. See the request on the listing or on this article's talk page. Darth Maul was a Dathomirian Zabrak Sith lord, the first known apprentice of Darth Sidious and Obi-Wan Kenobi 's archenemy. During the Old Republic era, Zabrak Bao-Dur served under the Jedi Exile during the Mandalorian Wars. As one of the most commonly found species in the galaxy, the Zabrak had a long history of space exploration and thus could be found on colonies in nearly every corner of the known galaxy. Eeth Koth was a Zabrak Jedi Master who was an active member of the Jedi high council in the decades leading up to the Clone Wars. He created the Mass Shadow Generator that was used to destroy Malachor V and help bring an end to the Mandalorian Wars. Works; Bookmarks; Filters; RSS Feed Many Zabrak seemed to be capable of growing hair such as Eeth Koth while others like Darth Maul were bald, whether this was because of genetics or fashion is not entirely clear. Several (distinguished by the number and pattern of horns)IridonianDathomirian View, comment, download and edit star wars Minecraft skins. Auteur principal. N°410 - Star Wars - Clone Wars- Darth Maul, Micromania-Zing, numéro un français du jeu vidéo et de la pop culture. Sociocultural Characteristics -Star Wars and The Clone Wars creators, for inspired me to make the zabrak race and the creation of some warpaints.-lordslayer0, he made the spanish traduction of the 1.0 version. This is a MUST HAVE for any fan of Star Wars and especially every fan of The Clone Wars: Animated Series! Eeth Koth is a minifigure released in 2011 from the LEGO Star Wars line. Hello there!Few days after battle of Uragan, Grand Master Yoda sends General Kenobi on the moon of planet Alzoc III. Classification The creation of the Dathomiri species was the result of hybridization between Human females and male Zabrak. Amongst these Nightbrothers, Sith Lord Darth … Darth Maul was a Force-sensitive male Dathomirian Zabrak Dark Lord of the Sith who lived during the waning years of the Galactic Republic. Menu. Explore all of Wookieepedia's media for this article subject: Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. Vestigial horns,[1] two hearts,[3] facial tattoos Conversely, the Force-sensitive brothers Maul and Savage Opress both served the Sith before independently forming the Shadow Collective criminal cartel and briefly ruling the planet Mandalore. Sentient[1] Republic has secret base on this moon. Items in-game: ARC Captain Burner's Helmet ... Clone Wars Adventures Emulator Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. The females, known as Nightsisters, have pale skin and are known to be powerful witches. These included the Nightbrothers under the rule of the Dathomirian Nightsister witch clan. Known Iridonian Zabrak from the Star Wars expanded universe include Bao-Dur (Knights of the Old Republic II), Maris Brood (Force Unleashed), and Wolf Sazen (Star Wars: Legacy). Language Darth Maul Savage Opress Eeth Koth Agen Kolar Sugi Kao Cen Darach Add a photo to this gallery DVD - The Clone Wars Saison 1 - Volume 4; Le Coffret DVD Star Wars Trilogie; La Bande Dessinée Star Wars; The Old Republic; L'Holocron. RELATED: Star Wars Expanded Universe: 10 Stories Lucasfilm Would Like You To Forget Criminal pursuits were often attractive to younger Zabraks, and during the Iron Blockade of the Anoat sector several Zabraks served in the crew of the the Smuggler, who led the Uprising against the Imperial blockade. Star Wars: The Clone Wars made a plethora of changes to previously-established Star Wars lore, and among the most prominent of these changes were made to the origins of Maul and Asajj Ventress. In 2014, the Expanded Universe was renamed “Legends” and made into an … Notable Zabraks. The species was carnivorous and had two hearts, which allowed them to pump oxygenated blood around their systems more quickly than other species meaning they could go faster for longer. Dathomirian[1]Iridonian[1] He is included in the set 7964 Republic Frigate. 1.8 meters Most members of the species had distinctive horns atop their heads, as well as two hearts. Zabrak Name Generator - Star Wars The Old Republic is free online tool for generating Zabrak Names randomly. Biological Classification Eeth Koth was an Iridonian Zabrak Jedi Master before and during the Clone Wars. Great winds rip through these canyons, sometimes reaching over 200 kilometers per hour. Another was a member of the Bounty Hunters' Guild on the planet Nevarro. It will help you to generate 1000's of cool Zabrak Names which you can use in books, novels, games, or whatever fantasy world you want to use it. Special Thanks: - Star Wars and The Clone Wars creators, for create the Star Wars films and The Clone Wars series television and for the fantastic world of Star Wars - Bethesda, create Skyrim, the best videogame. Le Zabrak, lui, avait été entravé ... Hassani Shapi (Episode I) et Chris Edgerly (The Clone Wars) Informations administratives. The Dathomirian Zabrak males, known as the Nightbrothers, are easily identifiable by the intimidating crown of horns around their head, as well as the distinct markings on their skin. Perhaps the most notable Zabraks to feature in the Star Wars universe were Darth Maul and Savage Oppress who were both significant dark-side users during the Clone Wars. Zabraks may have had a number of different skin tones much like the Twileks ranging from white, brown, red, orange and numerous shades in between. [8], The Zabraks were loyal members of the Galactic Republic during its reign, but were immediately opposed to the Galactic Empire upon its creation, with many joining the Alliance to Restore the Republic. One such Zabrak was Sugi, who worked as a bounty hunter during the Clone Wars, and taught her niece Jas Emari the same trade. Navigation and Actions. Biological classification Dathomirian Zabrak skin coloration could be red, peach, yellow. Eye color Part 1 of Zabrak Bros prompts; Language: English Words: 1,507 Chapters: 1/1 Collections: 1 Comments: 56 Kudos: 922 Bookmarks: 92 Hits: 4910 ; I'm a stitch away from making it by blackkat Fandoms: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types Teen And Up Audiences; No Archive Warnings Apply; M/M; Complete Work; 15 Oct 2020. The Clone Wars. Retrouvez les produits dérivés de vos licences préférées ainsi que les tests de tous les jeux vidéo Black, brown, blonde, red Homeworld Lifespan Statistiques; Actualités; Galeries ; Nos partenaires; L'équipe; Mentions légales ‹ › × Accueil; Fiches; Matare (Zabrak) Matare (Zabrak) Dark Vectivus - Posté le 08 août 2012. Black, Dark blue, purple when solemn sighs the hollow wind by blackkat. Carnivorous. Hair color Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Anakin & Obi-Wan vs. Nightbrothers [1080p] - YouTube. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Sugi, a female Zabrak bounty hunter during the Clone Wars As one of the earliest spacefaring species in the galaxy, the Zabrak played a major role in galactic affairs. Like the early Humans, the Zabrak established many colonies outside their home system early in their history, such as on the planet Iridia. Preview of the Zabrak species from Star Wars Clone Wars Adventures. Deep canyons scar the planet's landscape. History Talk (0) Comments Share. Tags. Nov 17, 2014 - Zabraks were a near-human carnivorous species native to the planet Iridonia. Powered by Star Wars Canon Timeline Designed by @starwarsinfographic Create your own unique Star Wars avatar in easy steps. Notably, female Dathomirian Zabraks lacked the cranial horns shared by the rest of the species. Many members of this species were force sensitive, including Jedi Masters Eeth Koth and Agen Kolar. par exio800 » Lun 18 Mai 2020 - 1:25 Sujet: Les cornes des Zabrak Bonjour, je pratique du roleplay sur star wars depuis maintenant un ans en jouant une zabrak, j'avais lu quelque part que les corne des zabrack était sensibles si on les touchait, vu que je n'arrive plus a retrouver ou j'ai vu cella je me demandait si c'était vrai, merci de me répondre At least 80 years Arranged in different patterns according to race and region, these vestigial horns grew at puberty and continued to grow into old age unless filed an… Maul was taken by Sidious from his home and separated from his two brothers, Savage Opress and Feral and trained to be a weapon fueled by the dark side of the Force. Most members of the species had distinctive horns atop their heads, as well as two hearts. The Zabrak sith possesses the most stunning character design in the history of Star Wars. ZABRAK FEMALE xDad created this action figure on the fly and wrapped the whole figure up in less than an hour. A group of Zabraks moved to Dathomir, calling themselves Nightbrothers and lived in the shadow of the Nightsisters. Sociocultural characteristics ZABRAK FEMALE xDad created this action figure on the fly and wrapped the whole figure up in less than an hour. A male Zabrak from Dathomir, Brother Viscus lived through the era of The Clone Wars as a leader of Nightbrother village. Species: Togruta; Trained by: Anakin Skywalker The planet has continents overrun by twisted vegetation, with forests of bent trees burdened by large, cocoon-like fruit. Sentient - Star Wars and The Clone Wars creators, for inspired me to make the zabrak race and the creation of some warpaints. Worse still, these acid seas are home to gigantic predators. He led the Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi, Adi Gallia, and Anakin Skywalkerto his position and was rescued. Iridonia, located in the Mid Rim. An evolutionary offshoot from Humans, Zabrak originated on the harsh, toxic world Iridonia. Zabrak - Biologie - Encyclopédie - Star Wars Universe. A group of tribal male Zabraks lived on the planet Dathomir, where they were subservient to the female Nightsisters, but dwelt separately from them. Horns, facial tattoos, two hearts Zabraks could be Force-sensitive. Eeth Koth was an Iridonian Zabrak Jedi Master and briefly a member of the Jedi Council during the Clone Wars. [9], Several Force-sensitive Zabraks joined the Jedi Order during the time of the Galactic Republic, including Zubain Ankonori, Eeth Koth, and Agen Kolar, the latter two of whom served time on the Jedi High Council. [9] On Dathomir, many Dathomirian Zabraks lived there. When Asajj Ventress sought out an instrument of her revenge, he supervised a tournament that chose Savage Opress as the new apprentice they would use to betray Dooku. Ahsoka Tano. He fought at the First Battle of Geonosis where his Gunship crashed. Darth Maul is arguably one of the most awesome characters ever created. Near-human[2] The all new Star Wars: The Clone Wars Funko Pop! [4], All Zabraks were fiercely independent, usually taking on roles in society that minimized their need to be ordered around by others. Zabraks fought against the Galactic Empire's attempts to undermine and subvert them, and instead of surrendering, many joined the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Seas of frothing acid swirl up into "acid spouts" that soar hundreds of kilometers into the sky. [7], Despite the species overall loyalty to the Republic, individual Zabraks could be found across the galaxy with a wide range of allegiances, usually in roles with minimal managerial supervision such as independent traders, mercenaries, bounty hunters, or scouts. Hair color Zabrak Zabraks were a near-human carnivorous species native to the planet Iridonia. Zabrak male(Empire) character creation in the game Star Wars: The Old Republic. Savage Opress & Darth Maul, two Dathomirian Zabraks This is a MUST HAVE for any fan of Star Wars and especially every fan of The Clone Wars: Animated Series! Near-human He then traveled with the Exile in her search for lost Jedi Masters and likely helped rebuild the Jedi Order after her departure. Skin color Classification Dark Maul, ou plus simplement Maul (Darth Maul en version originale) est un personnage de fiction de l'univers de Star Wars qui apparaît dans l'épisode I, dans la série Star Wars: The Clone Wars aux côtés de son frère, Savage Opress, dans la série Star Wars Rebels et enfin dans Solo: A Star Wars Story.C'est un Zabrak originaire de la planète Dathomir. Maul (deceased); Appearances Season Two "Twilight of the Apprentice" (First appearance) Season Three "The Holocrons of Fate" "Visions and Voices" "Twin Suns" Trivia. Much of the Dathomirian Zabraks' culture was unknown to outsiders, as they did not trust offworlders. Darth Maul was a Dathomirian Zabrak Sith lord, the first known apprentice of Darth Sidious and Obi-Wan Kenobi's archenemy.
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