Kazuya is brought to the castle and speaks with Maria Eluka saying that he's from Earth and came to Elukarium to find the truth. When he begins to turn away, Lucy says Kazuya is her "sister." Chiffon states that no one believed in Gango's theory, but he'll prove them wrong that he's correct and wont give up showing that special waves that are sent to humans to when he was beginning to experiment in to develop special and distinguished devices in the lake and meeting Maria who comes from another world which was the beginning of everything. As Kazuya is being tortured by Pulucsigel, Satellizer Alexander rushes to save him but is caught in a pillar of light and to Kazuya's shock with the arrival of the Satellizer of his world who tearfully embraces him. One of the thugs, slightly harasses Kaho before shooting both her thighs. Seeing this, Kazuya states that this is the true identity of a Nova. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Determined to protect everyone and Satellizer, Kazuya unleashes the strongest Freezing by far, causing his eyes to revert like Maria's and awakening his true nature, this commences shared communication with Cassandra allowing him to dive into her memories. Kazuya's enhanced Freezing also allows him to free Pandora subverted by the Nova, most notable examples include Satellizer, Rana and even Cassandra who regressed to an N3 status. The priest asked Kazuya to join him due to his powers, but Kazuya refuses and unleashes his freezing. She begins fussing over the two sharing a room and instigates an argument. He then promises to always belong to Satellizer and the two kiss passionately. Kazuya eventually overcomes his emotional problems and returns to his normal self, thanks in part to Satellizer's assistance. Although the thugs make it clear that they only want Kazuya and Rana, Kaho won't let them harm her friends. Satellizer refuses to give up and she re-engages Cassie only to be pinned to the wall. Cassandra is unfazed; she assumes her combat dress as she regresses into her N3 Nova state. However, it has been noted that both Valkyries and the combat aids of Rounders appear to be immune to Kazuya's powers. Kazuya repeats the gesture he made at that time and stops Satellizer from killing the Godspeed of the East by latching onto her body. In the world of Elukaium, Kazuya meets Maria Eluka Nova who is a Holly Mother, Queen, and a former Goddess of Balance. Taken together, Kazuya's full name can mean "Blue Peace" intimating his ability to bring peace to people such as Satellizer and her painful past, seeking to end conflicts peacefully, his hatred of violence, cruelty, his role as the one who can bring peace to the world, the Transcendent Will, and blue being the color of freezing as his main ability which is used to "freeze" and pacify others. She is also Kazuya's first female friend at Genetics. Kazuya's younger half-sister via Ryuuichi and Cassandra. Unfortunately, Kazuya watched helplessly as the Goddesses heavily wound Satellizer and Rana, but was surprised when the two girls got up and heal their injuries. After some time, Kazuya remarks that he's only ever felt this safe with his sister. With the battle complete, Maria Eluka Nova steadily approaches a wary Kazuya, asking him if he is of their world or not. Afterwards Kazuya and Satellizer go for a walk together. Kazuya meets and teams up with Rounders which are the counterparts to Pandoras in Elukarium during a Round to help them defeat a Nova thus gaining their trust. Kazuya supports Satellizer, using his Freezing to counter's Louis'. She looks just like his grandmother. Though Kazuya cares for Gengo Aoi, he has a very sour relationship with his grandfather, as he believes Gengo is responsible for Kazuha's death. Satellizer prepares to bury her blade into Cassie's chest as she had once done to Miyabi Kannazuki. Kaho changes the subject asks if they want to go and do Karaoke. A glow from her hammer heals Arnett and Satellizer's wounds, restores Charles and Rana's arms, and completely restores Roxanne's body to life. His eyes went wide as he read the text on the page: "Will the visitor be hope or despair? Cassandra surprises them all by embracing Kazuya into her chest. The two then depart the hotel and make their way to the airport. Rana introduces him by his full name, and Kazuya admits that Gengo is his grandfather. Gengo also indulges in some light teasing, noting Satelizers's beauty and casually saying he understands why Kazuya was attracted to her. Kazuya maintains the response after the discussion and Ouka decides to trust her cousin. He is shocked when she fires back that she'd gladly replace Kazuha. Kazuya stops Cassie with a Freezing but she overpowers it and nearly decapitates Satellizer. Kaho explains the significance while Arthur talks about how he ended up drunk and passed during his "First Time". Kazuya excuses himself to use the bathroom and is met by Louis. Recently, after tapping into his potential from extreme stress during the 13th Nova Clash, Kazuya underwent a transformation into his Nova nature in which his eyes momentarily became like his grandmother's, which had vertical slits over each pupil, showing that he has become more inhuman and more like the Nova. Kazuya and the Pandora's trembled at the woman's power, but she assured Kazuya at least that they were family when Cassandra, Teslad, and Lucy arrived. After they leave Kazuya behind, he's surprisingly shock to see Chiffon appear to him. Waking in the dungeons, Kazuya is approached by Ibanyle asking him to why he came to Eluka. Satellizer asked if her necklace was too flashy, though Kazuya said it was fine. He is shocked however, when Louis tells him that Satellizer has six of his sister's Stigmata. She says that Gengo wanted Kazuya to save him from all his grandfather's misery that has been happening for a long time. Kaho and Arthur introduces themselves and can help but ask Kazuya what Rana meant by Tears of Kunlun. She gave him a warm welcome along with the advice to stay away from Satella. Kazuya watches in awe as his aunt assaults the two intruders and heals the injured. There, he tells her of the invitation from his grandfather to come to his house. He looks just like his grandfather. In his infancy, Kazuya would reject his biological mother's attempts to nurse him and would only do so off of Cassandra. Kazuya verbally lashed out to him, saying he was headed back to the academy, much to Gengo's disbelief. The Nova controlling Cassie continues to pollute her mind, and Cassie fires a particle beam, which Ganessa blocks, but most of the left side of her body is blown away. Chiffon says that humans can escape the Transcendental Will by maintaining the struggle and for that reason Gengo created the Pandoras. Unfortunately, Satellizer walks in on the two and becomes furious, storming off before Kazuya can explain himself. It's more likely that, in addition to seeing some pictures of her smiling while growing up, Kazuha told him stories about her, and that is what he is recalling. Upon learning that Maria Lancelot is Kazuya's real grandmother, Kazuya denounced her and suffered a mental breakdown but later came to accept Maria as his grandmother. As Gengo Aoi notes, the Pandora will naturally be called to aid and follow anyone who possesses such a body. Franka Porsche introduces herself and immediately tags Kazuya as Gengo's grandson. Their relationship steadily grows over the ensuing events, with Satellizer accepting Kazuya's alien nature and Freezing, as well aiding him in his moments of despair and rage, thereby showing a great deal of love on her part. He watched as the heavily inebriated Gengo rose to his feet, claiming he was glad to be hated if it made Kazuya feel better. Grandmother of Kazuha and Kazuya. Kazuya Aoi (b. April 3, 2050) is the main protagonist of the Freezing series. Arthur explains to Kazuya the Pandora system to Kazuya, and then tells Kazuya to stay away from Satellizer. The group grabs food afterwards and discuss the unfortunate fact that the E-Pandora failed to live up to expectations. He was also able to take a severe beating from Louis and stay not only conscious, but coherent. This is seen when he Freezes the thugs assaulting Rana Linchen and Kaho Hiiragi and knocks one of them out with one punch, and again when he strikes Ingrid Bernstein across the face to make her truly understand her friends' final words. When Isabella cuts off Satellizer's hands, Kazuya rushes to her aid, but he attracts Isabella's attention. She introduces herself to them. He approaches Satellizer and asks why she called him here, confusing her. With Kazuya and the others looking on in amazement, Arcadia unleashes a new variant of Accel and rapidly overpowers both Windy May and Teslad. The freshman was startled that his grandfather had revealed so much. The partnership breaks down then and Holly fatally stabs Louis, both of them plummeting into the water. When he froze the thugs assaulting Rana and Hiiragi, he walked up and punched the one holding Arthur in the face so hard it knocked him out in one blow. Cassie tries to fie another beam but Satellizer covers the crystal on Cassie's chest and rips it off. Kazuya then witnesses Satellizer change into Pandora Mode as a reaction toward Ganessa's actions, giving Satellizer the victory as Ganessa was largely overpowered. He also showed that he has above average endurance. Kazuya's new power drives the attacking N3 Nova into the ground, but eventually overwhelms him. Enraged, Louis orders Holly to kill Kazuya, but Satellzer protects him again and a duel ensures. Kazuya is the first Japanese Limiter introduced in the series. At Eugene's instruction, Kazuya releases an Omnidirectional Freezing that freezes Satellizer, Rana, and Chiffon. The battle ends with the Numbers intervening, as Chiffon explains to Kazuya that the "Numbers" are an elite group that brought an end to the 8th Nova Clash. Kazuya is overwhelmed by the high-class atmosphere and worries about introductions to Satellizer's sister. Kazuya is seen at the girls dormitory, where he goes to Satellizer's room unannounced. Disgusted, Kazuya denounces Louis and attempts to attack him. He told her not to worry, that despite his status, Gengo Aoi was a normal grandfather, and simply told her to act like her normal self. He demanded to know just what was inside Gengo's head, and was shocked to hear a returning Su-Na reply that he likely had a brain in there. By the time of the battle on Eluka, he has gained even more control over his Freezing being able to match the combined Goddesses' Freezing. Later in the day, Kazuya watches as Satellizer Alexander and a team of fighters engage a captured Nova. Kazuya then steps into his room where Arthur Crypton introduces himself, as his next door neighbors. Kazuya tells her he wants to know on how everything began. Kazuya mentally remarks that it was the best night of his life. The trio attend the welcoming ceremony, and are surprised by the laid back atmosphere. He was asked if he still hated him for what happened to Kazuha. Later, Kazuya, Rana, and Satella overhear some Pandora mocking Platoon 13 due to the scandalous acts of Charles and the special treatment the contingent receives. She bore him a posthumous son called Alexander IV Aegus, after Alexander’s sudden death. Chiffon introduces the new arrival as Roxanne Elipton, the top-ranked senior of America Genetics. Hearing what she needed to hear, Satellizer concludes that Kazuya is the best suited to be her partner since he does not need an Ereinbar Set to use Freezing. The two again begin to argue over their betrothal, with Ouka gaining the upper hand by threatening to reveal embarrassing child stories of Kazuya. The Untouchable Queen seems unmoved by Kazuya's gesture but his words reach Satellizer and she progresses out of Nova Form, allowing Cassie to live as the Nova Clash comes to an end. His eyes went wide in shock, as the woman on the far left looked remarkably like Chiffon Fairchild, all the way down to the ribbon in her hair. Satellizer doubts his claim and Ouka agrees, surprising the both of them with her appearance. Exasperated, Kazuya forces Rana and Satellizer to bunk together, taking the single room for himself. Kazuya is horrified that the Goddesses can use power similar to Novas and tries to use his powers on them, but his Freezing is easily neutralized. Overall, Kazuya loves Satellizer more than anything else being everything for him. She becomes agitated when other girls attempt to get near him. The second round is 10 plates of takoyaki, and 3 teams drop out. Two of the thugs bring out their guns. Kazuya tries to placate and points out that she too cares about her friends. Rana and Satellizer attack, but an Illusion Turn from the Nova forces them to realize that they are no match for the otherworldly creature.Â. She is the one who greeted him when he first arrived at West Genetics, and was surprised by her kindness and independence. He has also shown a strong sense of justice, being horrified with the way Ibanyle uses his freezing and horror over the state of Eluka. Kazuya Aoi expresses his feelings to Satellizer L. Bridget in "A New Door". The only one remaining was that of the frighteningly familiar woman in the previous page. She refuses to argue with Kazuya and goes on to tell him that he is a precious existence to them, especially Cassandra. Kazuya explains that in the city, a Red Light means no crossing. Kazuya is then rescued by Maria Eluka along with Satellizer Alexander and states that they'll bring Ibanyle down for what he's done for Eluka. Arcadia seems to be fond of Kazuya, calling him her big brother. Afterwards, Kazuya approaches two strangers discussing Gengo's fierce opposition to the project and asks them if the rumors are true. Disturbed by his friend's state, Kazuya uses his Freezing field to release Rana. When the girls activate their Transcendental Form, Kazuya tells them not to use that power because they would have to take the life of someone which is not acceptable and the Legendary Pandora can use that power with no problems. Elize shows Kazuya's analysis aata which reveals why he can use Freezing without an Ereinbar Set. Kazuya was surprised to have seen the Platoon 13 leader there, and was at a loss to explain her presence. New York Licensed Funeral Directors with Active Registrations. Kazuya recognizes the woman from a picture he found at his grandfather's house, and realizes she is a part of Gengo's research. One tries to shoot Kaho but she easily blocks the bullet with her Volt Weapon. Kazuya goes to the meeting with his friends, finding all of Platoon 13 present, sans the Su-Na Lee. With a shout from Charles, Roxanne regains consciousness, but she resorts to suicide to no longer harm her fellow Pandora. Funeral directors must register their license with the New York State Department of Health on a biennial basis to work lawfully as a funeral director in New York State. The elder Aoi asked why he was so worried, since he hated him so much, which exasperated Kazuya. Just as Satellizer has a dependence on him, Kazuya has shown a dependence on her. He was amazed his grandfather actually had one in his possession. He was able to take Satella's Nova-fied strike straight through the chest, and stay conscious long enough to pull her out of her delusion. Later, Kazuya lived with Kazuha who became a Pandora and the two lived a short distance away from West Genetics, unassisted by their grandfather. In the Freezing field, Kazuya sees his grandfather walking away with the latter running behind him but is stopped by a voice calling out to him. In addition, a Pandora's emotions and mental state are affected while under Kazuya's Freezing field. She will also meet a fated individual and with that person, her Tears of Kunlun will demonstrate its true power. However, unlike his aunts, Kazuya is able maintain control of himself while in his Nova state and is also able to maintain his personality. This only makes Kazuya more angry at Yu-Mi. He finds Satellizer keeping watch over him since the night before. Kazuya then destroys Leo's freezing after seeing that Ingrid about to kill Satellizer. Kazuya Aoi(b. April 3, 2050) is the main protagonist of the Freezing series. At first, Kazuya believed Erika Kudo to be his true grandmother, but later on found out from Gengo that in reality, Erika never was his biological grandmother. The young man is found by a native who protects him from a hostile Nova. The four women, however, prove too powerful for the Pandora's attacks and Andre and Morrison's Freezing. Rana is determinedly pursuing Kazuya, although she seems to have accepted that Satellizer is "first" in Kazuya's heart. After hearing Kazuya's explanation, Ibanyle is amused by this believing that Earth has become a sacrifice for Eluka to survive. The first round is five bowls of ramen. Under his direction, the Transcendent Pandora steadily destroy their enemies until the field is clear and Kazuya releases his Freezing field. Alone, Kazuya grumbled about how his grandfather was always causing trouble for others. The argument is interrupted by the arrival of Yu-Mi Kim and the other teachers, who signal the arrival of the rest of the newly formed Platoon 13. Later, after he'd returned to the house, Gengo brought him to the study and ordered him to drink, granting him his permission as his legal guardian. Kazuya sprints and grabs Satellizer's wrist in an attempt to save her, Kazuya then unleashes a powerful Freezing field to help but it also starts to have some reaction to the N3 Cassandra. After he unleashes his Freezing, Kazuya's eyes flicker like Maria's and the Nova's hold over Cassandra is severed, reverting her to normal and releasing Satellizer, he watches as Satellizer uses her power to escape the N3's grasp by flying into the air, Kazuya then uses his Freezing in an attempt to stop the N3's, shocking everyone with his Freezing's incredible power.
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