Tension between the king and his mother grew and ended with his expulsi… In the wake of their defeat Antony and Cleopatra returned to Alexandria. Statue of Cleopatra Selene II and Alexander Helios as children, c. 37-30 BC (Egyptian Museum in Cairo) Probably around 25 BC, at the age of 15, Selene was married to the Numidian prince, Juba II. CLEOPATRA'S DAUGHTER is the lesser-known story of Cleopatra Selene II, who of course is the daughter of Cleopatra and Marc Antony. This would have allowed him to parade her through the streets of Rome during the triple triumph he was planning to celebrate his victories against Illyricum, Actium and Egypt, just as Caesar had paraded her sister Arsinoë in his own triumph celebrating his victory in the Alexandrian War in 48 BC. Caesarion headed to India but en route he was betrayed by his tutor, intercepted by Roman forces and executed. Many clues have given historians a range of dates, but one of the most compelling pieces of evidences comes in the form of a poem. In 25 BC she was instrumental in arranging a marriage between Cleopatra Selene and Juba and the event was commemorated by the poet Crinagoras of Mytilene in an epigram that survives in its entirety: Great neighbouring regions of the world, which the Nile, swollen from black Ethiopia, divides, you have created common kings for both through marriage, making one race of Egyptians and Libyans.Let the children of kings in turn hold from their fathers a strong rule over both lands. The two factions came face to face with each other off the coast of Greece at the Battle of Actium in September 31 BC. She herself lay all along, under a canopy of cloth of gold, dressed as Venus in a picture, and beautiful young boys, like painted Cupids, stood on each side to fan her. Cleopatra Selene II Ptolemaic Princess and was the only daughter to Greek Ptolemaic queen Cleopatra VII of Egypt and Roman triumvir Mark Antony. Cleopatra Selene II: The Truth About Cleopatra's Daughter. The fraternal twin of Ptolemaic prince Alexander Helios. Octavian captured Cleopatra and her brothers and took them from Egypt to Italy. Cleopatra Selene II and her new husband were sent to manage the new territory and Romanize its citizenry. She wears an elephant scalp as a headdress and carries a cornucopia (horn of plenty) crowned with a lunar crescent in her left hand and holds a uraeus (upright cobra) in her right. Living not far away were Octavian, who was now known as Augustus, and his wife Livia Drusilla, Augustus’ daughter Julia and Livia’s sons Tiberius Claudius Nero and Decimus Claudius Drusus. Judging from a second commemorative epigram written by Crinagoras of Mytilene, her death seems to have coincided with a lunar eclipse, which would place it on or around 23 March, 5 BC: The moon herself grew dark, rising at sunset, covering her suffering in the night, because she saw her beautiful namesake, Selene, breathless, descending to Hades, with her she had had the beauty of her light in common, and mingled her own darkness with her death. After only 65 years the territories so recently unified were once again divided and then converted into the Roman provinces of Mauretania Caesariensis and Mauretania Tingitana. 5 BCE), the daughter of Cleopatra VII (69-30 BCE) and Mark Antony (83–30 BCE). She was the ruler of Rome’s wealthiest client kingdom, a region where the annual inundation of the Nile covered the land either side of the river in a layer of thick black silt so agriculturally fertile that it was possible to harvest multiple crops each year and where the Eastern Desert had been found to contain fabulous mineral resources that were mined for gold, precious stones and coloured marbles. Allégorie de la province romaine d'Afrique - Grand Palais, Paris 2014.jpg 768 × 1,024; 716 KB This article originally appeared in the April 2013 issue of History Today. Cleopatra wore red lipstick. B.C. Her maids were dressed like Sea Nymphs and Graces, some steering at the rudder, some working at the ropes. She provided so much of it in Tarsus that he abandoned his wife, Fulvia, and returned with Cleopatra to Alexandria, staying there for the remainder of the year before departing the following spring. But as the Queen of Mauretania, Cleopatra Selene should be remembered for more than this if only because she was the last Ptolemaic queen. Already outraged by the Donations of Alexandria, the discovery of an alleged copy of Antony’s will, which contained the revelation that he wished to be buried in Alexandria with Cleopatra rather than in Rome with Octavia, was the final straw for Octavian. Born around 155 bce in Egypt; died in 101 bce; daughter of Ptolemy VI Philometor and Cleopatra II (c. 183–116 bce); married her uncle-stepfather Ptolemy VIII Euergetes; children: two sons, Ptolemy IX Philometor Soter II and Ptolemy X Alexander I; three daughters, Cleopatra Selene, Cleopatra IV, and Cleopatra Tryphaena (d. after 112 bce). While no record of their precise date of birth or even their order of birth has survived, what is certain is that, while the truth of their elder brother Caesarion’s paternity was repeatedly questioned in antiquity, the fact that Antony was the father of the twins was never doubted. Whatever Antony’s reasoning behind the grants, which formed a small part of the reorganisation of the eastern provinces under his command, it was at this point that Cleopatra began to use a new system of dating to calculate her reign, which made her feelings about them clear. It has remained a source of fascination for over 2,000 years, recorded first as fact in historical treatises and biographies written by Greek and Roman scholars and then as fiction in poems, plays, novels, television programmes and films. Cleopatra Selene, however, not only survived into adulthood but became an important and influential political figure in her own right. Although Octavia had herself been unlucky in love, she was apparently something of a matchmaker. The younger Cleopatra was ten years old when she and her brothers were shipped off to Rome following her mother's death. Clearly, great things were expected of both of them. Lorenzo Asher Nora ℗ 2015 SamePlateCo Released on: 2015-12-15 Auto-generated by YouTube. Consequently she possessed enough prestige to rule alongside her husband as a queen in her own right and consistently referred to her Greek and Egyptian heritage on the coins she issued in her own name as well as those she issued in conjunction with Juba. Temples, lighthouses, and palaces were built in the modern Roman style, which attracted cultural and political luminaries from around the empire. Cleopatra had 4 husbands, but only had offspring with 2 of them. The young couple had had their lives turned upside down as a result of the actions of their parents. Both Alexander and Cleopatra had Macedonian, Seleucid and Ptolemaic precedents that linked the twins with past prominent members of other Near Eastern royal families, although the most obvious contemporary associations would have been with Alexander the Great and Cleopatra VII herself. T he love affair of Cleopatra VII, Queen of Egypt (69-30 BC), and Marcus Antonius, Roman triumvir (83 … She was survived by her husband and their son Ptolemy, who ruled in conjunction with his father for some years before succeeding to sole rule upon Juba’s death in AD 23. When her story is told it usually ends with her suicide and the collapse of the Ptolemaic dynasty in Egypt. Their royal court attracted scholars and artists from across the Roman Empire and became a cosmopolitan fusion of Greek, Roman and Egyptian culture. She was the most important royal woman in the early Augustan age. – A.D. During their own lifetimes their liaison quickly became infamous, the subject of gossip, innuendo and outrage throughout the ancient world. Cleopatra Selene, Alexander Helios and Ptolemy Philadelphos went south to Thebes. Octavi… ?) The daughter, Cleopatra Selene, grew up in Alexandria. Over the course of her eventful life she was first an Egyptian princess, then a Roman prisoner and finally an African queen. Her birthdate is uncertain but is thought to be about 8 BCE. After all, with Caesar dead, she and her son needed a new powerful Roman protector. After the death of her mother, Cleopatra, she reigned as queen of Egypt alongside her brother, Alexander Helios, for two weeks before it was annexed by the Roman Empire. The younger Cleopatra was ten years old when she and her brothers were shipped off to Rome following her mother's death. Mary Magdalene was also a Queen, daughter of the King of Libya and first wife, Queen Cleopatra Selene, daughter of Marc Antony and Queen Cleopatra. Cleopatra Selene and Juba proved more than equal to the task. These grants ensured that Egypt gradually regained the territories the kingdom had ruled at its peak during the reign of Ptolemy II Philadelphos. At the time the kingdom and its capital Caesaria (modern day Cherchell, Algeria) were considered important to trade, but a cultural backwater. She was the fraternal twin of Ptolemaic prince Alexander Helios. There is no doubt that Cleopatra carefully orchestrated every last detail of her arrival in Tarsus. A fragment of a Ptolemaic relief believed to show Queen Cleopatra. The two sons Alexander Helios and Ptolemy Philadelphos disappeared from the historical record without explanation early on, probably falling victim to illness during childhood. A film about the Mausoleum of Juba and Cleopatra Selene In Tipaza, Algeria. Cleopatra Selene: Cleopatra’s Daughter in 12 Facts 1. Only a baby at the time, Juba had been taken back to Rome by Caesar and exhibited in the African section of his quadruple triumph. Cleopatra Selene, Juba and Ptolemy were forgotten. This excerpt suggests Cleopatra Selene II's death coincided with a lunar eclipse. In the Donations of Antioch and of Alexandria, she was made ruler of Cyrenaica and Libya. While Antony and Cleopatra have been immortalised in history and in popular culture, their offspring have been all but forgotten. These included a lighthouse in the style of the Alexandrian Pharos, set up on an island in the harbour, a royal palace situated on the seafront and numerous temples to Roman and Egyptian deities. Although Greek and Roman writers enjoyed claiming that Antony succumbed to Cleopatra’s charms and fell in love with her at first sight, the encounter in Tarsus was not actually the first time the two had met. They had much to do: the new kingdom of Mauretania was a vast territory, encompassing modern-day Algeria and Morocco, rather than modern-day Mauritania. The daughter of Ptolemy VIII and Cleopatra III of Egypt, Cleopatra Selene was favoured by her mother and became a pawn in Cleopatra III's political manoeuvres. Cleopatra Selene and Juba had much in common. He had subsequently been raised in Caesar’s household until the dictator’s assassination in 44 BC when custody of the child seems to have passed to Octavian and Octavia. By the time Octavian arrived in Egypt in the summer of 30 BC Antony and Cleopatra were ready to make one last stand but, preparing for the worst, had sent the children away. Jun 23, 2016 - Inspiration for Cleopatra Selene. Cleopatra Selene II (Greek: Κλεοπάτρα ΣξΝΎνΡ; summer 40 BC – c. 5 BC; the numeration is modern) was a Ptolemaic princess and Queen of Numidia (briefly in 25 BC) and Mauretania (25 BC – 5 BC). Of those that occurred around the time she disappeared from the historic record, the one roundly accepted by historians as the likely culprit happened on March 23rd, 5 BCE, which would have made Cleopatra Selene II 35 years old at the time of her death. Mostly these were the heirs of friendly client rulers, who had been sent to Rome as a means of ‘Romanising’ them to make them more effective client kings, but it also included several individuals who were the offspring of former client rulers, who had been deposed or had died, or both. On the contrary, over the next decade Octavian’s negative propaganda made much of the fact that Antony had not only indulged in a shameful liaison with a foreign woman that had resulted in him rejecting not just one but two lawful Roman wives (Fulvia died in 40 BC and was promptly replaced by Octavian’s sister Octavia), but he had also fathered a brood of illegitimate foreign children. Their daughter, Cleopatra Selene, became an important ruler in her own right. Cleopatra Selene II ruled as Queen of Mauretania for around two decades, and during that time she seems to have taken to her duties with aplomb. However, it is clear that on this occasion Cleopatra deliberately set out to make a favourable impression on Antony. Cleopatra Selene is the forgotten daughter of the infamous Cleopatra VII. Their daughter, Cleopatra Selene, became an important ruler in her own right. One of the latter was Gaius Julius Juba, the son of King Juba of Numidia (modern-day Algeria, Tunisia and Libya), who had committed suicide in 46 BC after being defeated by Caesar at the Battle of Thapsus. I’ve tried to answer the most common questions I get asked about her: 1. … The children lived in Octavia’s house on the Palatine Hill in Rome as members of an extended family that included their half-brother Iullus Antonius (Antony’s son with Fulvia) and half-sisters, both called Antonia (Antony’s daughters with Octavia), as well as Octavia’s older children from a previous marriage, Marcus Claudius Marcellus and his two sisters, both called Marcella. This information is part of by on Genealogy Online. (It could also have been an attempt to compete with Herod, the client king of Judea, who had done likewise several years earlier.) Marcus was born in Rome, Lazio, Italy 83 BC. The market-place was quite emptied, and Antony at last was left alone (Life of Antony 25.5-26.3). Alexander later mysteriously disappeared. When Octavian left the newly created province, he took the twins and Ptolemy Philadelphos back to Rome with him. In addition to money, she offered him something else that he had been missing and that was the opportunity for fun and decadent self-indulgence. She was an Egyptian princess and was proclaimed by Marc Antony as Queen of Cyrenaica and Libya. Juba was awarded Roman citizenship and spent his childhood and adolescence in Rome during which time he was given a Roman education and encouraged in intellectual pursuits, which led to him writing scholarly treatises on a range of subjects (many of which were used by Pliny the Elder as sources for his enormous 37-volume Natural History). A line in an epigraph by the Greek writer Crinagoras of Mytilene reads: "The moon herself grew dark, rising at sunset, covering her suffering in the night, because she saw her beautiful namesake, Selene, breathless, descending to Hades.". Like him they had a part to play in the succession and with this in mind Cleopatra selected their names very carefully. They were also politically problematic and marrying them and installing them as client rulers was a potentially excellent solution. Yet, although he probably knew about the pregnancy and the twins’ subsequent birth, he made no attempt to return to Egypt. It was not until 37 BC, when Antony summoned Cleopatra to meet him once more, this time at Antioch in Syria, and she brought the twins with her, that he met them for the first time and formally acknowledged paternity. They had come across each other on several previous occasions, first at the royal court in Egypt, while Antony was serving in the region in 55 BC and Cleopatra was still a teenager, and then again some years later at Caesar’s house in Rome while Cleopatra stayed there with their son Caesarion between 46 and 44 BC. Cleopatra had a total of four children. In order to launch a successful military campaign, Antony not only required a base of operations in the East but also funds, supplies and equipment. Over the next few months she sent a series of messengers to Octavian, offering first to betray Antony and then, when that proved unsuccessful, to abdicate in favour of her children. See more ideas about cleopatra, mark antony, ancient rome. Shortly afterwards, a lavish ceremony that has come to be known as the Donations of Alexandria was held in the city’s gymnasium. Antony’s response to these accusations was not to deny them, but rather to claim that on the contrary his actions were not only entirely justified, but also in the interest of the Roman people and their empire. She was the most important royal woman in the early Augustan age. Cleopatra Selene II (Cleopatra VIII of Egypt,Cleopatra VIII) of Mauretania was born on date, at birth place, to Marcus Antonius (Mark Anthony) Antonius and Cleopatra VII Philopator of Rome (born Pharoah of Egypt). © Copyright 2021 History Today Ltd. Company no. Cleopatra Selene had famous parents Queen Cleopatra of Egypt. The love affair of Cleopatra VII, Queen of Egypt (69-30 BC), and Marcus Antonius, Roman triumvir (83-30 BC) is legendary. Although Juba was now indisputably the King of Mauretania, he had never been King of Numidia, or anywhere else. In 30 BC, her parents committed suicide as Octavian and his army invaded Egypt. Although he was writing over a century after his subject’s death, his source for the details of Antony’s life with Cleopatra was a friend of his grandfather who was acquainted with Cleopatra’s servants, so his information is generally considered to be reliable. She even named her son Ptolemy, after her own royal lineage. Both had been orphaned at a young age by their respective parents’ suicides, both had had their ancestral lands confiscated and both had been displayed in triumphal processions before being encouraged to start a new Roman life. The allegorical portrait on this silver emblema dish is attributed to Cleopatra Selene II (40 BCE–c. The couple ruled Mauretania for almost two decades, until Cleopatra’s early death at the age of 35. Cleopatra Selene was given Crete and the Cyrenaica, both territories that were particularly associated with the families of Antony and Cleopatra. In addition to the natural advantages provided by the climate, environment and geology of Egypt, the city of Alexandria was a major centre of trade in the Mediterranean and the kingdom also had the monopoly of trading with India and the Far East. With his contemporaries Marcellus, Tiberius and Drusus he even undertook military service with the Roman legions in Spain before Augustus decided to confer on him the newly created client kingdom of Mauretania as his Numidia had now been turned into the Roman province of Africa Nova. Obviously Cleopatra’s suicide made this impossible, so instead he paraded an effigy of her holding an asp, while Cleopatra Selene and Alexander Helios, dressed as the moon and the sun in reference to their names, walked beside it. In the absence of any surviving relatives, responsibility for them passed to Octavian and he in turn passed it to Octavia. By 42 BC the last of Gaius Julius Caesar’s assassins, Marcus Junius Brutus and Gaius Cassius Longinus, had been defeated and killed at the Battle of Philippi in northern Greece. However the deaths of their mother and Caesarion left Cleopatra Selene and Alexander Helios nominally in charge of Egypt, so they were brought back to Alexandria to reign in name only until the kingdom was officially annexed by the Roman Empire two weeks later. Mary Magdalene was also the wife of the rightful heir to the title of King of the Jews: Apollonius of Tyana, grandson of Jewish princess, Mariamme and her husband, Herod the Great, King of Judea. He went on to rule Mauretania after his father's death, Despite what appears to be an influential reign, there is no clear historic record of when or how Cleopatra Selene II died. Cleopatra’s mother was probably Cleopatra V Tryphaena. Still very young children, neither of the twins nor Ptolemy Philadelphos was in any position to assume control of their lands at that point, but it was clear that both Antony and Cleopatra intended they should do so within a matter of years. They had two children, Ptolemy and Drusilla. Antony officially recognized Cleopatra Selene when she was three This sandstone sculpture probably represents the... 3. Her parents, Mark Antony and Cleopatra VII, were defeated by Octavian (future Roman Emperor Caesar Augustus), during a naval battle at Actium, Greece in 31 BC. Mauretania also contained a smattering of Greek and Roman colonies, originally founded to facilitate trade with Hispania Baetica (Andalusia). During the years that followed, Antony’s priority was the invasion and subjugation of Rome’s old enemy Parthia; Caesar had been in the process of planning such an action when he was assassinated in 44 BC in revenge for the defeat of the Roman general Marcus Licinius Crassus at the Battle of Carrhae in 53 BC. For the first ten years of her life Cleopatra Selene had been raised in Egypt as an Egyptian princess at an Egyptian court; the fact that her father was a Roman citizen, former consul and triumvir was virtually irrelevant at this stage of her life. However, while most of her children quickly followed her to the grave, her daughter with Marc Anthony, Cleopatra Selene II, carried on the Ptolemy name and began her own lineage of rulers in a new kingdom. Certainly, it was around this time that she bore her fourth and last child, who was named after Ptolemy I Soter’s son and heir, Ptolemy II Philadelphos, the ruler who had won all these territories in the first place. She issued this coin in c. 47 BC. They made Selene queen of Cyrenaica, Egypt’s neighbor, when the girl was six years old. The most extensive account of the meeting that survives from antiquity was recorded in a biography of Antony by the Greek writer Plutarch. In 115 BC, Cleopatra III forced her son Ptolemy IX to divorce his sister-wife Cleopatra IV, and chose Cleopatra Selene as the new queen consort of Egypt. Cleopatra Selene married King Juba, becoming Queen of Mauretania. As Queen she didn't fade into the shadows, and instead asserted her influence over her new kingdom, including having coins minted with her face and titles on them along with those depicting the king. Cleopatra Selene II (Greek: Κλεοπάτρα ΣξΝΎνΡ; late 40 BC – c. 6 BC; the numeration is modern), also known as Cleopatra VIII of Egypt or Cleopatra VIII, was a Ptolemaic Princess and was the only daughter to Greek Ptolemaic queen Cleopatra VII of Egypt and Roman triumvir Mark Antony. Cleopatra Selene was the only daughter of Queen Cleopatra VII and the Roman general, Mark Antony. Kept at the British... 2. Few historic figures have inspired interest, argument, and speculation like Cleopatra VII, one of ancient Egypt's final Pharaohs whose personal struggles were being reported on long before Prince Harry's. Cleopatra Selene was the only daughter of Greek Ptolemaic Queen Cleopatra VII of Egypt and Roman Triumvir Mark Antony. In the autumn of 41 BC Antony summoned Cleopatra to meet him at Tarsus in Asia Minor. Although Cleopatra was a foreign bride, she brought with her a laundry list of royal titles collected throughout her life. The perfumes diffused themselves from the vessel to the shore, which was covered with multitudes, part following the galley up the river on either bank, part running out of the city to see the sight. They filled Caesarea with grandiose buildings inspired by those of Rome and also of Alexandria. While her life was relatively short and her legacy obscured by the smudged lens of history, it's clear that Cleopatra the younger walked powerfully in her mother's footsteps. He reigned until AD 40, when he was executed on the orders of the emperor Caligula, his mother’s great nephew. Cleopatra Selene II (Greek:Ρ Κλεοπάτρα ΣξΝΎνΡ, 25 December 40 BC-6), also known as Cleopatra VIII of Egypt or Cleopatra VIII was a Ptolemaic Princess and was the only daughter to Greek Ptolemaic queen Cleopatra VII of Egypt and Roman triumvir Mark Antony. Cleopatra Selene II (Greek:Ρ Κλεοπάτρα ΣξΝΎνΡ, 25 December 40 BC-6), also known as Cleopatra VIII of Egypt or Cleopatra VIII was a Ptolemaic Princess and was the only daughter to Greek Ptolemaic queen Cleopatra VII of Egypt and Roman triumvir Mark Antony. 1556332. After a decade of hostility, diplomatic relations between the two finally faltered, making military action inevitable. The life of Cleopatra is not so much the subject of the book as what will happen after, yet we witness the tragedy of the legend through the eyes of her daughter. Augustus later in her life arranged her marriage to King Juba II of Numidia. Ironically, unlike her mother and the contemporary female rulers Cartimandua of the Brigantes, Boudicca of the Iceni and Zenobia of Palmyra, who have been remembered for the domestic strife, civil wars and rebellions of their regimes, the reason little is known of Cleopatra Selene is because she was successful. Media in category "Cleopatra Selene II" The following 9 files are in this category, out of 9 total. In the aftermath of the battle the victors, Antony and Julius Caesar’s great nephew and heir Gaius Octavius, had divided the Roman world between them; Antony received the East, Octavian the West. Antony’s Parthian campaign proved to be a humiliating failure, although that did not prevent him from returning to Alexandria as a conquering hero in 34 BC. She had succeeded in reconstituting the Ptolemaic Empire as it had been during the reigns of Ptolemy I Soter (r. 323-283 BC) and Ptolemy II Philadelphos (r. 283-246 BC). Octavian had originally hoped to take Cleopatra alive. Octavian won the battle although his victory was far from decisive and was only achieved with the help of his friend and colleague Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa. Their new kingdom was in serious need of modernisation, so they refounded Iol as Caesarea in honour of their benefactor Augustus. This article originally appeared in the April 2013 issue of. The second names Helios (Sun) and Selene (Moon) not only marked the twins, rather whimsically, as a pair, but also served to associate them (Alexander Helios in particular) with beliefs and prophecies that were circulating around the Roman Empire regarding a forthcoming ‘golden age’. is the daughter of Cleopatra Selene and Juba II. Jane Draycott | Published 22 May 2018 A fragment of a Ptolemaic relief believed to show Queen Cleopatra. While her siblings disappeared from the historic record during this time (code for "they died"), Cleopatra Selene II was raised to be an upstanding citizen of Rome and was eventually married to King Juba II of Mauretania in northern Africa, a new addition to the empire. Ptolemy died without issue and, when Caligula was assassinated the following year, his successor Claudius decided to take advantage of the situation and assume control of the kingdom. Antony declared Cleopatra to be Queen of Kings, Caesarion to be the true son of Caesar and King of Egypt and proceeded to bestow kingdoms of their own upon Cleopatra Selene, Alexander Helios and Ptolemy Philadelphos. She entered the city with her kingdom’s wealth prominently displayed and this tactic could not have been more attractive to Antony, who was not only in need of money to fund his military campaign against Parthia, but had been chronically debt ridden for the majority of his adult life. Cleopatra's actual daughter, Selene, lived between the years 40 - 6 BC. But that was not enough for the likes of her ambitious parents. Drusilla of Mauretania (Drusilla in Greek: Ρ ΔρουσìΝΝΡ) was a princess of Mauretania, the youngest child of queen Cleopatra Selene II and king Juba II and a sister to king Ptolemy of Mauretania. Cleopatra Selene and Alexander Helios were born later that year, some time during the autumn of 40 BC. Fifteen hundred years later his words would inspire one of Shakespeare’s most memorable scenes: [Cleopatra] received several letters, both from Antony and from his friends, to summon her, but she took no account of these orders; and at last, as if in mockery of them, she came sailing up the river Cydnus, in a barge with gilded stern and outspread sails of purple, while oars of silver beat time to the music of flutes and fifes and harps.
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