To help ensure the safety and security of our workforce and shareholders during the COVID-19 … AstraZeneca will likely be able to file for an emergency use authorization in late January 2021, Operation Warp Speed chief adviser Moncef Slaoui told Reuters. Compare this 20-F Annual Report to its predecessor by reading our highlights to see what text and tables were  removed  ,   added    and   changed   by Astrazeneca Plc. Income statements, balance sheets, cash flow statements and key ratios. Investor Grievance Email Id : comp.secy@astrazeneca… Emerging Markets are key to the ongoing pipeline- and sales-driven transformation of AstraZeneca. Any reference in these archives to AstraZeneca products or their uses may not reflect current medical knowledge and should not be used as a source of information on the present product label, efficacy data or safety data. In these therapy areas, Emerging Markets now outperform the rest of the world. Please wait while we load the requested 20-F report or click the link below:, Astrazeneca Plc provided additional information to their SEC Filing as exhibits, © 2012 – 2021 All Rights Reserved. According to its latest annual report, the London-listed AstraZeneca recorded $1.38 billion in equity portfolio sales last year, with a large proportion of it coming from the Moderna sale. Important notice for users AstraZeneca provides this link as a service to website visitors. PDF 11,262KB 01. The U.S. accounted for nearly $1.2 billion of Imfinzi’s more than $2 billion in global sales last year, according to AstraZeneca’s 2020 annual report. Based on Moderna's 2020 closing stock price of $104.47, a stake that size would be … Every change — large or small — can make a difference. — Pascal Soriot, AstraZeneca CEO "I am proud of the fact that, in the face of the pandemic, AstraZeneca … We presented at the United Nations General Assembly on health system resiliency, in support of … The balance sheet is a financial report that shows the assets of a business (i.e. As we look ahead to pursuing our science-led strategy in the years up to 2025, we have identified three priority areas. Visit the 'What science can do' section of our website to read about our exciting work in stories from our people and partners. Given the recently announced agreement to be acquired by AstraZeneca… ... AstraZeneca Annual Report and Form 20-F Information 2006 – English. AstraZeneca cashed in its entire 7.65% take in Moderna for about $1 billion, the British pharma disclosed in its annual report . Veeva ID: Z4-25396Date of next review: August 2022. Click ‘cancel’ to return to AstraZeneca’s site or ‘continue’ to proceed. Block N1, 12th Floor, Manyata Embassy Business Park, Rachenahalli, Outer Ring Road, Bangalore – 560045. AstraZeneca's annual report said the sale was a "large proportion" of its $1.38 billion sales in 2020. RNS Number: 1107 P AstraZeneca PLC 15 February 2021 15 February 2021 11:00 GMT. But more than that, science is who we are. A copy of the Annual Report … Virtual conference, Barclays, Global Healthcare Conference [IR], Virtual bus tour, UBS, Nordic Investor Tour [management]. AstraZeneca’s stake in Moderna stood at 7.65% at the end of 2019, its annual report … It wasn’t clear exactly when in 2020 AZ made the sale. The movie theater operator disclosed in its annual report filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission that as of March 5, 527, or 89.5% of its U.S. theaters, and 78, or 21.9% of its … 9 Mar. Shares in … what it owes to … AstraZeneca is not responsible for the privacy policy of any third party websites. New advice recommends use of AstraZeneca for over 70s Updated / Friday, 12 Mar 2021 08:05 The new recommendation may clear the way for the AstraZeneca vaccine to be used for this … Ten years of annual and quarterly balance sheets for AstraZeneca (AZN). BOSTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Jan. 25, 2021-- Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (Nasdaq: ALXN) today announced that the Company will report its financial results for the fourth quarter and full year ended December 31, 2020 before the US financial markets open on February 4, 2021.. Full-year 2020 results - Roadshows and conferences. Receive an e-mail as soon as a company files an Annual Report, Quarterly Report or has new 8-K corporate news. You have selected a link that will take you to a site maintained by a third party who is solely responsible for its contents. At AstraZeneca, science is at the core of everything we do. This data might not be the latest available, Full-year 2020 results - Roadshows and conferences, Download our Annual Report and Form 20-F Information 2020, Download our Annual Report and Form 20-F Information 2019, Download our Annual Report and Form 20-F Information 2018, Download our Annual Report and Form 20-F Information 2017, Download the AstraZeneca Annual Report and Form 20-F Information 2016, Download the full Annual Report and Form 20-F Information 2015, AstraZeneca PLC Long Term Incentive Plans for Executive Directors 2014, AstraZeneca Annual Report and Form 20-F Information 2012 - English, AstraZeneca Annual Report and Form 20-F Information 2012 – Swedish, AstraZeneca Annual Report and Form 20-F Information 2011 – English, AstraZeneca Annual Report and Form 20-F Information 2011 – Swedish, AstraZeneca Annual Report and Form 20-F Information 2010 – English, AstraZeneca Annual Report and Form 20-F Information 2010– Swedish, AstraZeneca Annual Report and Form 20-F Information 2009 – English, AstraZeneca Annual Report and Form 20-F Information 2009 – Swedish, AstraZeneca Annual Report and Form 20-F Information 2008 – English, AstraZeneca Annual Report and Form 20-F Information 2008 – Swedish, AstraZeneca Annual Report and Form 20-F Information 2007 – English, AstraZeneca Annual Report and Form 20-F Information 2007 – Swedish, AstraZeneca Annual Report and Form 20-F Information 2006 – English, AstraZeneca Annual Report and Form 20-F Information 2006 – Swedish, BioPharmaceuticals (CV, Metabolism), Finance, BioPharmaceuticals (Respiratory & Immunology), Please find relevant shareholder information and shareholder tools on this page, Answers to frequently asked shareholder questions, We apply the principles of good corporate governance in the UK Corporate Governance Code and related guidance. Important notice for users You are about to access AstraZeneca historic archive material. what it owns), the liabilities (i.e. PDF 2,918KB. The Annual Report will be dispatched to shareholders in … Please refer to your approved national product label (SmPC) for current product information. Annual General Meeting. Read positive and negative remarks made by management in their entirety without having to find them in a 10-K/Q. AstraZeneca's stake in Moderna stood at 7.65% at the end of 2019, its annual report for that year showed. Compliance Officer : Pratap Rudra, Company Secretary & Legal Counsel. We want to ensure that we broaden access to healthcare, minimise our environmental footprint, and ensure ethics and transparency underpin everything we do. PDF 1,740KB AstraZeneca Annual Report … Astrazeneca Plc (AZN) SEC Filing 20-F Annual report for the fiscal year ending Thursday, December 31, 2020 New York, New York--(Newsfile Corp. - March 10, 2021) - The following statement is being issued by Levi & Korsinsky, LLP:To: All persons or entities who purchased or otherwise acquired … Over the past years, our global sales base has changed from having most of sales coming from what we now call ‘Other’ medicines to our current setup where our business is focused on three main therapy areas: Oncology, New Cardiovascular, Renal & Metabolism, and Respiratory & Immunnology. Our country sites can be located in the AZ Network. Over the past years, our global sales base has changed from having most of sales coming from what we … Create an account, Consolidated Statement Of Comprehensive Income, Consolidated Statement Of Comprehensive Income (Parenthetical), Consolidated Statement Of Financial Position, Consolidated Statement Of Changes In Equity, Consolidated Statement Of Changes In Equity (Parenthetical), Consolidated Statement Of Cash Flows (Parenthetical), Investments In Associates And Joint Ventures, Financial Risk Management Objectives And Policies, Employee Costs And Share Plans For Employees, Earnings Per $0.25 Ordinary Share (Tables), Investments In Associates And Joint Ventures (Tables), Derivative Financial Instruments (Tables), Current Trade And Other Receivables (Tables), Interest-Bearing Loans And Borrowings (Tables), Financial Risk Management Objectives And Policies (Tables), Employee Costs And Share Plans For Employees (Tables), Commitments And Contingent Liabilities (Tables), Group Accounting Policies - Ifrs 9 (Details), Operating Profit - Other Operating Income And Expense (Details), Operating Profit - Restructuring Costs (Details), Operating Profit - Financial Instruments (Details), Operating Profit - Impairment Charges (Details), Finance Income And Expense - Net Finance Expense (Details), Finance Income And Expense - Financial Instruments (Details), Taxation - Comprehensive Income (Details), Taxation - Movements In Deferred Tax Balance (Details), Taxation - Net Deferred Tax Balance (Details), Taxation - Unrecognised Deferred Tax Assets (Details), Earnings Per $0.25 Ordinary Share (Details), Segment Information - Geographical Areas (Details), Segment Information - Intra-Group Pricing (Details), Segment Information - Property, Plant And Equipment (Details), Segment Information - Product Sales (Details), Leases - Prior To Ifrs 16, Future Minimum Payments (Details), Intangible Assets - Reconciliation Of Changes In Intangible Assets (Details), Intangible Assets - Additions Separately Acquired Relating To Deferred Payments (Details), Intangible Assets - Summary Of Amortisation Charges (Details), Intangible Assets - Summary Of Impairment Charges (Details), Intangible Assets - Termination Of R&Amp;D Activities (Details), Intangible Assets - Significant Intangible Assets (Details), Investments In Associates And Joint Ventures - Rollforward (Details), Investments In Associates And Joint Ventures - Narration (Details), Investments In Associates And Joint Ventures - Financial Information (Details), Other Investments - Fair Value Hierarchy (Details), Other Investments - Level 3 Investments (Details), Derivative Financial Instruments - Assets And Liabilities (Details), Derivative Financial Instruments - Interest Rates (Details), Current Trade And Other Receivables (Details), Cash And Cash Equivalents - Non-Cash And Other Movements, Within Operating Activities (Details), Interest-Bearing Loans And Borrowings (Details), Interest-Bearing Loans And Borrowings - Rollforward (Details), Interest-Bearing Loans And Borrowings - Category Of Carrying Values And Fair Values (Details), Interest-Bearing Loans And Borrowings - Interest Rates Used To Discount Future Cash Flows (Details), Trade And Other Payables - Contingent Consideration (Details), Trade And Other Payables - Development And Sales Milestones Payable (Details), Post-Retirement Benefits - Pensions (Details), Post-Retirement Benefits - Post-Retirement Benefits Other Than Pensions (Details), Post-Retirement Benefits - Assumptions (Details), Post-Retirement Benefits - Risks (Details), Post-Retirement Benefits - Scheme Assets And Obligations (Detail), Post-Retirement Benefits - Change In Fair Value Of Scheme Assets (Details), Post-Retirement Benefits - Movement In And Components Of Scheme Obligations (Details), Post-Retirement Benefits - Amounts Charged To Comprehensive Income (Details), Post-Retirement Benefits - Pension Cost (Details), Post-Retirement Benefits - Effect Of Change In Significant Actuarial Assumptions (Details), Dividends To Shareholders - Dividends Paid (Details), Financial Risk Management Objectives And Policies - Hedge Accounting (Details), Financial Risk Management Objectives And Policies - Capital Management (Details), Financial Risk Management Objectives And Policies - Liquidity Risk (Details), Financial Risk Management Objectives And Policies - Market Risk (Details), Financial Risk Management Objectives And Policies - Market Risk On Equity Securities (Details), Financial Risk Management Objectives And Policies - Foreign Currency Risk (Details), Financial Risk Management Objectives And Policies - Credit Risk (Details), Financial Risk Management Objectives And Policies - Other Financial Assets (Details), Employee Costs And Share Plans For Employees, Employee Numbers (Details), Employee Costs And Share Plans For Employees, Employee Costs (Details), Employee Costs And Share Plans For Employees, Bonus Plans (Details), Employee Costs And Share Plans For Employees, Share-Based Payments (Details), Employee Costs And Share Plans For Employees, Astrazeneca Uk All Employee Share Plan (Details), Employee Costs And Share Plans For Employees, Astrazeneca 2014 Performance Share Plan (Details), Employee Costs And Share Plans For Employees, Astrazeneca Investment Plan (Details), Employee Costs And Share Plans For Employees, Astrazeneca Global Restricted Stock Plan (Details), Employee Costs And Share Plans For Employees, Astrazeneca Restricted Share Plan (Details), Employee Costs And Share Plans For Employees, Astrazeneca Extended Incentive Plan (Details), Commitments And Contingent Liabilities (Details), Commitments And Contingent Liabilities, Research And Development (Details), Commitments And Contingent Liabilities, Environmental Costs (Details), Commitments And Contingent Liabilities, Legal Proceedings (Details), Commitments And Contingent Liabilities, Tax (Details), Statutory And Other Information, Audit Fees (Details), Group Subsidiaries And Holdings (Details), Group Subsidiaries And Holdings - Joint Venture (Details), Group Subsidiaries And Holdings - Associates And Equity Investments At Fvoci (Details), Exhibit 2.1: Plan Of Acquisition, Reorganization, Arrangement, Liquidation Or Succession, Exhibit 4.7: Instruments Defining The Rights Of Security Holders, Including Indentures, Exhibit 4.8: Instruments Defining The Rights Of Security Holders, Including Indentures, Exhibit 8.1: Opinion Regarding Tax Matters, Exhibit 12.1: Statement Regarding Calculation Of Ratios, Exhibit 12.2: Statement Regarding Calculation Of Ratios, Exhibit 15.1: Letter Regards Unaudited Interim Financial Information, Exhibit 15.2: Letter Regards Unaudited Interim Financial Information, Exhibit 15.3: Letter Regards Unaudited Interim Financial Information, Exhibit 15.4: Letter Regards Unaudited Interim Financial Information, Financial statements and reports for AstraZeneca plc (AZN) Ordinary US$0.25 including annual reports and financial results for the last 5 years. Two other vaccines produced by Pfizer and … AstraZeneca’s 2020 Annual General Meeting (AGM) took place on 29 April 2020. Ten years of annual and quarterly financial statements and annual report data for AstraZeneca (AZN). ... We are combining AstraZeneca’s disease area expertise and large, diverse datasets with … Corporate & Registered Office. The movie theater operator disclosed in its annual report filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission that as of March 5, 527, or 89.5% of its U.S. theaters, and 78, or 21.9% of its … This website is intended for people seeking information on AstraZeneca's worldwide business. Emerging Markets are key to the ongoing pipeline- and sales-driven transformation of AstraZeneca. Remove data columns and navigations in order to see much more filing content and tables in one view, Read both hidden opportunities and early signs of potential problems without having to find them in a 10-K/Q, Export Annual and Quarterly Reports to Adobe PDF, Microsoft Word and Excel for offline viewing, annotations and analysis, Get one-click access to balance sheets, income, operations and cash flow statements without having to find them in Annual and Quarterly Reports, Our Intrinsic Value calculator estimates what an entire company is worth using up to 10 years of financial ratios to determine if a stock is overvalued or not, Our Financial Stability reports uses up to 10 years of financial ratios to determine the health of a company's EPS, Dividends, Book Value, Return on Equity, Current Ratio and Debt-to-Equity, See how over 70 Growth, Profitability and Financial Ratios perform over 10 Years, or     AstraZeneca said today it expects 2021 revenue to increase by a low teens percentage, with "faster growth" in core earnings to $4.75 to $5 a share. It takes passion, energy and knowledge to enable us to put science at the heart of everything we do. You are about to access AstraZeneca historic archive material. We have an exciting and balanced pipeline underpinned by great science. 15 February 2021 11:00 GMT Annual Financial Report AstraZeneca PLC (the Company) announced today the publication of its Annual Report and Form 20-F Information 2020 (the Annual Report). Sustainability Highlights In 2020, we continued toward our ambition of leading in sustainability. Our pipeline forms a robust portfolio of investigational therapies in varied stages of clinical development. The Annual Report is also available on the Company's website at: 2021 provides an opportunity for us to build a more sustainable future as the world emerges from the pandemic. Denmark has temporarily suspended giving people the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine in order to investigate whether some potentially serious medical conditions are related to the vaccine. Company: AstraZeneca Pharma India Limited . AstraZeneca's stake in Moderna stood at 7.65% at the end of 2019, its annual report for that year showed. Any reference in these archives to AstraZeneca products or their uses may not reflect current medical knowledge … The Taoiseach Micheál Martin has sought a meeting with the CEO of AstraZeneca for next week, to discuss the production and supply of Covid-19 vaccines. Annual Report and Form 20-F Information 2019 Download the full Annual Report. Virtual bus tour, Bank of America, Healthcare Bus Tour 2021 [management] Add to Calendar; Download available. ( ) Based on Moderna’s 2020 closing stock price of $104.47, a stake … London-listed AstraZeneca recorded $1.38 billion in equity portfolio sales last year, with “a large proportion” of it coming from the Moderna sale, according its latest annual report. I have read this warning and will not be using any of the contained product information for clinical purposes. We encourage you to read the privacy policy of every website you visit. AstraZeneca PLC (the Company) announced that, on 5 March 2021, certain Persons Discharging Managerial Responsibilities of the Company (PDMRs) were granted awards of the … Vitol has yet to disclose 2020 results.Shell only revealed the earnings from oil trading in its annual report, and left power, natural gas and liquefied natural gas trading out. Cambridge, England-based AstraZeneca’s vaccine being developed with Oxford University uses a weakened version of a chimpanzee common cold virus to deliver immunity-building proteins to the body. The Health Products Regulatory Authority in Ireland has said it is closely monitoring an Austrian investigation into reports of adverse events following vaccinations from one batch of AstraZeneca …
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